World’s Easiest Homemade Bread – Crusty Artisan style!!

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This crusty easy bread recipe is phenomenal. It has got to be the simplest yeast bread recipe in the world, yet it delivers …

44 replies
  1. The Dazzling Ape
    The Dazzling Ape says:

    I just made "bread" completely blind. flour water yeast, 1egg, let it rise, kneed it tightly, bake, FAIL
    oh-boy did I ever mess up the easiest thing in the world ey? my bread was not quite cooked through and very dense and chewy…after seeing this I feel like I cheated myself.

  2. Bald & Bearded
    Bald & Bearded says:

    Recipe with ingredients is listed in the description. I don't like not having them on the video.. but this recipe is sooo easy it's worth the extra step of reading the recipe from the website. 👌👌👌

  3. gigi
    gigi says:

    was really hesitant as i don't have a dutch oven, but listened to the comments and used a cake tin instead! just took it out of the oven, i'm really excited to taste it. it looks great! thanks

  4. Maria Northover
    Maria Northover says:

    I just made this and I am absolutely thrilled with the outcome. It looks exactly like the above and tastes amazing. Instead of butter I've poured EV olive oil and salt and pepper. Sooooo yummy.

  5. Nadia Cinque
    Nadia Cinque says:

    Thank you! I made it today It was identical to your and super delicious! I already had half of it, I had to stop myself from eating it all because my husband likes it too so I have to leave some for him.

  6. Jae bi
    Jae bi says:

    Your video does not include proportions? It shows you pouring flour into a bowl but does not state how much? what happens if I only use 2 cups of flour? Or 4? What kind of video is this that it doesn't even bother to tell you how much? Someone else has provided this information in the comment section for you, but if I go by this video alone, it's useless.

  7. Todd Clean
    Todd Clean says:

    No quantities of ingredients – even in the written recipe. No temperatures. What kind of cook are you to leave out all the information? Thumbs down. And please remove this video I moved on to another recipe.


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