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Whos up for a fancy and beautiful dessert you can make using simple ingredients and its very easy to make? Hope you like it! Cheers CJ …

48 replies
  1. Rain
    Rain says:

    Which coconut yogurt do you recommend? I have not seen any. I see you made a mistake didn’t mean to say yogurt BUT now l want to use coconut yogurt nonetheless.

  2. RT HJ
    RT HJ says:

    The "egging" of the side can be done in many ways. We chefs usually buy the old type silver spoons for this specific task.

    Since the egging is done with a creamy substance. I would suggest the old wet-single-spoon trick. Basically make the spoon somewhat warm from water. Push down into the cream, and twist the spoon around a static axel. That way you get those "professional" looking egg shapes. It can be tricky at first. But eventually you learn the movement. In fact, the most important parts for success is having the right warm spoon, and the right cold and creamy substance you are "egging".

  3. Chef Jana
    Chef Jana says:

    Guys I've made a mistake and said I've used the coconut yogurt when in fact I've used vegan cream cheese, I have made and tested with both and decided for the cream cheese but still, said yogurt instead. My bad! 😉

  4. DG Tudo
    DG Tudo says:

    Perfeição! Prato digno de Chef!
    Parabéns. . . De encantar os olhos…. E o paladar, nem se fala!
    Tudo de Bom! Ótimo Final de Semana! Beijos.

  5. Curtis Price
    Curtis Price says:

    Hi, I’ve had a look through your channel and I love what I’m seeing! You have great potential. It would be amazing if we could support each other for every video 😀 this isn't spamming! I am true to my word! I will help you grow 😀 Check my recent video and comment and let me know if your interested then ill subscribe and turn on notifications 😊 and be active as long as you are! See you there


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