Winter Panrty Tour & Stoarge // A really long video!!

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Winter Pantry Tour & Storage // A really long video! My Merch Store My Thrive Life website …

27 replies
  1. Dannie McDonald
    Dannie McDonald says:

    I have a question about the Pur jars. I tried to vacuum seal some cereal in one and the Food Saver adapter did not fit. The jar opening is slightly smaller than the other brands, even though I have not had any problems mixing lids and jars for pressure canning. Have you or anyone else had any problems? I even tried using a Ball lid and no luck.

  2. Debra Wade
    Debra Wade says:

    I live in a small ranch house also. Moved my pantry into a portable shed, insulated it, put up wood paneling that we got for next to nothing, put up wire shelving, and installed A/C because it gets hot here in FL also. TY for sharing😊

  3. Kathy B
    Kathy B says:

    WoW!!!! Love your outside pantry. Great idea to use a shipping container for it.
    For apple butter I use my steam juicer. Steam juice the apples, then I put them through a food mill to get the cores/seeds/skins out, then I add the sugar and seasoning. Sometimes I have to add back some juice as the apple puree is too thick. Works great and so much faster, that is if you have a steam juicer.

  4. Tammy R
    Tammy R says:

    Seeing your pantry storage is not boring at all! This actually helped me and gave me some ideas for my apartment! I could so set up a coffee/tea station in a corner of the living room, which is right next to the kitchen! Also, I like to keep everything behind closed doors, and right now, it’s all open shelving! I’m getting ready to do some canning and need storage, so now I need to go thrifting to find me some pantry cupboards! Yours are all so cute and the outdoor one and the others are all organized like I like to organize things!

  5. Henry Cooks
    Henry Cooks says:

    You were giving me a heart attack handling that jar with the crack, if it has botulism it should never be handled bare handed, maybe a video on how to handle and dispose of foods that are suspected of botulism, that is a nasty dangerous, often deadly illness and it does not take much, like you said just a wif, but it also leaked all around that jar, proper handling and disposal protects you and the landfill it ends up in. Proper cleaning of anything that jar came in contact with should be cleaned with a high bleach to water ratio also. I only say this out of kindness because in your video one is left to believe you were just going to toss it in the trash, which is not what should be done.

  6. Judy Domke
    Judy Domke says:

    Love the tour! I am now inspired to go some massive rearranging of my pantry shelves. I may have giggled put loud when you said you have so much crap because I do too.

  7. Paulette jorgensen
    Paulette jorgensen says:

    I just bought a new set of jars. I inspected the jars, and one of them had a flaw crack …you could feel it and when rubbed your nail over it. I’m sure it would not hold up to pressure canning.. so keep an eye on new Jars as well


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