Wild Rice Soup (Instant Pot)

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Ingredient: 1 cup uncooked wild rice 3 cups water 1 t. salt 1lb chopped chicken thighs or breast 1 tsp salt 1/2 tsp black pepper 1 tsp garlic powder 1 tsp onion …

26 replies
  1. Bamajama1969
    Bamajama1969 says:

    Perfect for a "feeling a little under the weather" kind of day. This is yummy. I'm watching my sugar, so we left out the potatoes, added mushrooms and a few green peas, along with the carrots, onions & celery. Turned out fabulous! A nice, hearty filling soup. Many thanks for sharing this recipe!

  2. Gillian Belanger
    Gillian Belanger says:

    I've been eyeing this recipe for a couple of weeks and finally got around to trying it today (we have been on vacation). My family loved it! I added some homemade croutons to sprinkle on the top of each bowl before serving…everything was a huge hit! Thank you so much for sharing! 💕

  3. tvmom
    tvmom says:

    I finally made this. So good. I had your soup base and bone broth in the freezer and threw in some mushrooms that I needed to use. Definitely gonna be a go-to!!


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