Why You Need To Start Keto and Fasting NOW! – Dr. Ken Berry and Dr. Mindy Pelz

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Join the Reset Academy https://resetacademy.drmindypelz.com —————————————- Blood Sugar and Your Immune System – Dr. Ken Berry and Dr.

38 replies
  1. C Lee
    C Lee says:

    Two of my favorite keto/IF gurus together!!! Thanks to both of you for helping me down this path to health… in hind sight I feel fortunate I got into this change 8 months ago and still going strong….

  2. Mary Zeller
    Mary Zeller says:

    Exactly how it worked for me was doing more vegan diet and was so fatigued. A friend was going to do a keto plan and her husband wasn't on board, so I told her for support I would try the plan for a month with her (fyi was totally not believing in keto at that time). Made me a believer as well I have more energy! Just have some sensitivities to some keto foods so trying to work that out.

  3. Carmen Wong Fisch
    Carmen Wong Fisch says:

    So true about Asians, a lot of my relatives in China are either pre diabetic or diabetic. Two of my uncles are SKINNY, but both diabetic. I was vegan for two years, my skin broke out because of all the carbs. When I was a teen, I needed to lose weight and I read the book Fit for life. I lose weight because I was basically starving myself but my skin was terrible..pizza face. I started keto for last two years, no more acne, I don’t even get it at the time of the month.

  4. Arnold Lausch
    Arnold Lausch says:

    Excellent talk! We have been following Dr. Berry for quite a while and just subscribed to this channel too. We’ve been Keto for about 9 months thanks to our naturopath. Our regular fasting is 16-18 hours which has just became our normal life now…no hardship at all. And 2-3 times a week we will do OMAD. We are so thankful that health providers such as yourselves have went against the system to educate us on proper diet for optimal health. ❤️

  5. Hannah Dreyfuss
    Hannah Dreyfuss says:

    @Dr.MindyPelz when you and ken talk about keeping blood sugar low, what are some #s throughout the day to stay under? I eat very low carb less than 30 grams, exercise, moderate protein etc.
    Waking glucose can be 65-72
    Fasting over 16-20 hours usually gets into 50-60 blood glucose
    But even so when I eat, glucose will go to 95-125** is that too high for immunity optimizing you’re talking about specific to this video?


  6. del cullen
    del cullen says:

    Yes, totally.
    This hasn't come from no Where…and we knew it was coming so , masks and gloves etc should have been encouraged December 2019.
    Thank you 4 info xx xx

  7. walter douglas
    walter douglas says:

    Please Watch X22 Spotlight report from yesterday. The DR he presents has 4 PHD's from MIT. He adds directly with these two WONDERFUL people.
    DR Pelz talks about why, sort of. Want to know Big Pharma, Our Dr's are not ready in general.. Look up DR SHIVA. . Please. this conversation w Dr. Shiva is the CEMENT to this CONVERSATION ABOVE. BLESSINGS to all

  8. Nina
    Nina says:

    I am not a doctor but when you get admitted to the hospital isn’t the first thing they do is hook you up to a glucose drip? If yes then isn’t that super bad???

  9. Stephen Craig
    Stephen Craig says:

    I agree with the fasting aspect and normally fast 23 hours a day however I had a negative experience doing the ketogenic diet.
    I developed kidney stone, Gall stones and had a distinct hardening of the arteries. My specialist told me that I needed to change my diet from a high fat diet or I would have a heart attack. I changed to a plant based vegan diet 2 and a half years ago and reversed my heart disease sadly I lost my Gall bladder because it was beyond repair.
    I will look at the evidence again but I can’t go back to eating meat but will consider plant based ketogenic if the numbers add up

  10. Kate Evans
    Kate Evans says:

    Was really enjoying this until he mentioned the importance of eating fatty meat. Have been a vegetarian for years and bordering vegan. I believe I have never been so healthy and you can eat protein and fat in so many other ways.

  11. ExaltedSirian
    ExaltedSirian says:

    He lost me at the eating mostly fatty meat part. What about us keto vegans? Meat protein is not good for one's health according to many experts. He needs to look up Dr. Sebi and Dr. Laila Africa…you can be vegan without being high carb..he's not making sense. He is spreading dangerous misinformation. You can be vegan and high fat still…

    Also this study debunks his theory. Plant based keto = longevity while meat based keto = higher mortality


  12. Oommen George
    Oommen George says:

    Dear Dr Mindy, Thank you for bringing the latest knowledge to help us improve our innate immune system. One question that’s worrying me is: When you for in fat burning with IF mode & have controlled type 2 diabetes without any diabetic medication and require hospitalisation and intravenous fed energy, do our hospitals have the facilities to give you ketones instead of glucose intravenously?
    Regards, George

  13. Holly M
    Holly M says:

    You 2 are Rock Stars and I hope people listen!! I have been keto for 1.5 years…I never thought I could lose weight over 40 but at 45 I lost 35 lbs and I will never go back to SAD!! SAD just makes people SAD!!

  14. R Weaver
    R Weaver says:

    Dr. Mindy , Dr Berry
    Totally agree, I have an issue it seems if I stay Keto or fast for a few days it seems, at least based on HRV my stress levels go up, and don't modulate. I've worked on electrolytes and everything I can. Been keto for a year, and almost at my ideal weight.

    It seems the only thing that fixes it is to make sure I get some kind of carbs. Some fruit or heathy as possible carbs.
    If I eat as doctor berry describes for a few (3-4) days my heart will be racing day and night, increasing my bp etc

    Any suggestions


    I do IF most days at least 18 hours

  15. JezaGaia
    JezaGaia says:

    What would be considered a blood sugar spike ? My dad has mild type 2 diabetes he's mostly around 100-140 mg/dL thorough the day, would that be considered too high ?

    Also an issue with the low blood sugar levels is that as soon as you get sick your body makes glucose like crazy, I'm on keto/carnivore, usually I'm around 75/85 mg/dL but lately I've been sick, don't know if it's corona can't get tested and my symptoms are weird but anyway since I've been sick my levels are more around 95/105 and that's with a 14/16 hours fasting window and only 2 meals with no carbs.

  16. Geoffo O
    Geoffo O says:

    I am watching from Bangkok. I can tell you 100% here wear masks, use sanitiser, many wear gloves and there is a lockdown. Result to date, 10 deaths out of 70 million.

  17. Tania Smalzer
    Tania Smalzer says:

    Dr.Berry needs to meet Dr. Bush and discuss their diet approaches. They have oposite diet styles. Keto is amazing, but not for all people. Some are feeling good on vegan. Some just can not afford/ find organic pastured meat ( In Eastern Europe they do not have organic food regulations ).


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