Why We Follow the Carnivore Diet | Mr. & Mrs Carnivore (Episode 2)

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Delilah and Barry aka Mr & Mrs Carnivore, talk about how and why they stay carnivore, this week on the Married, Black and …

27 replies
  1. Terri Carver
    Terri Carver says:

    I’m obsessed! Thank you both for being great carnivore role models. I listen to you all when my fiancé is in the room (figured him hearing another black male talking about this woe will help). I’ve been carnivore for about 7 months. He’s seeing some of the benefits from me doing this but has not committed to this woe yet. I really would love for him to because he’s on several high blood pressure meds and I know this would help him. Again thank you for sharing all the benefits a couple can reap from this woe. Looking forward to seeing future videos. 🥰🥰❤️❤️

  2. Ryan Gies
    Ryan Gies says:

    I was recently diagnosed Type 2 and now on a carnivore diet for a solid month and it’s been incredible. I’m trying to increase my Omega 3s eating Pasture Raised Eggs, Grass fed Butter and Cod Liver Oil. It’s changed my life. I suffer from depression and it has brought me out of brain fog. My vision is improved. My eczema is nearly 60% healed and getting better by the day. Love hearing your story!

  3. RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=)
    RV thereyet?(Dan & Sammy asking=) says:

    Sounds about the same as the differences between my husband & I, but mostly we eat the same. I'm the primary cook, so let's just say he's happy to enjoy whatever it is I'm cooking. Hmm..that's interesting, I don't do well w/deli meat or Costco chickens~ which Danny loves & has no issues with. Maybe it has to due with gut biome or hormone differences- not sure on that. I also seem to need a bit more salt too, & I'm learning to love eggs now, especially since we're buying the better ones, & he's cooking them- it makes a big difference for me.
    We've had great success w/bacon mayo, same w/using chicken fat, as well as butter. I love all three of them even more than the olive oil or avocado versions.
    What I've found the most interesting- & encouraging!- is that the longer we eat this way, the less anything outside of it even sounds good. I never thought that was a real thing, or maybe I should say could be a real thing for me, yet it most certainly is~ praising God for THAT extra blessing!
    Could not agree more that the benefits we have experienced outweigh any perceived 'deprivation'~ & actually, we are nowhere near deprived! We eat better cuts of meat, are less focused on meals/prep/clean up, & have lowered our overall grocery bill- which I also am surprised by.

  4. Jeanne DiGennaro
    Jeanne DiGennaro says:

    Yes, I’m an abstainer, too. The positive result is that I have lost all cravings for sweets, and if I occasionally taste a dessert, the pleasure isn’t there. I much prefer savory tastes now. Bring on the delicious meats!!

  5. Bar B
    Bar B says:

    Had to laugh when she opened the fridge. Mine is almost that empty too. We need the pull out freezer to be larger and the refrigerator portion smaller.

  6. Dust Storm
    Dust Storm says:

    New sub.
    Glad to see the black community come on board the carnivore journey. The community is suffering so badly and unnessasarily. You're a light and beacon.

  7. Danyell Rollf
    Danyell Rollf says:

    Started eating chicken 🍗 again and just got some beef stew meat 🍖. Local meat only. I'm protein deficient from restricted diet. Can't be vegan or vegetarian anymore.

  8. Alan Nahri
    Alan Nahri says:

    Hi every one, i tried vegetarian then vegan for 8 months. I gained 30 lbs with major knee pain and going to bathroom all the time and being gassy. I started with keto then met Dr Shawn Baker doing Carnivore lost 80 lbs and knee pain gone and i eat once/ twice a day max. Became active. I hope i can get back to my soccer days one day before too old i am male 62 yrs old. I hardly crave carb food now. I tested my blood and did a C score everything is great the only thing up is cholesterol which my Dr push me to take medication and i nicely told him i rather die. Oh funny thing is his Cscore is 150 and mine is 14. I hope this story encourage some. Carb is human enemy.

  9. Patricia Hood
    Patricia Hood says:

    Love this!! Definitely agree with Mrs. D on being an abstainer, and also about joint aches when I eat too much dairy. Might be eggs and hamburger for dinner tonight. Looks yummy!


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