Why These 'Healthy' KETO Foods RUIN your Health & can cause KIDNEY STONES | Oxalates | 5 Minute Body

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Why These ‘Healthy’ KETO Foods RUIN your health & can cause KIDNEY STONES | Oxalates | 5 Minute Body In this interview …

19 replies
  1. Ryan Wilmot
    Ryan Wilmot says:

    Thank you so much for raising awareness about the dangers of oxalates. Like the other commenter, I also almost killed myself eating what I thought was a superfood based diet. For several years I drank a large green smoothie each day, ate lots of nuts, large salads, etc. In my case, my bladder wall got so thick as a result from this diet that I had to urinate about every 20 minutes, and with great pain each time. What's worse is that my doctors had no idea what was gong on. I went to 10 doctor's who performed all kinds of tests including a CT scan to check for cancer, with no sign of any problems. Six months ago I ran across this information on YouTube and with nothing to lose, I converted to a mostly carnivore diet. At first my symptoms got worse, which apparently is very common as the body starts to dump oxalates. Then after a few weeks my severe symptoms started to get better. I'm now about 70% back to normal with some minor issues remaining. Apparently it can take up to two years to fully recover from oxalate poisoning. So I'm now concentrating on eating very high quality, organic meats , fish, eggs, and I'm now back to eating vegetables that are low in oxalates.

  2. Leslie Parsons
    Leslie Parsons says:

    A recent study was done to determine if humans NEED plant foods. No study has ever been done to compare the two dietary styles….until this one. I don't have a link, but I heard about it from Dr. Shawn Baker. The result is what many have discovered: Humans have zero need for plants in their diet. Humans are probably the only animals on the planet who have no idea what their species correct diet truely is.

  3. peter alot
    peter alot says:

    The guys talking stupid,
    who honestly eats Rhubarb leaves.
    No one,
    Because people with brains and a handful of common sense
    know there poisonous.
    unlike Elliot Overton the millenial no sense that he was born with.
    would want you to consume cocain just like he does
    its in the eyes. daft junkie

  4. Jason Rzoska
    Jason Rzoska says:

    I'm 50 and did Keto about 3 years ago, overloaded on oxalates as you describe above. I ate Keto for about 12 months, by the end of that period, ended up in hospital 3 times with heart arrhythmia's AF and VF. These episodes would last up to an hour, almost died once. Feared to drive as might pass out… for about 6 – 8 months this went on. Took about 12 to 18 months to finally get rid off (including heavy oxalate dumping). Discovered myself that oxalates were a problem. The heart specialist had no idea why I was getting these issues. No one asked about diet, my cardiovascular system was healthy, so no one could figure it out. I thought it was electrical…. turns out Oxalates bind with calcium (an electrolyte) and there's the start of your problems including kidney stones etc. From the 1850s through the early 1900s, oxalate poisoning was well-recognized. Back then, it was referred to as Oxalic Acid Diathesis. The other two contributing factors are Artificial Sugars and Glyphosate. Artificial sugars such as Sucralose destroy your healthy gut bacteria, which leads to numerous issues. Glyphosate present in foods, sprayed at home, sprayed on crops to dry them out before harvest, is known to affect gut health, Sulphation and may produce endogenous Oxalates, plus who knows what else. MY advice is don't do any type of extreme diet, however Healthy Variety is key with a leaning toward Carnivore. I avoid high oxalate foods, a little of medium ones. I now eat Eggs, meat, Sauerkraut, fruit, a little vege/bread/dairy and try to avoid as much processed food as possible.

  5. sean veach
    sean veach says:

    Don't think there is an issue with plants as medicine, just many carnivores don't see them as food for the most part. We certainly ate whatever we found edible to survive throughout our history.

  6. The Land Savior
    The Land Savior says:

    Been juicing for four years and finally hey, i got chronic gout with mid foot arthritis. I wish my carnivore diet could cure it, else i suffer the pain for my whole life. 😔

  7. Tammar
    Tammar says:

    Extremely interesting talk! Thank you both 💜 question: when eating a non-grass fed beef (a cow that was fed grains etc) – would we still absorb the plant food ‘poisons’ that the cow ate?

  8. Melissa Hauptmeier
    Melissa Hauptmeier says:

    Very interesting video! Can’t help but wonder if some oxalate dumping has been going on some for my hubby and me. I was diagnosed 5 yrs ago with SIBO but assuming it I no longer have it after doing keto for 4 years and now leaning closer to
    Carnivore. Gas and bloating are much better but still don’t have the improved mental clarity ( instead brain fog) and increased energy many speak of. I so badly want to get to a place where I can feel confident about what I’m eating and not always questioning…
    Curious what your thoughts are on fermented foods like sauerkraut and high quality essential oils like Young Living since they come from plants? I was a little confused about your answer to her last question about Carnivore long term. It sounded like earlier you said one gets most of their nutrients from animals, and one doesn’t need to eat plants(although ok for some to eat but not that beneficial). But then it sounded like you thought carnivore should be used more as a reset or tool but not long term? Thanks again for the great info!😃

  9. Nitro Needy
    Nitro Needy says:

    Ketos veggies literally made me so constipated, I ended up with double hernia, surgery and painful 6-week recovery. Specifically, 6-10 cups a day of salad – Lettice, tomato, cucumber, onion, olive oil, a little red wine vinegar and a few spices. After surgery, I fasted mostly because I was afraid to go and reinjure myself. Slowly, I began eating meat. But suspected the veggies had made me sick. Sure enough, you know the story. Why I'm mostly carnivore for last couple of years. No major issues.

  10. James Bond
    James Bond says:

    Wow! 👍🏆That was an eye opener excellent informative video! Knew sorta about oxalates, but not in way described here. That may help explain a sudden aversion I took to spinach (which ate in large weekly quantity as a norm (for health/nutrition) till about 2 or so years ago and haven't wanted fresh (or any) spinach since. Tried to reintroduce and physically seemed like a food you knew you no longer wanted, I mean really didn't want, not just a taste thing, not at all -or ate since past 18 or so months. And as well not purposely but other foods I consumed high in oxalates were not favored along same period and not reintroduced to diet. And this all seemed took place along time health took a severe tumble (aches pains inflammation in joints) And strangely I actually liked it, and greens in general most all my adult life. …Maybe not the cause too for the aversion, but makes me stick a pin 📌in that to come back too, for further information . To hear/read more on subject. Thank you so much, that was very informative (helpful-valued) puts maybe a face to something that has baffled me, as I did like fresh spinach! And ate it often. And haven't bought any in at least 18 months as I can now recall, but for because of this strange aversion I suddenly had. 🏆👍

    P.S [I]am Carnivore as of today 90 days, and as to greens, are no longer an issue. Life is 180° better. 70 years old, went from near bed bound, due to RA mobility pains and aches primarily in joints so spent nearly 20-22 hours of most days last 18-24 months but for a few in bed. To now, totally too much to be believed in 90days, but 100% true. More active that even I can't hardly believe the rebirth of my body, even bought a mountain bike around day 70 still getting my agility and near atrophied muscle to come back on line to riding it more…use to love outdoors and biking and jogging city and in mountains till health just kept taking each away little by little last decade or two. Do yard work now that was a big deal wanted to but couldn't last 12 months, and as well got ideas for living life today…that was not in the scope of my reality 3 months ago. On the square said and meant. Dr Berry, Chaffee, Baker Mason's videos and guests on their channels such as yourself Rina, with you guest Elliot Overton on oxalates, and only because I caught a video interview of you Rina recently that was posted by Dr. Chaffee's channel is what led me for over a 90 day journey to this amazing past 90 days of extreme rebound in my health and mental acuity turning clocks back at least 15 years for me, since beginning with Dr. Berry's 90 Day Keto-Carnivore challenge …and those not knowing me may find hard to believe my come back…as did my own family doctor of 20 years, but the evidence was me "live". He was astonished! Lost some weight of course, but more than that I was like a live wire of renewed energy and positive uplifting attitude. Love the entire genre of Carnivore related videos. Each one has a nugget in it I mine these days for better healthy well-being and to pass it forward by sharing what I found. I am but a lay person not credentialed but a sure testimonial, it works and not quackery. Love passing on the kudos comments if for no other reason than to show what you all do really does matter! One improved life at a time…90 days ago I was circling the drain waiting for my end to come…NOT TODAY! 🙃🤗 who knew! Or could have guessed?🏆👍

  11. Cor
    Cor says:

    Very informative. I include sometimes some herbs in my keto diet for detox but I’ll never take green smoothies again. Most animals search some special herbs automatically when they are sick.


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