Why Sandwiches Dipped in Beef Juice are a Culinary Delight

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The French Dip and the Italian beef are two beautiful sloppy monstrosities of a sandwich. Today, I wanted to put them side by side …

22 replies
  1. Jaskim
    Jaskim says:

    My family when making Italian roast beef shred it like bbq pork, instead of slicing. Also any leftovers are used instead of ground beef in Italian pasta dishes.

  2. Nyc Native
    Nyc Native says:

    Best dip I had is not quite like the French or Italian but the Mexican consome from queens nyc which is usually paired with birria tacos but broth is rich and can go with anything !!

  3. crimfan
    crimfan says:

    I haven't made one recently, but did a reasonable Italian beef with a baguette and thinly sliced Boar's Head roast beef. The baguette was a bit too tough, though. In Chicago, you often see Italian beef with provolone cheese, too.

  4. DovidM
    DovidM says:

    They say that it is hard to get a good Italian beef sandwich more than 9 miles outside Chicago’s city limits. Apparently, restaurants in downstate Illinois take a lot of shortcuts with the stock. The sandwich ends up being only a faint echo of the real thing.


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