Why Lizzo’s FAT & I’m NOT | A Detailed Breakdown

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Why Lizzo’s fat and I’m not, whenever a skim the comment section weather it’s one of my videos or a random video many people …

44 replies
  1. Dragon Fly
    Dragon Fly says:

    The point of being vegan isn‘t eating healthy. It‘s the fact that animals aren‘t hurt.. You can totaly eat unhealthy when you are a vegan.. I‘m vegan and there is a lot of unhealthy stuff 🫡

  2. Natinat
    Natinat says:

    Havent watched your channel for 2 years. Your voice sounds significantly lower (in a good way) and you have toned everything down (the cosplay, the edit, the skits)… I like it but I hope it's just the natural evolution of your channel, not you being beaten down by life.

  3. Nel
    Nel says:

    Wait why did my app glitch and only focus in on your girls talking 😭 I thought you did it on purpose until I had to rewind and the video went back to normal

  4. Jess Rabbit
    Jess Rabbit says:

    Cannot stand when people think a fad diet or choosing to be veg or vegan makes you healthy automatically. I have seen SO many people who intermittent fast who are still obese, so many people who are vegan and obese. It doesn't mean anything if you are consuming more calories than you burn! I used to work with an obese guy who legitimately thought he was healthy because he intermittent fasts, but he ate 4-5 bags of chips JUST at work and he was actually confused why he wasn't losing weight! It made me so irritated at the ignorance. His trash can would be full of chip bags every single day that he was just gobbling down (and for those with misophonia you know that crunching chip sound is infuriating) and I wanted to scream "stop eating chips!!!!"

  5. Flying Walrus
    Flying Walrus says:

    How do people think her food is healthy? I'm plant based and would not eat this crap, esp with the oil in vegan meats/processed crqp. Vegan I not healthy, I used to be over 350 pounds and was vegan.

  6. M J
    M J says:

    We all know it is easier for some people to be skinny due to genetics and many other factors. Its not just about food and exercise. If it was id be able to beat an athlete or look like a model.
    I can ask why is Lizzo richer, does she work harder than you?
    Its easy when one part of your life is going well to put others down who havent figured it out.

  7. Evanjuleen
    Evanjuleen says:

    Hold up because I just seen breakfast and I'm tripping balls. Brooohhh NOOOOOOOO… steak and eggs and ketchup?Noooooo this is sooo unhealthy. There is no nutrition there. That's cholesterol and salt and sugar. The steaks going to back her up and stay in her belly. There's nothing nutrition positive there…. I would never.

    QUEER VEE ART says:

    being vegan is not some magic spell that makes everything you consume healthy. i was vegetarian at age 12 and became vegan about 9 years ago (i'm 30). ive always struggled with eating healthy. the past few years since i found this channel i've come really far.

    but i have ARFID and sensory/texture issues with a lot of food, as well as nausea and stomach issues that make things harder. but i'm trying.

    even if you are vegan, you still have to intentionally eat healthy food. like you say in this video, vegan butter is the same calories as real butter, it's all just fatty oils. i do use vegan butter and olive oil but in very small measured amounts and only for certain things like roasting vegetables

  9. Stephanie Norris
    Stephanie Norris says:

    That Reese’s peanut butter cup rant is SO FREAKING TRUE. It’s been huge in getting over my binge eating to get out of the “I’ll just eat the low cal version” mindset. Now I can have a two pack of Reese’s and move on. It’s so much better

  10. Ahesso Star
    Ahesso Star says:

    I live in Europe and more and more restaurants started to add calories on the menus. The crazy thing is, the salads are so high in calories, some of them are close to the burger and fries menus. There are not many low calorie options to eat out. Salad is not a low calorie option if you add a ton of oil or dressing on it. I am not restricting myself when I go out but I do mindful eating. I think about how the food will make my body feel. So giving the fact that any burgers or fries will make my stomach hurt or bloated it is very easy to say no to that. I take something light (even if it’s high in calories) and eat enough to be satisfied but I never finish it if I can’t. I ain’t gona give myself a stomach ache by forcing myself to eat more than I can.

  11. coffeebux
    coffeebux says:

    I can watch someone twitch a super Mario game or world of wacraft. But i dont understand how watching someone eat and "unbox" a fast food meal. That is so weird!!!!
    And also who thinks oh i need to video myself eating my food turning it into a chore…

  12. HomuraAkemiTheHero
    HomuraAkemiTheHero says:

    Everything in moderation including moderation is how I like to go about things.

    It’s been tough since my mom passed and I’ve not been able to be as active due to a tendon injury so I’ve gained about 10 lbs and mainly stuck at home since last year, but I’ve been actively watching my calories after getting out of the grief months and slowly lately trying to stretch and add in some activities that don’t instantly bother the Achilles. It’s possible to have days where you eat more than usual and lose weight but you gotta make sure you’re on point at least the other 80% and the exercise builds up your strength and let you burn a bit extra on top of what your body does, may be slower without exercise but you can lose weight gradually and if the habits get made then eventually you’ll get there

  13. Mellie
    Mellie says:

    Calories are a part of not getting fat. Mainly, it's about eating the right foods for good metabolic health and satiating well. Protein is the best at it, and refined carbs only make you hungry. That's just the gist of what I can fit in text real quick.


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