Why is community so important on Keto? | 2kk Getaway Cruise vlog

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21 replies
  1. @sandragrowe3554
    @sandragrowe3554 says:

    I watched your video last night. It was outstanding. I didn’t know about this cruise. I would’ve loved it. You two are incredible people. Community is so important. Rachel, you made me cry in a couple of spots where you were talking about community. I no longer have that in my life. So sad…. It is soooo important. I love in Central Florida. I’m going to stay on top of this. I don’t always get on YouTube and watch things. I just can’t get over how much fun all of you had. It made me wonder, “would I have so much joy and fun”? I’m thinking so. Anyway, great video. I’m so impressed you two made this happen. I hope to be on your next one.

  2. @richwilkinson2185
    @richwilkinson2185 says:

    We loved the cruise it was so much fun putting a person to a name. We enjoyed everyone’s company and stories of their experiences. I would like to thank everyone for making my wife (not keto) feel at home, she made more friend connections and truly enjoyed the company.😊

  3. @trishreed1176
    @trishreed1176 says:

    Idea for Dec Getaway: invite the officers and Cruise Director to meet us on the 2nd day of the cruise (they're too busy on Day 1). I've been to many CruiseCritic Meet n Greets with fewer people than we will have and Officers and CD showed up. Have some questions ready for them.

    And Rachel…you can call a cruise ship a boat. After all, it was Love Boat not Love Ship!

  4. @JuanDiegoGruk
    @JuanDiegoGruk says:

    Guess what's rocking my keto world? The Rysefureke method, hands down! It's not about the scale; it's about living my best, most charged-up life. And the results? Get ready for some serious wow-factor!

  5. @kerri4health
    @kerri4health says:

    I am so darn sad that I can not go again…I missed this one and was hoping for the next one would be Earlier in the year..I already have a cruise booked in Dec.😿I will pray for another one in 2025..😭

  6. @adriangledhill2551
    @adriangledhill2551 says:

    I totally agree with 4 hrs at night! I’d rather hang with the group than go to big huge game shows. The only downside is we’d want to see shows too. But with 4 hrs we could pop out for a 45 min show and come back.

  7. @Moderationisamyth
    @Moderationisamyth says:

    Wow ! That is a nice room. I just love you Rachel, you always see the bright side. Love that view of no laundry! ❤Frogs? Tastes like chicken. You’d like it, I think. The last time I was on a cruise was about 28 years ago for our honeymoon. I remember those cute folded towels and the excellent food! I love what Joe said about the 50 different versions of keto represented. It echoes my motto, “you do what works best for you.” Rachel, honey, that pretty pink is your color! Great excursion tip! So glad you guys had such great connections and enjoyment on your trip! 😊

  8. @nancytanner7823
    @nancytanner7823 says:

    Thank you 2 KrazyKetos family. I appreciated this cruise more than you’ll ever know. I felt so loved. During the middle of the cruise I got some upsetting news about my mother’s health. I felt guilty having a good time when my mom was dealing with some health issues. One day I was struggling and started shutting down & kept to my self worrying and knowing there was nothing I can do but put her in God’s hands to protect her and keep her safe. That evening, I had so many keto family friends come up to me to just give me a hug & gave me words of encouragement. These people know who you are and I want to just let you know a hug & a prayer helped me get through the rest of the cruise. My mom’s is doing the best she can and I’m visiting with her right now. This keto community is real. Just remember none of us know what each of us are going through but when you see someone is alone maybe they just need a smile or a hug or a word of encouragement to help them through their day. Thank you all for being there for me. I can’t wait for the December cruise.


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