Why I No Longer Cook Sous-Vide

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Why I No Longer Cook Sous-Vide 00:00 Intro 01:06 Even Cooking: a Feature or a Bug? 02:31 Food Gets Cold Too Fast 03:19 It’s …

41 replies
  1. 27kjh
    27kjh says:

    I have no interest in cooking in a plastic bag…it’s so unappealing. Although making yogurt in a Sous Vide is the best. You can put the milk in jars, heat to to require temp and as well incubate the yogurt with the SV. No mess, no standing over the milk watching the temps. It’s just so easy and it’s been the best yogurt I’ve ever made with consistent results.

  2. Neal Grey
    Neal Grey says:

    Dear Helen, perhaps you enjoy cooking because you are good at it. Because you have success working with food. Because people admire you because of your skill. And you give pleasure from your food.
    But for bare bones beginners, such is not the case. I find learning to cook a long slog, but I keep at it. Thanks for your channel.

  3. David A
    David A says:

    I dislike sous vide because plasticizers leach into foods and while some are known to cause cancer, others will likely be linked to cancer in the future.

  4. Anil Joshi
    Anil Joshi says:

    Wow! Helen, my daughter taking culinary courses is eagerly waiting for his new gadget. I cooking being my hobby and a big fan of yours spent two hours going through your playlist … and now you are telling me this 😢 😂. I do have to try it of course but I agree with you:
    1) the meat out of the bag, especially the steaks don’t look very appetizing.

    2) as you say, cooking is far more than dumping a piece of meat or whatever into a bag and after an hour or so plopping it on a plate! I mainly cook for the joy and adventure of transforming raw ingredients into flavorful dish, playing and imbibing it with my love.

    3) I rarely follow a recipe, of course I follow the overall directions but being a scientist I like to experiment, adjust and substitute according my taste. Basically, enjoy the process and I want my kitchen to fill up with aroma and yes sometimes smoke too 😂.
    And after going through your playlist, before this final episode, I was almost coming to the same conclusion – where is the challenge and excitement or adventure of cooking.
    Guess, as you put it so well it might be good for uniformity. Not my cup of tea!

    Thank you dear for some of the most instructive lessons and videos. Love and fond wishes from California! Alas, too far to physically attend your classes.

    PS: By the way, all men are not made the same … I am a man and do not want my dishes to come out exactly the same every time … lol! Yes, in my lab it’s absolutely crucial but not in my kitchen.

  5. rayguns910
    rayguns910 says:

    I have a small kitchen. I don’t have the time and and space to invest in Sous-Vide equipment and method. Maybe in the future. By then some of that equipment will be in the local thrift store.

  6. Mister B
    Mister B says:

    I just love sous vide for chicken breast, comes out perfect every time with no hassle. Other than that I like steak on the grill, nothing beats that taste.

  7. Luciano Gulin
    Luciano Gulin says:

    You are right. The sous vide is kind of boring, but its very consistent, and a great way to have well above average results in a very short time once you have pre prepared the food first and just warm it up with no quality loss. For me, that's the beauty of it. I love to get home and make a octopus, duck, or any other long time cooking food in just minutes. I Would not be able to eat as well as I do if I needed to spend o so much time to make my food always from scratch. I can have a full "restaurant menu" at home, ready to go, anytime now. Sous vide surely lacks the thrill of cooking, but you don't need to be a sous vide maniac, and forget about all the other amazing cooking methods.

  8. Roland Gadue
    Roland Gadue says:

    Honestly, I like Sous Vide cooking on meats and poultry. I never have a problem using the Sous Vide method, it gives you better cooking control. I did an experiment on a co-worker, I cooked two different chicken breasts one using the Sous Vide, and the other using the air fryer method. After reheating in the microwave, the air fryer was drier than the Sous Vide one. I have many cooking appliances from air fryers to pressure cookers and two Sous Vide machines. I can tell you a Sous Vide is the best way steak you can get a perfect steak and well worth the wait. Cooking a whole chicken in the Sous Vide should always be spatchcocked. I know many worry about the plastic used for Sous Vide cooking, but do you drink out of plastic bottles from the store. Sous Vide cooking has been around for since the 1970's

  9. DavePM_2
    DavePM_2 says:

    Since most people (other than an actual meat station chef at a fine dining restaurant) don't cook a $40 piece of meat on a daily basis, they get it WRONG. The results are hit and miss. By the time you get your thermometer in the meat, it's too late! Food costs too much for hit and miss, I'm going to recommend that CORRECT sous vide technique is a necessity when using top shelf ingredients unless you have a real familiarity with the ingredients. If someone is having eight guests for dinner and cooking pork chops (an over $150 investment for good one) and they DON'T sous vide them, they're taking a big risk. Thanks for the thoughts and great videos!

  10. ekot
    ekot says:

    Come on lady. I haven't retired yet. Perfect doneness with the least amount of effort. Good game! You be your artist and I will continue to sous vide 🙂

  11. Uhn Schlek
    Uhn Schlek says:

    I, too, enjoy the cooking process. I like the smell, sound, and change in color as something cooks. Boiling never excited me, and sous-vide, while convenient, is like boiling. The food comes out with an ugly color and I can't forget that color even after it's been seared, and the color changes. Also, the cool temperature as I eat a sous-vide steak always irritates me to hell.

  12. R M D
    R M D says:

    I too, can't get past the gray color of a steak or chop that comes out of a plastic bag. I enjoy the sounds, sights, and smells of traditional cooking methods.

  13. Dan Oakes
    Dan Oakes says:

    For chicken breast going into a cold salad, the inibility of sous vide to hold temp outside the cooking medium is not a concern. I use an Instnt Pot sans the plastic, add spices, onions, garlic, and so on, then enough chicken broth to cover 1/2 inch above the breast slices laying flat on the bottom. I select sous vide, set the temp to safe or preferred finished temp, set the time to 55 minutes, and press start. Since it isn't boiling or pressure cooking, I can pop the lid to add things I forgot during the cooking time. When done, I take the chicken out to cool, switch to saute, and finish any vegetables still in the pot, and reduce the broth. I sear the chicken on both sides, let it rest and cool, cut it up along with the salad, and serve the soup from the pot as a side.

  14. coathanger_irenfell
    coathanger_irenfell says:

    I love it for some things. Like, I can't think of another method that allows you to turn a chuck roast into the texture of mid-rare prime rib, so I use it for that. I also love it for seafood. I just made scallops sous vide and I think the fact that they ejected most of the juices before it was time to sear gave me the best crust I've ever had on scallops. It's also wonderful for super tender corned beef. But yes, there are several things I wouldn't use it for, and steak is one of them.

  15. Jersey Grammy
    Jersey Grammy says:

    I only use Sous-Vide for tough meats. I think its great for london broil (purchased on sale). I just recently sous-vide a bottom round roast that was very tender and delicious.

  16. Mark Featherstone
    Mark Featherstone says:

    Well here is channel I won't be bothered looking at any more. Shocking she complains about the consistency and perfect results of sous vide cooking. Perhaps she lost her sponsorship from Anova! I consider myself a very good home chef and after I discovered sous vide I would never go back ! I have introduced a few friends to this amazing technique and every one has said they will never go back. Maybe the people that used to go to her cooking classes have found they can recreate professional cooked meals in their own home using the sous vide method.

  17. Josue Peralta
    Josue Peralta says:

    I just bought my immersion cookware. I’ve yet to use it as I am waiting for my plastic container With lid and racks… I understand your views on this video and I agree, however, Sous Vide cooking is something new and exciting to try and master in my kitchen. I am looking forward to build the experience and produce great food.

  18. Rodolfo P. Aguilera
    Rodolfo P. Aguilera says:

    As you said, sous vide it's just another method/tool to have around when needed. I use it just for a handful of recipes that mostly are cooked in a marinade. I think the real joy of cooking is knowing and having several ways to achieve things!

  19. madcane19
    madcane19 says:

    Love it for Steaks, pork loins, sausage links. always seems more juicy and moist throughout. Pat it dry sear it on my sear grates and Flame thrower for that final sear and ohhhhh boy. can't beat it. but mostly for convenience during the week for me. Sous vide fresh carrots or mashed potatoes ohhh boy emm good.
    During the weekend its reverse sear outside with some smoke then sear it on my sear grates and Flame thrower for that final sear

  20. Boog Nish
    Boog Nish says:

    I dunno, has it's uses, esp in commercial kitchens I guess, but it's really just an over-rated kitchen hack with a fancy name that feels special in English. That's it.

  21. Dennis Dawson
    Dennis Dawson says:

    I am a guy. I love to cook. I love to cut my vegetables. I love the whole process of cooking with my cookware. The smells the sounds the knowing when to put the next ingredient in. For me cooking in a plastic bag robs me of the experience.


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