Why Do You Eat So Much Processed Food!? Full Day of Eating Keto

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https://perfectketo.com/Halloweensale/connect code: KETOCANDY25 Free KETO Food List + Cookbook https://www.ketoconnect.net/top-10-recipes-2017-2/

38 replies
  1. Full Stop
    Full Stop says:

    The entire Gulag series is intense as are all of his works. Highly recommend. Thanks for your channel and your sensible approach to the Keto life. What a wonderful family. Enjoy your boys!

  2. Adam and Steve
    Adam and Steve says:

    I couldn't do keto after only 3 weeks I quit.
    – Counting carbs is ridiculous,
    – Eating straight fat, like coconut oil, sour cream as snack! is ridiculous,
    – not eating fruit ever! is ridiculous
    – your liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys and other organs suffer a lot on a high fat and protein diet. I could feel it.
    – your cholesterol will rise inevitably, you may get a heart attack, stroke or something
    – if you are dairy intolerant then you are fucked on keto. Cheese is used extensively in keto baking.
    – I had to have something sweet daily. Once a day. So I baked keto cookies. But if I need sweet taste, that means I probably should get it from something real, like fruit, or honey.
    – even Inuits are not in ketosis! Eating whale blabber and such. They have genetic adaptation against ketosis.
    – I thought I'd be less hungry on keto. Maybe I would if I kept going. But I see you two eat all the time as well. Not 1-2 meals a day as usually it is promised. I had to snack every 2-3 hours.
    -after meals, even low carb I'd be out of ketosis for a few hours and feel terrible. My morning ketosis were high and after mct coffee.
    – single reason to even attempt keto was for mood. Initially my mood improved, I felt euphoric even, but then it stabilized, I felt the same as usual.

    So, I wouldn't do keto if it wasn't necessary. Certainly not for weight loss.

  3. Miss Misto
    Miss Misto says:

    There’s always someone ready to point out what they perceive as problematic instead of realizing – everyone is different , -processed is fine if it helps you stay on plan, and as far as snacks, the difference between Matt a& megha and most viewers, is they’re not fatties trying to lose weight. Matt has always been slim. He needs a lot of calories to maintain his body.

  4. Rachela Ou
    Rachela Ou says:

    This book describes the reality of what us, citizens of post Soviet countries, had to endure under Soviet regime which we're still trying to recover from. The majority of people brought up in the communist reality simply cannot understand how stupid one must be to still believe and follow the communist/leftist/'liberal' agenda. People of the West, if you think that socialism is a wonderful idea and that communists of the past just "didn't do it right" there's no hope for you. If you let your leaders keep on turning the world into socialist/neocommunist global hell, your children will be slaves as we once were. The difference for us was that we could escape our hell and seek shelter in other countries, not infected with communist propaganda. In the feature there will be no such place. Freedom is everything.

  5. Sandra Grow
    Sandra Grow says:

    Also, like the vlogs where you do go to fast food, etc, I am the only one in my family that has done keto, so when my hubby wants to go thru the drive thru , your info helps me to make better choices for myself instead of giving up or getting nothing.

  6. Sandra Grow
    Sandra Grow says:

    You guys do a great job, you do realistic better eating, real people situation, was watching another keto utube, he is to the point that average people couldn’t afford or maintain. I like your vlogs, attainable, affordable and realistic keto in real life situation, keep up the good work👍🏻

  7. Lori Decicio
    Lori Decicio says:

    Matt, it’s so sweet to hear you brag on your wife and kids. You have such a beautiful family. Watching your posts make me feel like I can do this, and that’s important, but I just really enjoy watching you guys at home, in your element, and loving life. Thanks for all the info and especially the recipes.

  8. kendra mccabe
    kendra mccabe says:

    Of course Theo is a genius. YES! he should have his own cooking show. I watch Rose on FlavCity and just found Bringing up babe. Love watching children engaged with a task guided by their parent.

  9. Janine Anderson
    Janine Anderson says:

    Yeah, I think Theo is very smart and fully aware of his surroundings, know he wants, and very astute. My daughter was 2 years old when she learned how to use our computer and that’s when I knew she would be just like her Father, a computer nerd. She is now 31 years old and is still just like her Father, a computer nerd.

  10. Jersey Girl Jenn
    Jersey Girl Jenn says:

    If it works for you who cares what they negative commenters say…you have to do what's sustainable to you and who cares how many snacks a day you have…its not like you're having 2 Donuts at snack time…and I know for me with acid reflux my doctor recommends 5 to 6 smaller meals a day instead of 3 big meals…way to go to the 2 of you raising 2 kids and doing what's best for you and your family!

  11. Bok Choy
    Bok Choy says:

    2:55 kidney stone issues and you aren't eating dairy? Please please please look into calcium deficiency and kidney stones. Decreasing calcium makes kidney stones worse, if my understanding is correct. You could use the Living Bone supplement to get calcium without the diary.

  12. Bok Choy
    Bok Choy says:

    Our two year old sings entire songs, knows her alphabet and sounds, says 10 word sentences, on and on. I'm not saying this to brag, but to give credit to a diet rich in choline and animal fats. She drinks a lot of raw and cooked milk and eats beef daily. She started talking A TON when we gave her choline and choline-rich foods. We give her salmon twice a week. She does get processed carbs from time to time but the bulk of her diet is animal flesh and milk. Very little sweet fruit but lots of olives and avocado. Vegetables like cucumber and bell pepper every day. She loves grilled onions. She loves to eat butter and ghee right off the spoon. Get 'em started young on these things. People are always commenting on her ability to talk. I hope this helps someone! When we see the 3 year old kiddos who barely speak a word, it breaks our heart. Sure enough they're running around with juice and a bag of Goldfish crackers…eeesh. Once in a while? Fine. Daily? No way. Their brains need that animal fat and choline! Oh and iodine.

  13. Bok Choy
    Bok Choy says:

    Finally reading a book I can get down with! Why does Aleksander get sent to the gulag? Can't say the reason YT or you'll get your channel pulled. I wish I was joking.


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