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Save Money! Frugal Living! We share how we are managing our spending, our priorities, and early retirement! Early retirement …

22 replies
  1. allison Speer
    allison Speer says:

    I always save my leftover morning coffee (if there is any). I will add milk or cream, some sugar free coffee syrup (bought at discount stores for 3.99 a bottle) whatever flavors they have works for me. Then I hit it with my milk frother. I can either serve it up cold or hot. Yummy.

  2. Maman Expat
    Maman Expat says:

    3 years ago I used to get an espresso at McDonalds' every time I was walking to pick up the children from school, which was 3 times a week. Then in 2020, i decided to do a no spend year (obviously things were made even easier for me with all the lockdowns) and stopped getting those, Since then I have not set foot in a coffee shop, or taken a coffee outside of my house or friends'…. I have always made my own pizza, my partner now refuses to eat shop bought ones. We get fast food for the children ( I have never liked it) they still get their occasional ones (birthdays, end of school year and 31st December) but they love my chicken nuggets/chicken burgers and home made chips, so they get those nearly every other week and they are enjoying them more than the McDonalds' as they get almost as much as they want or can eat. My son suffers from ARFID, so finding something that he enjoys eating and does not come out of a tin or a packet is such a joy!!!

  3. Tonya Rust
    Tonya Rust says:

    I have always said if DQ near us had a drive through I would be in big trouble๐Ÿ˜Well I was in a town near us today and passed one. Was late afternoon and figured I deserved a Chile cheese dog. Can not eat bad anymore because of Afib but I have lost 27 lbs so what the heck๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚Was only $3. Love your SIL's garden! Can never have too many Zinnia's! I make better coffee than Starbucks๐Ÿ˜

  4. Paula Costello
    Paula Costello says:

    I really struggle with not buying coffee out and in my case it's because the coffee from the two chains i go to just tastes so much better than what i was buying at the grocery store. So what i ended up doing was buying a much better quality coffee at the grocery store that's still not as tasty as my chains but at least I can drink it. Now most days I can talk myself into just making my own. So it costs me $6 for a small package that will get me through the month, and then about $2.50 once a week at the drive thru. So my total monthly coffee expense is now $16 instead of $60. I call it "modified frugality". There's no point in buying the cheapest grocery store coffee if you're not going to drink it. Oh and thanks for the Dixie footage. It was great to see her having so much fun. ๐Ÿ™‚

  5. Linda Budzik
    Linda Budzik says:

    My husband and I typically get takeout pizza every Monday because itโ€™s 40% off that day. But, we took a pizza making class last night and both thought the pizza we made in class was infinitely better than the takeout we usually get, so I think we are going to be making it at home from now on. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป

  6. Angie Murphy
    Angie Murphy says:

    Hi, just fyi, I noticed that on most of the coupons the fries and drink sizes increased on the newer coupons so that makes up for a little of the price difference. But, yes, everything is going up and up! Thanks for your channel. ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Dee Dee
    Dee Dee says:

    We have been making our own stir fry Asian style food since October 2019. The price of take out was rising and sadly, a lot of local establishments has several of health code violations. My Mother In Law bought me a wok style pan from Aldi and I enjoy making food in it. I have ginger in a jar, garlic and use whatever veggies are available and on sale. Also, I love pudding pops and no one makes them anymore. Use some frozen dessert molds and enjoy them anytime I want.

  8. Rev. Ruth E. Gallot
    Rev. Ruth E. Gallot says:

    My favorite thing to make at home is pizza. It does take some planning to make really good, pizzeria style dough, but I feel so accomplished when I do it. It really is tempting to pick up stuff when working on the road, isn't it. Today I am driving up north for work and will be gone through lunch so to avoid the temptation I just pulled made up a batch of peanut butter crackers and popped them in a silicone sip pouch (Christmas gift from a friend and I use them all the time) and a thermos full of lemonade to keep it cold. This I can easily eat while driving if I feel peckish and will help avoid an unnecessary stop for a take away. It's gotta be something i eally enjoy eating but doesn't need to be a full meal. Great video.

  9. Tammy W
    Tammy W says:

    My husband and I were gifted a milk frother and we now make our own cappuccinos at home. So simple, I saw it on YT reel and like our home version even more than the take out coffee we used to get twice a week. All it is, is 2 teaspoons of quality instant coffee, dissolved in about a quarter of your mug of water. Then we heat some milk in a separate mug for a minute in the microwave, use our handheld frother, add to the coffee and sprinkle with choccie. So good.
    I also now make all our Asian favourites at home, like lemon chicken and fried rice – So simple if you just look at a recipe.
    We have found that the less we have takeaways (now very, very rarely) the more we honestly crave home cooked. The prices at the restaurants (here in Aus in particular it can be $70 for two for 2 mains and drinks) mean I could feed us for a week if I buy on discount, which I do.

  10. Karen Lee
    Karen Lee says:

    We make veggie pizza and Chinese food at home. Usually nothing fancy stir-fried rice, chicken teriyaki and beef and broccoli. I have an espresso machine. Trying my hand at pierogis and ravioli next. And making tortillas.

  11. Cindy Sams
    Cindy Sams says:

    Sugar free Iced vanilla coffee is easy to make at home. I pour hot coffee over a full glass of ice, add some sugar free vanilla flavored syrup (I got it as a gift but you can find it at Walmart or even Dollar Tree) and then I add just a little half and half or sugar free whipped cream.
    Also, your soup, if made with no water, is very similar to something my mom made when we were kids and she would serve it over a baked potato.


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