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Starting a Whole30 and want to know what to expect? In this video I go over how my first week went. Learn from my mistakes, get some meal ideas, and be …

19 replies
  1. sharon anderson
    sharon anderson says:

    Everything you eat is a cause of fibro. Nitrates. Caffiene. You should be Raw food. No meat. No dairy. Vegan. Or at least vegetarian. No wonder it came back. I thought you knew something but you don't.

  2. Jo Bernhardt
    Jo Bernhardt says:

    Like your videos. I'm confused though: in your first video describing the whole 38 you talk about cutting out dairy. But then in the second video with food information, you talk about pre-cooking and having scrambled eggs with bacon. So are you supposed to do dairy or not? Thank you

  3. Jo Bernhardt
    Jo Bernhardt says:

    Hiccups are caused by a spasm of the diaphragm, which works with your lungs to help you breathe. That in itself could be affected by fibromyalgia, if everything is connected to the nerves etc. Just a thought and I'm certainly not a doctor and I don't play one on TV. .(if you're over 40 you'll get that joke. I'm 50 )Great videos and thanks so much.

  4. Kquixtar Anderson
    Kquixtar Anderson says:

    Been watching your videos and enjoying them. I have RA and FIBRO. I'm just learning about the food disease connection. I don't know anything about the Whole 30, can you point me to a resource.

  5. ThisIsBlakesWorld
    ThisIsBlakesWorld says:

    Love those veggies you were frying up… I do the same thing with eggs instead of sausage. Thanks for sharing your meal prep… I think it's the hardest part! My awesome wife did 5 hours of freezer meal prep yesterday! Stoked to dive into Whole30 (just started!) and looking forward to redefining my relationship with food (and losing a few pounds too!)! I just posted my first VLOG with my starting measurements and pics to track my progress and share the journey! Kind of embarrassing putting it all out there, but I'm excited to get moving! I just subscribed and look forward to checking back in on your channel for tips, inspiration, and hopefully some new uploads! 🙂 Much love.

  6. Kayla Ash
    Kayla Ash says:

    Thank you so much for this vid! I'm on day 2 of whole30. I'm fortunate that I am off this week from work so I can see what works and what doesn't…and then take that info into my meal prep for my first week back at work. I'm interested to see how my body responds from this detox. Please post more info!

  7. Shamekia Jenkins
    Shamekia Jenkins says:

    I'm on Day 5 of W30. This is my second attempt and both times week 1 have been really good. I worry that my meals are too high in fat, but I'm keeping an eye on it. Sometimes I feel pretty hungry, but I think it's mostly because I'm not drinking enough water and getting enough sleep (shame, shame). One of the most noticeable symptoms I had up the day I started the W30 was severe heartburn with almost anything I'd eat. On Day 1, it went away and I haven't noticed it since. I'm extremely curious to see at the end of the program which foods might be triggering some of my symptoms. I'll be making weekly videos as well documenting my journey sometime this week. Your videos are amazing and I hope you are doing well. Healthy Journey!!!


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