Who Can Make The Best Pasta Dish?

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Today, we’re pinning the Mythical Kitcheneers against each other to see who can make the best pasta! Subscribe to Mythical …

49 replies
  1. @__Black_Sheep__
    @__Black_Sheep__ says:

    I will never understand why Josh says "A double hockey sticks"… like that just spells "ALL" not "ASS" like he's trying to reference. Hockey stick is used to replace "L" because it's shaped like "L". You can't just replace any letter with a hockey stick.

  2. @BuckFlicks
    @BuckFlicks says:

    Why cover something you’re trying to reduce? Especially in a Dutch Oven that has a strong seal and nubs on the inner side of the lid to return condensate steam back into the food?

  3. @lesliehamm1502
    @lesliehamm1502 says:

    This is one of my favorite episodes lmao between Josh and V’s pettiness and almost irritation with each other and then there was Lily and Nicole’s chemistry and humor… then Lily’s overly excited reaction to actually winning because she keeps her winning streak. No one knew what was happening at the end. This was great lol

  4. @SimoneDePascalis
    @SimoneDePascalis says:

    Uhm, ac🤌tual🤌ly🤌, according to the original legend, tortellini are shaped after Venus's belly button. Venus and Mars were taking part, you know, like gods do, in a conflict between Modena and Bologna, and staying in a local inn. One night, their host tried to peep into Venus taking a bath but, since he was watching through the keyhole, he only managed to see her belly button. That would be inspiring enough to invent a kind of pasta lol.
    EDIT: 8:52 yep, thhat checks out.


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