WHAT'S IN MY FRIDGE? Healthy Keto Food Staples For Keto Lifestyle & Keto Diet

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WHAT’S IN MY FRIDGE? Healthy Keto Food Staples For Keto Lifestyle & Keto Diet. Hey Guys! I’m Mayra from Low Carb Love and today I am showing you What …

50 replies
  1. Rana Hamoud
    Rana Hamoud says:

    I have two sons, they teased me about my weight. They said I should try to get back to the weight that I was living in Asia.

    Since I never had any health issues due to my weight, I never saw a real problem with it. But when I compared those pictures with what I saw in the mirror, I noticed a huge difference.

    Without thinking things through, I bet my children that I would lose 22 pounds (or 10 kilos) in three months. I wasn’t sure how to pull this off, but I thought exercise would be the way to go.

    So, I started to look for YouTube videos to watch while I did my workouts.

    Before long, I came across expert presentations about the ketogenic diet and thought that I would give it a try. Now, I feel great, and when I went for a medical checkup, all of my values were fantastic. My fatty liver disease was gone

  2. Xochil Silva
    Xochil Silva says:

    Pasture raised chickens are not just eating grass…they still get fed organic grains along with being able to pasture feed meaning they forage for bugs and berries and grass and clover. They have an over all more balanced meal. They are also a great way to support local farmers. Getting fresh eggs! Way to go love this video!!!!

  3. Irasema Biggs
    Irasema Biggs says:

    Hi, I would love for you to do a video about how you can help your tumy. I had cdiff a few years ago and I need to eat fermented food And need to make my intestinal flora stringer. Thank you

  4. Suzie Clary
    Suzie Clary says:

    I do believe pastured eggs still get grain. But they have access to sun and grass,. They love to dig and peck. So grass allows that for them. Plus they love bugs and worms and such, plants, veggies.

  5. MsDropofrain
    MsDropofrain says:

    range free chickens are omnivores- they will eat just about anything, meaning meat too, not just grass. Appreciate your recipes. I am making your almond flour pancakes today.

  6. Lucy D
    Lucy D says:

    Yes I would like to know exactly what to change to better my guy. Also if you can give us tips on the pantry food. I’ve been doing very low carb journey this year and I love how I’m feeling. I’ve lost 60lbs in a year and a half and more to go, it’s taking me long to lose it cuz I wasn’t doing very low carb in the beginning when I started my weight loss journey. Thanks for the information/tips and recipes you share with us🤗

  7. Veronica Knapp
    Veronica Knapp says:

    Oooh yes! Crispy cauliflower! I would love that. I love a good coffee creamer to. I just found a half and half mix of almond and coconut by Califia Farms called Better Half. I love it and can use it in my coffee and other recipes. Only 15 calories per 2 tbls and no carbs.

  8. SolyBar SolyMar
    SolyBar SolyMar says:

    You are very beautiful but let's be realistic , you got married to a rich old man , that's why you have the time and money to spend all day taking care of yourself , in real life most of woman's we have to work outside the house and inside our house there is no money or time to cook .
    You are very pretty but stop pretending we can all live your life plus I'm not jealous of your life , I will never be able to be with an old man I don't care his money . I hope you don't get upset of my comment im not trying to put you down just a little wake up no everyone have the life you have .

  9. Raving_Mad
    Raving_Mad says:

    Yes, I’m going through the same thing right now. Had to cut out dairy & gluten, staying away from as much processed foods as possible, but it is a lot more difficult than I ever imagined. Absolutely, make videos about it.

  10. Paul
    Paul says:

    I will ONLY eat organic strawberries when I eat them. Strawberry season is at an end so back to frozen organic berries. And I make my own almond milk just because I love homemade. I also use the same avocado mayo when I don't make homemade. Fun video!

  11. Carmen Ruiz
    Carmen Ruiz says:

    My toddler loves the primal mayo on a sourdough bread 🙂I agree the taste isn’t the best i also grew up on best foods in my chicken salad tuna salads and sandwiches having this better option for my daughter is great !


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