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48 replies
  1. Sarah Adachi
    Sarah Adachi says:

    Hi Jessica! I love your videos 😉 And of course I love you! I was thinking…it would be amazing if I could translate your videos in Japanese (since I am Japanese) and share them with my Japanese friends! They would love your videos and you would be super popular in Japan as well! If it is okay, let me know! Super happy to help 🙂

  2. Kami Miles
    Kami Miles says:

    JONAH!!!! my cleaning spirt animal. Legit you're the first person other than myself and my bf that watch Superstore or even have talked about it!! I am obsessed and Glen killlllls me

  3. Samantha Fierro
    Samantha Fierro says:

    All this talk about the king sized bed is killinggggg me! Our bedroom is too small for a king bed and it makes me so mad LOL 😂 We just came back from a week on a cruise ship with a king bed and now our queen literally feels like we're squeezing both our butts into a twin size 😩😩

  4. Faye Richards
    Faye Richards says:

    so like the deferred decision idea and just dealing with it, great mindset.
    cleaning… thats when i know life for me too busy but it is a season and its ok especially with newborn. the organized mom method has helped me clean house with each day being different room clean just 30 min a day

  5. Purposeful Homeschool
    Purposeful Homeschool says:

    Ugh the only issue with freezing cheese slices is once they thaw, they won't separate from each other and are crumbly. Grated cheese is golden and I freeze all the time, but sliced cheese drives me crazy. And my family complains non-stop as well. The flavor seems to be fine! If putting them in the ziplock helps with that or you figure out a trick to prevent it, please enlighten me!!

  6. Jesca
    Jesca says:

    Jessica, I love that dark green shirt on you! Especially with that lip, beautiful! I wish you would list more links to what you're wearing. I find myself liking a lot of what you wear.

  7. Lindsay D
    Lindsay D says:

    I have a really funny story about Josh Groban. I saw him at the Grand Ole Opry back in 2004, during his “Closer,” tour. My husband and I sat next to these two older ladies. We chatted beforehand how much we loved Josh and they were the sweetest. After he performed “Starry Starry Night,” I was absolutely sobbing. One of the ladies leaned over to me and asked, “Do you have a spare Kleenex, sister?” She was crying as well and we boo hoo’ed all over each other. Great concert!

    Also, Jess, thanks for the cheese tip!

  8. J R
    J R says:

    If you feel you must do these things yourself, follow this amazing advice: "five minutes or five things." I'd give the author credit if I could remember where I read this. 😜 Think it might have been called something like "Cut the Clutter." Anyway, the author believes the hardest part of many projects is getting started. So she got her cleaning supplies out and scrubbed five squares of her kitchen floor and gave herself permission to stop. The next day she finished it when she had more time. Other times, an entire room needed work, but she took the two minutes she had and put away five things. She had to teach herself to let go of perfection and be as kind to herself as she would to a friend. That concept stuck with me. Love to you and the fam. 🤗

  9. YoAmo Makeup
    YoAmo Makeup says:

    I think most people can relate to deferred decisions in many aspects of life, not just cleaning. However, I advocate for "deferred decisions" to my clients because facing a "cutthroat" declutter can trigger/worsen subconcious resistance to doing it AT ALL, as there is a mental/emotional component to hoarding/decluttering, its not just about "being organized". so if doing it in "phases" is better for you (especially if dealing with outright/clinical dx hoarding disorder) then do it "as you can", always find what works for you. And that INCLUDES an all out hardcore cutthroat declutter, if its all or nothing or you'll never do it, by all means. Just My 2c.

  10. MeteoricMarlin
    MeteoricMarlin says:

    i bit the bullet and bought the brooklinen conforter and duvet cover i've been wanting to get for ages. Lifes too short to sleep on crappy bedding. We spend half our lives in bed, i'm determined to make it an experience in itself.

  11. Maria Valentina Guichoux
    Maria Valentina Guichoux says:

    well… she will need he eucalyptus oil. And she'll have to buy one again. what about….. STOP WASTING?? TRY FIND UTILITY IN STUFF AND STOP THINKING DECLUTEING AND PUTTING THINGS TO THE TRAS IS A GOOD THING.


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