What's For Dinner? Sept 19, 2021 | Cooking for Two | Easy & Delicious Meals

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Hey Y’all! We are back with brand new weekly dinner video, full of lots of easy and delicious meals that we had (and we show you how we make each one).

33 replies
  1. Amay A
    Amay A says:

    I love your videos, and how you make amazing meals from what you have on hand! Asking Tim to cut the sandwich diagonally made me giggle – my mom always cut sandwiches just in half. Once my dad made us a sandwich and cut them diagonally and I was so excited it seemed more fun.. so now that's how I cut my son's sandwiches. Thanks again for another great what's for dinner video!

  2. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Delicious looking meals as always Stacy! I still call white sauce white sauce. It's nice if you add a bit of fresh parsley to it as well. The potatoes that you made are very nice made layered with chopped up bacon and onion between the layers. The cookies looked nice. I've made so many cookies since Covid and lockdown. Happy day to you both from Les, Sally and the fur crew! 😊❀

  3. Shop Sip SautΓ©
    Shop Sip SautΓ© says:

    Thanks again Stacy for posting a great video. I love how you do the " cooking for 2." I only cook for 3, but my hubby can eat a lot (and never gains a pound lol!) So I always at least double a recipe. The potatoes are something I am going to try for sure, they looked so good! And I love how you share your outings with your friends. Hope you and Tim had a great weekend!

  4. Our 80s Life
    Our 80s Life says:

    Hi Stacy! Your charcuterie board looks beautiful (and yummy!) I could eat that every day and be happy. Oddly enough, we have one in tomorrow’s video, ha! Breakfast for dinner is another favorite for me. I’ve never heard of biscuit syrup, wow! I think I learn something new in every one of your videos. Those coffeehouse cookies look delicious too! πŸͺ

  5. MrsAcosta78
    MrsAcosta78 says:

    Hey! I haven't even watched the video yet but wanted to say HEY! Lol. I've been so busy πŸ™ I dislike feeling frantic. I really did just think that today was Friday and then saw ur upload pop up in my notifications and thought I was going crazy. Spoiler…apparently I am going a little crazy lol.

  6. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Hello Stacy and Tim!
    Your pork, potatoes and squash looked delicious and perfect to me.
    I am making bbq chicken in my crockpot tomorrow for bbq chicken sandwiches. Pasta salad is something I havent had in a very long time.
    Brekfast for dinner is a win win! Especially with homemade biscuits. Butter and sour cream make biscuits taste very good.
    The charcuterie board is beautiful how you layed out all of the meats, cheeses, fruit, dips, etc.
    Salad and sandwiches or soup and sandwiches is a great dinner for me sometimes.
    Those coffee house cookies look so good. M&ms and chocolate chips. Yum. Chocolate is my favorite. The more the better.
    Glad you went out with friends for wonderful food and great fellowship.
    Blessings. πŸ™β€

  7. Cathy Feigert
    Cathy Feigert says:

    These all look delicious. Thanks for the heads up on the potatoes, I really like them crispy, so I’ll probably not make them. The cookies however, I’m sure my husband and son will love those. Thanks Stacy!

  8. Donna Gribbins
    Donna Gribbins says:

    Yum. Everything looked delicious. I am going to make your biscuit recipe. I have a big box of bisquick to use up. I have a very old broccoli casserole that calls of broccoli, onion, bell pepper, biscuit mix, eggs, milk and cheese to make a broccoli bake from the early 80s. I am going to fix your bbq chicken sandwiches and those cookies. Your pork tenderloin reminded me that I have one in my big freezer that needs used. I tend to forget things when I put things in my chest freezer vs using the one over my refrigerator. I usually store things I am going to use or need right away in my smaller freezer and things I have no real plans for but I get on sale in the bigger one. We had a great weekend. My moms 80th birthday was Wednesday so we had a surprise party for her in the Gazebo at her apartment complex. There was about 20 of us. Everyone could not make it since several live out of town but are coming into town in 2 weeks for my nieces wedding and could not make both trips. Mom was just excited because she got to meet the baby. It is her 1st great grandchild so she was really excited. Have a great week. You and Tim stay safe. The virus is really getting crazy here right now. Luckily my nieces wedding is outdoors in an old barn so we can really spread out.

  9. Sarah Lane
    Sarah Lane says:

    Hey πŸ₯° the pork tenderloin looked delicious, cooked to perfection πŸ‘Œ… we call in pork steak here πŸ˜† I havent cooked one in so long, my kids aren't big fans of pork so it be a waste just for me… hope this msg finds ye both well… Sarah πŸ˜ƒ

  10. BnB Temple
    BnB Temple says:

    Hi Stacy and Tim! Your channel is fast becoming one of my favorites. That you cook mainly meals for two without, I don't think, gigantic amounts of leftovers is so attractive. We, too, are just two and I have such a time cooking a smaller amount. Always end up with enough to feed an army? So we end up eating leftovers forever. (For some reason, if I freeze leftovers for another day end up forgetting about them.). Just to thank you for sharing smaller recipe amounts.

  11. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    Yummy meals! Still working on my freezer and if I find a pork tenderloin I may have to try it in my air fryer, good idea. I love a pasta salad and yours looks good. I love a charcuterie board! Don doesn't quite think it's a meal for him, ha. I bet Tim loved having biscuits, those are good! Fun meals out…..those cookies are my thing though! They are delish and I'll take one now please! Happy cooking.

  12. Jeanie Stoltz
    Jeanie Stoltz says:

    Hi Stacy! I was busy on this hot Sunday! I made taco dip, ranch bacon dip, stuffed chicken breasts, chicken and dumplings, and last but not least chocolate covered pretzels! Have a great week

  13. Jess Lamb
    Jess Lamb says:

    Recipes looked delicious as always. I laughed at Tim wanting to cut his sandwich into a T, but laughed harder at your grumble back at him. Sounds like my house for sure!πŸ˜‚

  14. Taylor LaVerdiere
    Taylor LaVerdiere says:

    Hi Stacy! Hope you’re having a great sabbath and a fun football day! Yes who needs google now I know all about the Saints! Thank you! We went to a balloon festival yesterday it was in Lancaster. Really fun to watch. Beautiful balloons and different combinations of them. They sent up 35. It was an hour drive from our home! Cory Asbury is going on tour wanted to let you know if you wanted to see if he was going to any places around you! It’s a long shot because it’s a very small tour. The pictures of your friends are precious! I love pictures and take so many of my friends and family to savor good times! πŸ™‚ so thoughtful of you to make and send your friend cookies. Talk to you soon! πŸ˜€πŸ’œ


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