What's For Dinner? Feb 28, 2021 | Cooking for Two | Easy & Delicious Meals

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Hey Y’all! We are back with some really easy & delicious weeknight meals for you, and we show you how we make each one. We tried a new …

39 replies
  1. Mrsemptynester
    Mrsemptynester says:

    Hi Stact, OMG, I really laughed out loud when you said "a feast fit for a fast food queen"!. lol. I have never heard of Raising Cane. We did not have that in 1970's Tupelo. There might be one now in Tupelo. I would love to try it. It looked real good. I have been thinking about soup a lot and I better make some this week before it gets too hot. Thank you for a great week of dinnertime inspiration. xoxo

  2. lemoncrinckles
    lemoncrinckles says:

    Everything looked amazing: the beef dinner, the enchiladas, that beautiful strawberry salad. Yum. One day I want to make that chicken rice soup. It looked superb! Thank you for making my mouth water at midnight, Stacy! lol That was some good cooking! (:

  3. Janet Smith
    Janet Smith says:

    As always, everything look so tasty this week! The chicken & rice soup especially caught my eye…it seems like forever since we’ve had this and it was probably made by Campbell’s. I think hubs will love it. I just cannot get back in being the cook around here and don’t tell him,🤫 but I’m kinda burned out on my hubby’s cooking and I think he’s getting burned out cooking. I really need to push myself after I recoup from my oral surgery mañana. Y’all stay safe and God bless❣️.

  4. Elizabeth's Spooky's House Of Books
    Elizabeth's Spooky's House Of Books says:

    We've been fixing a new recipe ,
    Ground turkey with salsa:
    We fry the ground turkey up like you would hamburger, adding season and then after the turkey is done in the same pot at the turkey we add salas to it and let it cook together , then we put it with french fries

  5. Sarah Grant
    Sarah Grant says:

    The enchiladas…I make something similar, except I add some cream cheese also to the sauce and I put the sauce inside the tortillas. Then top with salsa verde sauce on top. And, of course, cheese on top of that. 😁

  6. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Delicious looking meals as always Stacy! The chicken and rice soup looked yummy! I'll have to give it a try when the weather gets colder. We're still living on salads. Les had a stent put in his heart last week so we'll probably have to eat even more salads! Lol Tonight we're having a meal you would like, honey soy baked chicken legs and homemade fried rice. Happy day from all of us! ❤😊

  7. Gladys Errickson
    Gladys Errickson says:

    Oh my Stacy the wild rice soup look real good and i do have some wild rice still leftover and i was going throw it out and freeze it this is a good idea from my lunch this week take to school

  8. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Hello Stacy and Tim.
    Your food always looks so delicious.
    Chuck roasts are my favorite roasts ever. Especially with egg noodles and a yummy gravy. We enjoy a thick gravy with egg noodles or mashed potatoes and a thinner gravy when eating it with rice.
    I usually save the delicious juices from the crockpot when making beef or chicken and freeze it in jars and use it in recipes or soups.
    Lots of people in the south seem to make enchiladas with flour tortillas. I use corn tortillas. I have froze flour tortillas but didnt separate them with wax paper. What a great tip. Thanks! 😁
    Creamy chicken and wild rice soup. Now that looks good. You are a lucky woman that those leftovers were all yours. My family would have eaten it all up. Lol.
    I bought a 2lb tub of strawberries Friday and they are delicious, sweet, and tastes like candy. 😋
    I am baking a bacon wrapped meatloaf, garlic mashed potatoes, roasted asparagus, salad for dinner tonight
    Between smelling my meatloaf and watching your video I am getting very hungry.
    My son is doing good. Not hurt from the accident. We are still waiting for his car to get done. We have a rental. The freeze slowed down the car getting done. We are waiting patiently. Lol.
    Husbands job is going good. He still does not have a computer which makes it difficult to do his job but we are so blessed and grateful he has a job because so many do not.
    Hope all is well with you my sweet friend. And hope all is well with Tim.
    Hope and pray you have a wonderful and blessed week.

  9. Gladys Errickson
    Gladys Errickson says:

    Well Stacy i made my chili like i told you last week i would and it was good Oh boy that pot roast really looks good boy i miss having red meat my husband dose not eat red meat no more i think im just going have to buy myself a little one lol lol

  10. InYour Dreams
    InYour Dreams says:

    U did soooo good with the beef and noodles…i make it both ways thin or thicker like a gravy. Oh the memories of those on my bday. Yummmm. Glad u liked them 💜💜💜. Oh raising canes toast is the best and sweet tea. We have them here in MO and its also in nebraska too

  11. Donna Gribbins
    Donna Gribbins says:

    Your black bean chili was delicious. It is what's for dinner tonight. I make chicken and noodles. I have never thought to makes beef and noodles. I like to make homemade egg noodles when I make the chicken and noodles but sometimes will buy the frozen Reames Egg Noodles. Those are the closest to my grandmothers recipe for egg noodles. We do not make noodles often. It is one of the things that we make for Thanksgiving. We have noodle parties. They freeze well and it takes about a dozen batches for the entire family so a couple Saturdays before Thanksgiving Mom, my 2 sisters and myself, along with as many of our 5 daughters who are available go to Moms and order pizza for lunch and make a bunch of noodles. It works well with everyone helping. Otherwise it takes Mom about 10 or 12 days to make them as she can only do 1 or 2 batches a day. When we all ho make them we have trays of noodles sitting all over, even on her bed until we are finished using the 2 tables and can move them there to dry before bagging them up to freeze. They are made with eggs, egg yolks, water, flour and salt so they have to be frozen or they spoil. Glad you have better weather. It is in the 50s here for the next 10 days. Its pouring rain today though. Rather have rain than snow. If this much rain was snow it would be several feet. Hopefully the snow is over for us for the year. Occasionally we get a last storm in March but not often, although the worse ice storm we ever had was on April 1st. We got almost 2 inches of ice. It shut down the city for a couple days but melted fast. Hope everyone is well. All is good here. Hopefully we get our Covid shot sometime this week.

  12. Jan Aardweg
    Jan Aardweg says:

    Another great video. The chicken and rice soup/dish looks great, I love rice in soup but in my leftovers the rice swells and gets mushy. Any tips? Also loved the chuck roast dishes (I, like Tim, am quite the carnivore), leftovers are even better. That would be good in a grilled cheese sandwich, maybe with sourdough. Stay safe and well.

  13. CoffeeTime
    CoffeeTime says:

    When making Beef and Noodles, it usually has a thicker, creamier sauce. You can use heavy whipping cream to thicken it up. You don't have to though and can eat it soupy as you made it. It really depends on how your family likes it. Also, I prefer egg noodles with mine because it seems like the other noodles are gummy.

  14. Regina Hall
    Regina Hall says:

    Hi Stacy once again a great video. All looked really good. That Strawberry salad yum. Like ya our weather here in Georgia has been nice. In the 70s also. Hope you and Tim have a fantastic week.

  15. ab22heartsmac
    ab22heartsmac says:

    I have only ever really used my air fryer for frozen things but after seeing you cook the chicken breasts in it I think I am going to have to give that a try. Thanks for sharing all your meals again this week.

  16. Dana Paul
    Dana Paul says:

    Stacy, I love your videos and look forward to them every week! We make soup and salad every week, it’s my favorite kind of meal. I will definitely be trying that chicken and rice soup and that strawberry balsamic salad made me wish for summer. Thank you for all of your hard work!

  17. Laura Reagan
    Laura Reagan says:

    Stacy, everything looks so good! Do you possibly have the recipe for the original chicken and wild rice soup? That is calling my name. Don’t comment every week, but just know y’all are one of the highlights of my Sunday and never miss! Sending warm hugs and blessings to you and Tim!

  18. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    I believe you're right, chuck roast is not as cheap as it used to be! But I know Tim was happy with all that meat this week. Your enchiladas look really yummy. And that chicken wild rice soup is my kind of thing! I should try something like that soon. I made that spinach strawberry salad last year and it is really good, I'm surprised Tim ate just that and no meat or anything else! Yay for takeout, always good to have a break. I like that spicy chicken from Sam's too, I just may have to buy it again!


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