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This week’s dinners were all keepers. We loved all three and we hope you get some inspiration for next week’s dinners at your house! As always, they are easy …

25 replies
  1. Ann Swann
    Ann Swann says:

    Yummy!! I’ll be making the pesto chicken soon; I have frozen cheese ravioli think I’ll serve for that sauce. I haven’t thought to make spinach artichoke in a long time, double yum! And I love the word moist! I think of cake!😀

  2. Katrina
    Katrina says:

    All your meals looks so delicious my hub loves everything you cook hope you are feeling better Mandy you & your family is always in our Prayers & thoughts

  3. Julie Izquierdo
    Julie Izquierdo says:

    Oh yum hmmmm now which one should I make tomorrow night.
    The meat loaf or the chicken pesto??
    And not sure what sides I can have with them.
    I can do green beans. But I don't feel like going to the store. I have brussel sprouts and or mushrooms for the sides mainly for me.
    Mac and cheese for them but cause I'm on a diet no carbs for me it sucks. Trying to loose weight. Cause I have most of all these ingredients in my house.

    Which one did u guys like the best?? The chicken pesto or the meat loaf??

  4. Julie Izquierdo
    Julie Izquierdo says:

    The chicken artichoke casserole to ask would u eat it cold?? The chicken is already cooked.
    It looks good I think I eat it cold I wouldn't bother baking it unless I wanted my cheese melted. Hmmm ither way it still be good.
    I like the spinach and artichoke dip which is always cold anyways.


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