What's For Dinner? Dinner for One (1) Person | Suggestions to Help Single's Cook For Themselves!!

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What’s for Dinner? Dinner for One (1) person. In this video I am trying to give singles, especially older singles suggestions for what to cook for themselves. I hope …

30 replies
  1. D Sinavich
    D Sinavich says:

    Hi Debbie! Your dinner looks delicious! I like chilli ! Your fries look great also . Maybe cook them at a higher temperature. ?! Take care and keep on vlogging!! Deborah. Canada. Paper plates are just fine to use anytime!

  2. Mary Marshall
    Mary Marshall says:

    Debbie don't change a thing about your videos!!! I enjoy yours so much.. Love the food !!! My kind of cooking 🍳 😋.. I live alone too !!! I made hot dog chili for the first time a month ago. Delicious!! I freeze it also.. taters is my middle name.. it's not a meal for me if taters aren't on the table 😉😉 you can never have too many taters !!! Keep on cooking ☺☺☺❤❤❤

  3. Tina Bassett
    Tina Bassett says:

    I should have said that the ground turkey sausage that is made for food pantries is the only commercial production ground turkey sausage that I like. There are other brands made, I just don't like them.

  4. Tina Bassett
    Tina Bassett says:

    I haven't yet made my own hot dog chili. I will probably use ground turkey. I use ground turkey for every recipe that calls for ground beef. I even make my own ground turkey sausage because the only ground turkey sausage produced is for food pantries and I don't use food pantries because we can buy our groceries. I contacted the farm that makes that turkey sausage and asked if they sell it in stores, they said it is made exclusively for food pantries. God bless them for caring about poor people.

  5. Tina Bassett
    Tina Bassett says:

    My dad, who is passed away,used to say anything is good if you like it. Someone likes canned chili, it's just not me. I only like the home made chili that I have adapted from what my mom made when I was a child. No matter how hot I make mine I still add a teaspoon of sugar to it. And I use black beans instead of kidney beans.

  6. Andrea Leming
    Andrea Leming says:

    Love your down to earth, honest personality. I was thinking do you think maybe you put to many potatoes? I wouldn't know I don't own a air fryer, just a thought. God Bless

  7. Lyndsey MacPherson
    Lyndsey MacPherson says:

    So true–canned chili is all garbage, now, sadly and I really love chili. Look forward to trying your chili recipe, because the homemade stuff I make is so much bother, and chili pods are so expensive now, too.

  8. Lyndsey MacPherson
    Lyndsey MacPherson says:

    The first time I ever had a hotdog in a bun like that was at an NBA game, and I didn't know what to do with it at the condiment stand, so I just put everything on it, including mayonnaise, and it was great! Maybe it's the sentimentality of the experience, but I couldn't eat a hotdog in a bun without mayo, now. 🙂

  9. Avan
    Avan says:

    i wish you were my grandma. my grandma left me around last month to a couple weeks ago. i miss her bland cooking and you remind me of her so much. i wish she was still here, your grandkids are so lucky to have you

  10. I Heart Disney
    I Heart Disney says:

    Love watching your videos! I think the problem with the potatoes, you have the temp down too low. In a regular oven, you would cook them at about 400-425 degrees for 45 min or so.

  11. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    Next time up the temperature 425 for the potatoes. Hey I love those paper plates I use the same ones beautiful places. Why can't everyone be nice shame on who makes fun of someone else.

    MNTNSTARZ80 says:

    🤣 I learned the hard way that yes, there are extremely hot chili powders out there.
    I like to buy spices in bulk, usually get them at the Amish store, one time I was at an international food market, went down the spice aisle, saw a bag of chili powder, grabbed it.
    I made a nice big pot of chili, put several tablespoons in, thinking it was like the small bottles I bought at the local store.
    That chili was so hot no one would touch it. I tossed it out and used diluted amounts outside to get rid of ants and mice
    I read the tiny label on the back of the bag it just said chili peppers.
    It's really a point of view type thing, American chili powder is a mix of different things whereas to foreign countries chili powder is a single ingredient.

  13. Debbie Reilly
    Debbie Reilly says:

    Eat your hotdogs how ever you want, that what makes us different if everyone was the same it would be a boring world. 😊😊😊😊😊😊 different is a good thing. God bless you Debbie. ❤🙏❤🙏

    MNTNSTARZ80 says:

    The 1st time I ever had Tajin a small package came in a fruit salad I got at 7/11 .
    Now I keep a bottle on hand to use in soup, stew,anything, especially on sliced cantaloupe


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