What's for Dinner? | Budget Friendly Dinner with Delicious Homegrown Herbs AND Buttered Potatoes YUM

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What’s for Dinner? Everyone loves a budget friendly dinner. What about a succulent Beef Tenderloin Steak that is so tender you can cut it with your fork.

12 replies
  1. Tina Bassett
    Tina Bassett says:

    I went through pink eye and sinus infections and inner ear infections all at the same time. I went to my doctor and this time she prescribed antibiotics for my. I got home, that day, in the early afternoon and took an antibiotic and used the eye drops that the eye doctor had prescribed for me earlier that day. I was in my bathroom and blew my nose and it felt like God scraped every bit of that sinus infections out of my nose with his finger. The sensation was unlike anything that I have ever experienced before. Praise God that he loves me enough to help to heal me. It took almost 2 more weeks to overcome the rest of what was in me but God helped me every step of the way. I asked him for his help before I went to the doctors that morning. That was the best, smartest thing that I could have done. All glory to God. I try not to cry when troubles come because I know that God will bring me through them and set me better on the other side. I always ask him at the beginning of any trouble. He works wonders. And miracles.

  2. bdh70
    bdh70 says:

    I'm so sorry things are piling up like this, hope you feel better soon! It always seems like everything happens at once. At least your steaks look like they turned out well! I used the Montreal seasoning for the first time last week, I liked it a lot. And I enjoyed the card I got in the mail, brightened my day! Take care and hopefully August will bring better luck

  3. D Sinavich
    D Sinavich says:

    Hi Debbie! Love steak and mushrooms! Cooked med rare ! Sorry your not feeling well, tea and honey , whiskey!! LoL That little girl is so sweet and excited to go to the beach! Now get to bed and get some sleep !! Take care , feel better soon! Deborah… Canada

  4. Patricia Hartless
    Patricia Hartless says:

    Good Morning . As the old saying goes . When it rains it pours . But we always will make . It through the hard time . Hope you feel better soon . You probably got a summer cold . Thanks for sharing . Your delicious dinner . Had a great day .

  5. Lab Lover
    Lab Lover says:

    That looks so good I'm drooling down here in South Carolina!!! I love filet steak and potatoes and that plate looks so good no matter what time it is. I have you in my prayers and I am praying hard it's not Covid. Please keep us updated if you can. Your friends here truly care about you <3 <3 <3 I hope your family has a great time at the beach.

  6. OnAirVoice
    OnAirVoice says:

    Everything looks good! I like my steaks with a little moo left in them :). I would only go about 6 min if I were making them for me. I do like the Montreal seasoning. Hope you feel better…


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