What's For Dinner? April 18, 2021 | Cooking for Two | Easy & Delicious Meals

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Hey Y’all! We are back with some really easy & delicious weeknight meals for you, and we show you how we make each one. We hope that these weekly meal …

41 replies
  1. Karen Thompson
    Karen Thompson says:

    Hi! How did you like the shrimp in the air fryer? I cooked shrimp in the air fryer for the first time this weekend, just patted them dry added seasonings then put them on a flour tortilla and cole slaw with lime. I loved them!

    JANET & ERIC says:

    HEY STACY! Can you come cook for me 😉 Your meals always look amazing! Hot ham and cheese is a fav of ours! Oh, and the chinese is a fav too! Thanks for sharing! Hope you guys are doing well 🙂

  3. ayronsmama05
    ayronsmama05 says:

    Stacy and Tim my favorite couple!! I am behind and I automatically need a answer, lol. What size is your air fryer? I have a small one that I generally use for a quick fry or Ayron a baked m&c. I really need a larger one and for the life of me I don't get why I haven't asked before, 🤪🙃! Pray y'all are doing great and all is good here in Tennessee, HUGS! The TN 2!

  4. superbellabeau
    superbellabeau says:

    Great recipes as always Stacy! The ham and cheese rolls looked delicious! I love making fried rice. I cook all the veggies and egg in the microwave ( I'm lazy. Lol) I put mushrooms, peas, shallots, corn, capsicum and ham in fried rice. The prawns looked delicious as well and your salads ofcourse! Happy day to you both from Sally and the fur crew! 😄💗

  5. Amanda
    Amanda says:

    Something you might enjoy, "Greek" burgers. I usually make them with ground turkey but it works well with "real meat" too. 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

    Mix ground meat with ranch seasoning, crumbled feta, diced red onions, cucumbers and bell peppers. Form into patties and cook on medium low. I like to let them form a good crust before flipping so they don't fall apart. To serve I make homemade tzatziki sauce (sour cream, ranch seasoning, fresh dill, crumbled feta & grated cucumber) or our Walmart carries premade tzatziki, too.

    I find it's a good way to get some veggies into my carnivores 😉

  6. Jess & The Boys
    Jess & The Boys says:

    Everything looked so good!🤗 Chinese is my favorite, too! We make it a LOT! I think this week was the first week in a long time without some sort of Asian inspired dinner.🤣 Great meals!💜

  7. Yvette Bennett
    Yvette Bennett says:

    Happy Sunday My Friend!For someone who is struggling with her cooking inspiration and mojo, I think you did a fantastic job with your meals this week. They all looked delicious to me. I enjoy flatbread anything.
    We went out for sushi last night for my birthday. It was nice not having to cook. I cook all meals. We do not go out much.
    I made Chinese food on Thursday and thought of you. 😁
    I meal plan for a couple of weeks at a time and sometimes for the entire month. It helps me to rotate meals that are staples in our home and when I feel inspired or feel like doing something different, I can. I have not been feeling very inspired to make new things lately but I do try to make something different with leftovers so that has been my creative streak. A couple of weeks ago I had a lot of fun recreating new meals from leftovers.
    Monday is chicken.
    Tuesdays is pasta with meat sauce.
    Wednesday is beef or pork.
    Thursday is chicken.
    Fridays are tacos.
    Saturday and Sunday use to be beef but it's so pricey now so we have beef one night and pork on the other.
    It keeps me sane to have a routine. I have been doing the routine for about 10 yrs now.
    I have the protein picked out and all I need to decide is what carb and what veg to make with it plus always a salad too. I am like you. Enjoy a salad daily. I use my crockpot 2-3 times per week or my Ninja Foodie.
    The weather here has been so gloomy. I have not been my usual self, kind of been down in the dumps and not motivated. I ordered a light therapy lamp hoping that will help me out some. I need the sun every day or I feel down and depressed. It's awful. Lol. This season will soon pass and then it will be hot, humid, and miserable. Gotta love southeast Texas weather. If you dont like the weather now dont worry. It will change in 15 minutes. Lol. 😂🤣😂🤣
    Sorry, I havent slept well for 3 nights now so that is probably part of my issue and my silly sarcaatic weather comments. 😁
    Hope you and Tim are doing well and have a fantastic blessed week this week my dear friend. Hugs. ❤😘🙏

  8. Vivian Brandon
    Vivian Brandon says:

    Everything look delicious Stacy – especially that hot ham and cheese sandwich! Thank you for the tip about the tortilla, naan and pita bread – I didn't know how to store it before it went bad but now I do! Have a wonderful week!

  9. Taylor LaVerdiere
    Taylor LaVerdiere says:

    Hi Stacy!! I hope you had a great Sabbath today! I’m really sorry I brought up such trauma! Won’t talk about beets or cucumbers again! Sorry you and Tim had bad experiences. My Mother has her Dad’s shirts made into a pillow such a GIFT to have!! Man Tim’s golf swing is incredible! Have you seen the hard boiled egg trick with shaking the egg peel still on in a container? That gets off the shell maybe that could work for the chickpeas! I have yet to find a store bought original hummus that i love they all taste interesting! Don’t buy the same brand twice! Still looking😂 I love your tv trays!! I think that’s what your plates are on! Edamame is great for woman I have heard it’s a great source of folate! 🙂 Have a great week! Talk to you soon!

  10. MrsAcosta78
    MrsAcosta78 says:

    Hey Stacy, my fellow Who Dat! Our dearest Brees has retired, boo….but it's ok. On to a new Era. Anyway, I wanted to give you a few tips about your Hummus. 8m a Greek New Orleania that LOVES hummus. I have a tip that a friend had given me years ago….ice water! It makes for super creamy and smooth hummus. Also, I always use canned chick Peas and boil them with some garlic or onion, discard all of the liquid from the can. When you boil the canned beans, most of the skins come off and float to the top so when an just skim them off 🙂 hoe this helps.

  11. Darlene Batts
    Darlene Batts says:

    Well Hello..and Happy Sunday Stacy and Tim. Yum Everything looked so Tasty as usual.. I finally got to go out to My all-time Favorite restaurant. Yes Chinese Buffet !! I ate so much.. I was one Happy camper.. Now that they're back open again.. I plan on going Every Single chance that i get lol.. I'd Eat it everyday if i could.. It's so yummy.. Hope that Y'all had a very Blessed Sunday. Take care Sweetheart.. Love your Indiana Friend.

  12. ab22heartsmac
    ab22heartsmac says:

    I have heard the newer instapots don’t work as well. Tried and true recipes done in newer models trigger the burn notice when they never had before. Maybe that’s the case for other people having rice not turn out as well. Thanks for all the great recipes again this week! See you next week 😊

  13. Veronica Storey
    Veronica Storey says:

    Everything looked delicious. Love the look of the sliders, green beans and I a cole slaw freak. Woman you just make me so hungry!!!! I love your show!!! I got to try to make that humus, I love it.

  14. Amanda Belt
    Amanda Belt says:

    Another week of great meals! We have fried rice on our menu too (with leftover rice that we are having with chicken Santa Fe on Tuesday 🙃)! My sweet Nick has also requested that we try out the hot ham and cheese sando in our own air fryer. Thank you for all the inspiration for our own meals 💗

  15. Sarah Lane
    Sarah Lane says:

    Ye seem like the sweetest couple🥰🥰🥰… definitely going to try the flat bread pizzas with the kids, we normally make our own base but this looks like a great quick alternative 😀 🥰

  16. Our 80s Life
    Our 80s Life says:

    Hi Stacy and Tim! Hope y’all are having a great weekend! I’m sure Tim’s glad to be back on the golf course. Nice door prize, lucky you! I’ve never made sandwiches from rolls like that, but every time you make them I always think they look so good. Your homemade Chinese food looks good too! I make my fried rice a bit differently, by adding the rice to the egg mixture straight away before it sets and scrambles. I don’t really like peas either. Edamame is a good idea, as well as the toasted sesame seed. I’ll have to try that! I also add tons of diced green onion to mine at the end. 🍚

  17. hotmama298
    hotmama298 says:

    Great video, I've never made hummus before but I'll use chick peas in the can. I totally get not feeling inspirational but you did great this week. Have a great rest of the week.

  18. Kathryn Baker
    Kathryn Baker says:

    Since you love Chinese…have you ever made eggroll in a bowl?? If not you should definitely look up the recipe! I even like to serve it over cauliflower rice for more veggies and it seems more “filling” that way!

  19. Gail B
    Gail B says:

    I am struggling with menu ideas and cooking lately too! Those little ham/cheese sandwiches look good, and how fun to do shrimp in the air fryer. I should do shrimp soon. I haven't found naan here in a while, hope I can get to Sam's soon to stock up again, we love pizzas on them. Chinese is always a good idea! And getting a break from cooking is always good too! I think Elizabeth has a corkcicle mug, you'll have to ask her about it. Good video, thanks for all your hard work!


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