What's For Dinner? (#24) | Quick & Easy Dinner Ideas | Easy Recipes!

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Crescent Roll Peach Dumplings https://youtu.be/0i2osqmMr24 Green Chile Chicken Enchilada Soup …

15 replies
  1. Kathy Conger
    Kathy Conger says:

    I’ve never had the egg salad grilled. How delicious! Definitely gonna have to give that a whirl. We all love egg salad. Your cheeseburger pie sounds delicious too. I will remember all your tips for making it too! We haven’t done your peach dessert in a while. That sounds good! Thanks for all the great ideas! 💕

  2. Cooking With Neighbors Jerri-ellen
    Cooking With Neighbors Jerri-ellen says:

    I think all
    Of just I am going to work on using freezer and pantry stuff. Adding the stir fry mix was a great idea but bites it wasn’t what you thought it would be. Pizza looks great. I always thaw my pie shells as well. Looks yum. I think it looks fine. Oh wonder if cooking crust fully first next time yes. Think I may have to try that soup Andrea. Would like a wee bit thicker too.

  3. TaShonda Renae
    TaShonda Renae says:

    Great week! Another creator I watch made egg salad yesterday. I have never had it before but am interested in trying it. Looking forward to your video! Thanks for sharing 😊

  4. Cooking with Kory
    Cooking with Kory says:

    Darn cheese always burns fast. I really liked the soup. I have never tried that pizza before. I always see them at the store. I really like egg salad also. Have a great week my friend.

  5. Andrea Gennaro
    Andrea Gennaro says:

    Hi Andrea another awesome upload I would love to see how you make your chicken salad it’s my favorite everything looks so delicious dose not bother me about the top of the pie over cooked that what cooking and baking is all about my daughter would love that pie she my good eater lol I love Howard with his love of avocado 🥑 love to hear Harrison in the background what a little doll hope he’s injoying his summer my kids last day is Thursday I heard it’s hot 🥵 in Texas it’s going to start getting hot here in Ct next week thanks for another great video take care

  6. Laura Vitaliani
    Laura Vitaliani says:

    Good Morning Andrea😃 Looks like you had a busy week I did too. I like the cheeseburger pie. I thought the the bottom shell would've cooked like you said. I think I'll give it a go but Taco seasoning. Oh and I'll pre bake the shell a bit.👍Put your feet up relax and enjoy you day. Stay blessed❤


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