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Thank you so much for watching this whats for dinner video! Get $30 off your first HomeChef box! https://www.homechef.com/invite/0N8yXsVn8byQ My last …

50 replies
  1. Cindy R
    Cindy R says:

    I hope your husband appreciates you. Work full time plus work with YouTube cleans and cooks all his meals. He should be doing all th dishes, grilling and outside work for sure plus giving you a day off during the weekend.

  2. Gigi
    Gigi says:

    I must have confused 2 different recipes? I bought a chuck roast and the apple cider thinking it was the roast cooked in apple cider, but the roast recipe doesn't call for it. The other recipe uses cubes of stew meat. But, in the video, you served roast with cider gravy. Where did I go wrong? 🙂

  3. Lori McMahan
    Lori McMahan says:

    Love your channel! However I am missing your weekend prep for the following week. Those are my favorite. You can’t make everyone happy, right? Just ignore me and just allow me to say thank you, for all do to make this channel great.

  4. Mamma Grace
    Mamma Grace says:

    How do you clean the top of your stove (the grates I believe they're called) this is the first time I've had this type of stovetop and find it difficult to clean especially after cooking chicken like you did on the stove with a little oil. The oil splatters and sticks. I can't scrub because it seems to take the color off. Thanks

  5. Lauren Miller
    Lauren Miller says:

    My favorite part of a work day is coming home and getting into comfy clothes. There are many nights I just don’t feel like cooking and we order pizza. That’s real life. Thank you for sharing all the meals they all look so yummy. I now need to make a roast! I can’t cook rice either so I buy minute rice… knock on wood I have yet to really screw it up. Lol.

  6. Rhiahl
    Rhiahl says:

    That deglazing works way better with a silicone spatula instead of a whisk. You know the one used in baking for scraping bowls. The ones from Pampered Chef work great. 😉 I love lemon chicken. Husband hated it and I had forgotten about it until now. Thanks! I know what is on the menu tomorrow.

  7. Smiley Tow
    Smiley Tow says:

    I could live at your house and eat all the things you make and buy! ( I would do all the dishes and clean up! ) ❤️💕 I am always impressed with all you and your husband do for your family! ❤️💕 thanks for all the videos you share!

  8. Gwen Frazier
    Gwen Frazier says:

    Bahaha! I made some some broccoli cheese soup in my instant pot. I ended up throwing the whole thing in the trash. They said it looked and tasted like baby food. Yours looks good!

  9. kellie lutz
    kellie lutz says:

    I love these videos the week I found your channel I binge watched a lot of the meal prep ones…when you do these it would be awesome if you said if y’all all really liked everything I know you did say for some stuff but when you did pioneer woman video you said it for all the recipes

  10. bryn B
    bryn B says:

    Did your mom happen to dredge her chicken in cornstarch/flour mix? I had a Mongolian beef recipe from a friend but my sauce never got as thick and glossy as hers. Saw her make it one time….aha!

  11. Risa's Kluttered Kitchen
    Risa's Kluttered Kitchen says:

    I consistently make rice pot-in-pot in my instant pot – cup of water with the trivet in the pot, bowl with 1 cup soaked and strained basmati or jasmine rice, salt and olive oil on top of the trivet , lock and cook on manual setting for 7 min. Perfect rice and it doesn’t stick to the pot out the bowl. Works every time.


    Jen, thanks for doing what's for dinner. I love seeing new recipes. I make those ham sliders a lot! My teenage son loves them! BTW where did you get the white tiered tray next to your sink? I've been looking for a small one like that in white. Thanks!

  13. Barbara Johnson
    Barbara Johnson says:

    Thanks Jen for sharing. I especially like the Broccoli Soup in the IP. How long did you cook the Broccoli and Chicken Stock? I want to try this with cold weather and the busy holidays coming up.

  14. MrsRedAng
    MrsRedAng says:

    That white sauce pizza looked super good!
    Can't go wrong with a roast, I love that there's always leftovers.
    I just made french onion soup with week ❤
    Mmmmm taco soup! Ohh garlic balsamic dressing sounds good.


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