What We Eat in a Week | Letting the Kid's Pick the Meals

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I asked my 5 kids what their favorite meals were and made a video showing you exactly what they ate in a week! Enjoy this large …

35 replies
  1. Diana Toews
    Diana Toews says:

    This is how we cook and feed our four children also. I think they won't be so fussy if they see what parent's eat and they learn to eat the same thing's. Loved watching this. Great meals.

  2. Sarah St. John
    Sarah St. John says:

    These are wonderful ideas! My kids love salmon burgers too and I’m definitely going to try the French fry salad this week- my daughter has a wheat allergy so I’m always looking for fresh gluten free ideas!!

  3. Kim Price
    Kim Price says:

    Thank you for sharing your tips for feeding kiddos. I love that your daughter knows how to make a snack. This summer I have been focusing on teaching the teens to cook simple foods they like.

  4. Jan Jentz
    Jan Jentz says:

    We don't have children in the home anymore… all grown up; but always looking for inspiration and ideas when the Grands come visit. All of you meals looked yummy. I really want to make the steak and fries salad soon.

  5. Stephanie N
    Stephanie N says:

    You are so blessed to have good eaters. I've raised my kids on good wholesome food but my 10 and 12 yr old boys are extremely limited in what they will eat, and they like nothing healthy. My 5 and 7 yr olds will eat most things, so I'm not sure how much of it is my actions, and how much is just them. I hope you appreciate your kids' eating habits!

  6. A Hearty Slice of Mommy Life
    A Hearty Slice of Mommy Life says:

    My kids used to be such great eaters. They are getting pickier as they get older. There are a lot of things they do eat compared to other picky eaters but I am finding it incredibly frustrating to deal with the complaints. I do not make separate meals for them but it doesn’t matter. They just don’t eat and go to bed hungry. They don’t seem to care. I like his French fry salad idea. I definitely think my kids would eat it. Although deconstructed. When you use the fry daddy don’t you use a lot of oil? Could I use the air fryer or would I need to par boil the potatoes first ? I just don’t want to waste so much oil since we don’t deep fry much at all.

  7. Marina
    Marina says:

    I do love your cooking ideas ! Always pick up sth . But may I ask ? Do you have some time for yourself ? You cook à lot and I know how much time it takes! Plus such à big beautiful family ! Hugs from France 😚

  8. oshelld
    oshelld says:

    Good for you, our boys ate what we ate also. We didn’t eat between meals and I think that is key, they did get a couple of snacks. They are 47 and 46 now and both are great cooks.

  9. Leeann
    Leeann says:

    Do you take the bones out of the canned salmon? I make the same salmon patties using canned salmon but I always take the bones out the best I can. If i don't have to I'll be skipping that step!

  10. Heather Smedley
    Heather Smedley says:

    Ho Laura…..all the meals you've shown here today look delicious. I was fortunate my child was not a picky eater so I didn't have the constant power struggle that can come from that. I think that a lot of picky eating comes from too many options on offer. We were a very low income family when my son was a child and the only option he had was eat it or go hungry. The one exception to that was fish because it turned out he was (and still is) allergic to fish.

  11. North Fork Beauty
    North Fork Beauty says:

    Thanks love the recipes! Smoothies are so great in this weather 😋 I make tacos every week and salmon croquettes every other Friday night. You always make such healthy delicious foods. You take such good care of your beautiful family!
    Maybe sometime this summer you could do a video on cast iron seasoning? Years ago watching you and your sister cooking with cast iron I finally switched. I love cooking with it but not sure if I'm seasoning the right way. Happy 4th of July weekend 🇺🇲❤️🤍💙🇺🇲😊👍

  12. MrsRedAng
    MrsRedAng says:

    I do a lot of those weekly , another easy one that's a hit with the kids is kilbasa with diced potatoes and onion, maybe peppers.
    We really like Banh Mi sandwiches.

  13. Kecia Starks
    Kecia Starks says:

    Your little one is so sweet just sitting there watching & helping as you as you cut up veggies….very well behaved! Your little girl is an angel. I love that you feed them such a wide range of foods….their palates will be widely developed. Loved this video. I'd say YES you are an expert based on your observation of being a mama to many. I had 6 and much like yours I had no picky eaters as I fed them what I cooked, PERIOD! There were no options to PICK from as I did the cooking. I think picky eaters are sometimes made by letting them pick so to say. Each one had their favs and so I always made sure those foods or meals were in our menu rotation etc…meal time was a very pleasant part of our day, enjoyable by all because of not having picky eaters. Your a great little mama and I love watching you.

  14. Nicole Ziegler
    Nicole Ziegler says:

    Great meal ideas! I love hearing what others feed their kids. My toddler is quite picky, but will usually enjoy grain free quesadillas, potato soup, and homemade French fries!


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