What To Buy During The Pandemic – My Japanese Shopping List

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Although Japan is not currently on any sort of lockdown or strict order to stay indoors, I think we are all starting to realize that we need to take matters into our …

30 replies
  1. edtomorrow
    edtomorrow says:

    What in the world is going on at the table in the background @13:41? There’s a creature in that black thing draped over that chair. This is a good video btw. I have the cubed curry that I’ve never messed with. Thanks for showing how easy it is. Take care.

  2. Ian Hollis
    Ian Hollis says:

    If I'd made more sensible decisions in 2018 about which Japanese language to attend in 2019, I'd still be in Japan right now, not Changchun, Jilin in the the northeast of China, stuck in some shitty contract. -.-; Live and learn, I guess, live and learn.

  3. TheCeska90
    TheCeska90 says:

    21st day for italy, I basically can only do groceries in my village (police controls, wich is good because there are stupid people who go out of their house even if they are in quarantine because they are positive!!!), wich has a very very little market. I miss doing real groceries

  4. Colin .K
    Colin .K says:

    My grandma lives alone right next to Rinkai kouen, the only person able to care for her is my uncle who lives in Saitama but problem is he works in Shibuya and multiple people near him had been sick.
    Kinda scary stuff, really wish i could be there to take care of her right now

  5. momiji
    momiji says:

    It would be cool if you made a cook book or posted full recipes on instagram. I would love to try some of your recipes 💕 It always looks so delicious.

  6. リラキャット | RilaKat
    リラキャット | RilaKat says:

    I found a bag of frozen already chopped potatoes, carrots and onion in 1kg or something like that for pretty cheap, under or slightly over 300¥ at Okay supermarket, that will last longer frozen if you have the space for it. We do as we invested in a 45L fridge that is awesome. Get that for keeping those veg longer and they're not cooked I was told so you cook like normal.

    Sadly I only know two Japanese people here, and haven't talked to any foreigners here esp throughout the YouTube community which I feel isn't one anymore as I hoped to meet up with people since I've returned, now a whole year. Pretty lonely.

  7. Big-boned Pikachu
    Big-boned Pikachu says:

    So far on day 16 at home without leaving. Gotta go pick up groceries soon though. Not looking forward to that but thankfully they bring them to your vehicle and load it for you. But hopefully we'll be stocked up for a while and can ride out the worst of the storm at home.
    Keep an eye out for free games online! Lots of games are being offered for free for a limited time so take advantage while you can and stay inside!

  8. Madison マディソン
    Madison マディソン says:

    We just had our first confirmed case in my tiny rural town a few days ago. People are staying home so it looks much like a ghost town. I’m an essential employee, I’m a manager at my dollar store job in the US and we’re such a small store that we’ve been basically ransacked. Each week when we get truck, we pretty much put everything out possible and then it flies off the shelf. We’ve actually started limiting milk and eggs like we have with toilet paper and any paper bathroom products. (Also that curry looks so good ahhh! I love cooking my own food but it’s hard when my store doesn’t sell fresh food and I don’t own a car) my Mom told me to stop buying things from Japan which I get even if it’s more so ridiculous… So I have to Lysol packages before opening them and then sanitize my hands. I wish I didn’t take so long to start watching her videos since I’ve been watching Rachel and Jun and Sharla or ages! Stay safe everyone! ❤️🌸

  9. klondike7777
    klondike7777 says:

    15年も日本に居るのですね。私はカナダのYTに住んでいます。YTでは5人ほどしかいませんが、家にずっといます。 4月に一時帰国をするつもりでチケットを買ったのですが、キャンセルしました。 福岡でも徐々に新型コロナの患者が増えてくるかもしれませんが、十分に注意してくださいね!

  10. gary s
    gary s says:

    I was in a grocery store in Japan trying to decide which plate of sashimi I wanted to get when a little Japanese lady just cuts me off, shoves her way in front of me. Then she moved away really quickly. I thought that was really rude! Then I saw that she put a 40% off sticker on the plate I was thinking about buying! So i thought she can be rude as much as she wants! But all that did was make me buy more stuff because it was all 40% off! I went back to my hotel room happy!! Until I ate too much!

    Very nice informative and educational vlog!! Thanks Much!!

  11. sumasuda
    sumasuda says:

    Thank you so much for this! I used to eat lunch and dinner at the office, so now that I'm at home all the time, I'm looking for new ways to "spice" up my meals……… I'll look for curry the next time I'm at the supermarket!

  12. chalkman crawl
    chalkman crawl says:

    Awesome video….ty. The reason I have been watching so many youtube videos is because I have been sick for a long time now so I am so happy for you and all my other fave youtubers for doing videos for us so we can keep informed and be entertained . So if you can keep doing thing this …we love you you all.

  13. chalkman crawl
    chalkman crawl says:

    I want you or someone to do a video on the word curry and what it means around the world….Ièm from Canada and it means the yellow curry powder but in other countries it means a stew.

  14. Kai Sovereign
    Kai Sovereign says:

    Aloha , I appreciate you Michaela! Liked your info on the foods. I'm still learning the Japanese foods on the shelves here in Hawai'i. We try to have 2 weeks of food, medicine, 1st aid kit, flash light, can opener, in a ice chest here at all times. We have a car, so it is rarely under 1/2 a tank in case of evacuations. We went through many emergencies here on Hawaii Island & in Northern, California.
    The food you have in your supplies sounds pretty good. We have a lot of spam, vienna suasage, ramen, canned vegetables & fruit in our ice chest. I sent a care giver to the store to get insulin, dairy, meats, vegetables & fruit.
    What do you like to do to keep yourself from feeling alone?
    A lot of people i know are going to go online with an app z oom and do social meetings, rpg & other games online this next week. Im enjoying your show, photography and web cams around the world. Mahalo, Take care, Kai

  15. Claudia M.
    Claudia M. says:

    Great tips thank you, Micaela 🙂 Another one: If you're ever bored at home, you can always draw or read (at least I think it's great).
    I made an etsy shop for coloring pages and slowly adding art. If someone is interested I will link it, but if not I don't want to spam… so please tell me if you would be interested 🙂


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