What is the Dietary Requirement for Carbohydrates?

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You might be surprised at the dietary requirements for carbohydrates. Check this out. DATA: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2129159/

30 replies
  1. Airish Viscara
    Airish Viscara says:

    Thank you so much Dr. Berg. Carbs is actually my weakness even if I do fasting I tend to overeat especially when I am stressed. And I often wonder how much is needed you're so kind and generous to all of us. God bless you always

  2. omnimacrox
    omnimacrox says:

    Just makes sense. There should be a sugar tax like there is for alcohol, tobacco and gasoline. They strip the raw sugar out of sugarcane then pollute everyone's food with it. Costing the medical system billions. Reducing everyone's quality of lifeand shortening their lives.

  3. Cindy Barnes
    Cindy Barnes says:

    During a severe severe pandemic an small injection of Lysol spray would kill it. About a decade ago I underwent a severe political abuse and tried to take myself out because I could not get police to help me due to milagencia stand down from rumoring. The likely real doj problem held back in investigations by Barr. I took an entire large can of Lysol into my belly. It even took out maybe so virus that was blinding myself in a black mold environment and other political hostilities. Blumeberg candidate seems to be sweationg this. Builderbergs and nsa my suspect follows for 20 years. I get microwave radiations from upstairs but has stopped for a week maybe solved by fire of MgGuire. I recently had two sd card backups of my phones stolen that would restore on another as myself in gps upstairs. There 6 or more months ago wss at least a 50,000 watt hit on myself causing 50 pounds in 2 weeks and a week later a quarter of my bed blood vomit as king size bed. Diabeted went to no longer numbers and very good reason to fear institution putaway to coverup my whistleblows going back 40 years now traced from intelligence and source denominations. Anyways I would like to forget this and mobe on as it cost me my dad and my family of origin remaining in separation caos. Govt ignores this in coverup because if I die there is no opposition to their new creative version from the orwellian top. Lysol of that quantity made me quite sick feeling for two days but for an ebola or a small pox a pharmaceutical grade solution actually looks pandemic emergency valuable.

    Jeff Barnes.
    Blumeberg stated "kill it" likely meaning my device. Many have been taken out or stolen last decade.ktrh michael berry and syndicates and friends were the source of the whistleblower terrorism most specifically berry, levin, hannity, lewis and norrey. I recently told kansas city police since another stste might be friendlier. They censored future posts else a higher power did. Tyranny you cannot cry for help any more. There were harris county deputies involved also with berry ktrh etal. Barr seemsvto be coverup lying but might just be imagry but seems so. The guy upstairs has NS hacker level skilks too. Ma y many hack extorts.

    Jeff Barnes

  4. amanda Tkids
    amanda Tkids says:

    Can you go lecture the ADA on those ‘recommended’ carbs? It’s mind boggling to watch a family member diligently eat her 200-300 carbs a day as told. Other family members from the school of Dr Berg Heathy Keto have gently tried discussing the amount she consumes to no avail and even to defensiveness 🤭🤯. Thank you for constantly teaching Me atleast 🙂

  5. CoUpLe DrEaMs
    CoUpLe DrEaMs says:

    Hello doctor Eric berg..I like your all videos…and I am from India …my father has type 2 diabetes…can you make a video about is there any way to cure type 2 diabetes…and how ?? What to eat …plz make video sir..

  6. CriticalCK
    CriticalCK says:

    I got a question on sugar. Is there an amount of sugar that is okay? Despite being 40 years old, I lose weight very quickly. I can gain weight, but I have to put a lot of effort into eating a lot of processed carbs – otherwise it just doesn’t happen. And even if I gain weight, I can easily lose it again within a matter of 1-3 days. Even if I slack on eating just for one day I already lose more weight than I’m comfortable with. I’m rather athletic and I eat mostly healthy. So my question: Is there a reason not to eat a moderate amount of sugar if weight gain is absolutely no issue? I’m eyeing a delicious dessert while writing this 🙂

  7. Sarah Windmueller
    Sarah Windmueller says:

    How dr berg explains that there is no dietary recommended of carbohydrates makes a lot of sense. I know low carb diets are controversial but the thing is that Americans eat to much carbs and sugar. If people really want to lose the weight long term and be healthy first reduce carb intake. I know for a fact that anytime I eat heavy carb loaded foods like pasta, rice, bread, white potatoes, etc.. all my body wants is sugar and more carbs. I can understand that it is mind over matter and having will power but there’s more to it than that. It’s a feeling of intense cravings that surges through my entire body that makes me overeat the carbs without really realizing it. I’m sure that it’s like that for a lot of people. The only true method that has actually worked for my intense carb and sugar cravings is mostly getting rid of those high carb foods. If a person quits sugar and carbs those cravings aren’t there because a person no longer eats those things. I honestly believe the best diets in the world to stay healthy are a combination of doing low carb keto paleo diet and even a good Mediterranean diet can be very healthy.

  8. L A
    L A says:

    I don't believe any of this because I born and grow up in different country (sunny country) where everything organic and made from real sun. I was skinny never gained any weight, was eating bread every day and all kind of carb. I was full of energy. I moved to US and within a year or so I gained weight then I started to follow diet bla bla and just can't get back to my original weight and I stopped even eating carb just little bet. My friend from my same country had the same issue too. I think they put too much chemical and not using real sun to grow plants, even the organic grass fed cows eat fake grass. I think we designed to eat anything but small portion as well we are designed to move and exercise. The key is to eat real food made from real sun.

  9. Keto Steveo
    Keto Steveo says:

    Thanks for another informative episode! Question…do ketone levels raise your blood sugar? As a type 1 diabetic on keto for 8 weeks, staying at 10g of carbs per day, one meal a day, my blood sugar is now trending up. Not sure why this is…

  10. Navneet Singh
    Navneet Singh says:

    Greeting from India @Dr.Berg. Does It make sense when someone says ACV slow down gut motality and thus causes slow movement of food in digestive system and that create a lot of problem like constipation and all. Dr. Berg please help me to understand this. 🙏🏻

  11. Rick Nash
    Rick Nash says:

    Dr. Berg I'm confused and need you to explain. "Mastering Diabetes" promotes a plant based diet and many carbs from whole fruits, vegetables and grains. They say that their diet significantly improves insulin resistance. Why does their method appear to work and yet be the opposite to what you promote?

  12. Nick
    Nick says:

    When he says high carb diets lead to all kinds of bad outcomes, that’s extremely misleading and should always be provided with context. High carb diets that come from a majority of carbs that are [refined] and not [whole] leads to those issues. Especially combining refined carbs with high fat foods and little to no fiber. Also high refined carb diets combined with fat that exceed caloric intake will increase weight gain and cause lots of problems. I dont know why people dont include that essential distinction when they discuss carbs like its one monolithic thing. A high carb diet made of fruits, veggies, and whole grains & not overdoing the fat and overall caloric intake will not produce bad outcomes. Carbohydrates are a very complex (no pun) macro to discuss. Talking about it out of context is not helpful and can confuse people.

  13. Patrick G
    Patrick G says:

    Dr. Eric Berg I am 55 years old and have done Keto and IF for the last year under your videos and and one or two others and have lost close to 70lbs and feel great and my Dr. wants to know how my labs are looking so great for I guy my age so thanks. I do have a question regarding some of the testosterone boosters such as "nugenix" or "Ageless Male" that is being sold over the counter. I would like to know if you have seen any studies (good or bad) on the effects (long or short term) of using these product. I did not see a video on this subject in your collection and it might be a good topic. Thanks again for all the good advise.


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