What is American Pinball Thinking?

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Nick and Kevin discuss American Pinball’s newest game, “Barry O’s BBQ Challenge.” Watch the full Episode 84 of “Bro, do you …

16 replies
  1. @retroelectrical
    @retroelectrical says:

    Everyone loves BBQ, but a BBQ-themed pinball machine? My issue is that my brain automatically thinks of burning wood, a grill and BBQ sauce. It is like making a pinball game on Chinese food, or Indian food.
    Simple food items like hot dogs, burgers or pizza would have made a better theme. BBQ is just too vague.
    They would have been better literally making a Burgertime pin.

  2. @blawicki
    @blawicki says:

    1. Boomers are growing weirder and weirder by the day.
    2. You know they were sitting around the brainstorming table and someone said "Nothing more American than BBQ" and they ran with it.
    3. If this game is sitting next to virtually ANY game in a parlor, it will not get played except by a boomer.

  3. @yankdattoof88
    @yankdattoof88 says:

    I played this on location last Saturday and I gotta say….it stunk. Empty playfiel and the shots were not intuitive. It looks better in person though. Not for me, especially at that price.

  4. @H4tfan_EXP
    @H4tfan_EXP says:

    For those of us who have aged to where our circle of family, friends and workmates have received colostomy's; a portion of the cancer diagnosis suspects a connection to a heavy diet of barbecue/grilled food. The fact that Barry lost his battle with cancer and his legacy game is named "Barry O' Barbecue Challenge" is progressively odd.

  5. @BDW8500
    @BDW8500 says:

    Can't believe Nick doesn't know who Barry Oursler is. Have you guys never played Pinbot? Taxi? Doctor Who? Cyclone? Come on now, it's like not knowing who Steve Ritchie is.

    BBQ theme still sucks tho

  6. @AndrewPBentley
    @AndrewPBentley says:

    I can't believe this got cleared. Did they not research the history of BBQ? A BBQ themed pinball machine covered in white people? Might as well have made Barry O's Sushi or Tacos.

  7. @michaelholiday9508
    @michaelholiday9508 says:

    Great show as always guys. There is limited content like this for the pinball community. I enjoy watching your podcast, streams and tutorials 😎 I cheer for American Pinball, however this last game from them has me scratching my head as well


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