What is a Traditional Foods Kitchen? You Might Be Surprised!

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Learn What is a Traditional Foods Kitchen. You might be surprised! Also, discover essential Nourishing Traditions recipes that include nutrient dense foods.

31 replies
  1. Mary's Nest
    Mary's Nest says:

    Hi Sweet Friends, Today, I want to share with you my definition of What Is A Traditional Foods Kitchen. You might be surprised! ➡️SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/marysnest?sub_confirmation=1

    ➡️Be sure to head over to my YouTube channel’s Home Page where I share lots of organized playlists of videos that I think you will enjoy. Here is the link: https://YouTube.com/MarysNest


    ➡️SUBSCRIBE TO THE FREE TRADITIONAL FOODS NEWSLETTER: https://marysnest.com/signup-traditional-foods-newsletter/

    ➡️JOIN THE TRADITIONAL FOODS KITCHEN ACADEMY (Optional Membership Community): https://youtube.com/marysnest/join

    ▶️MASTERING THE BASICS OF TRADITIONAL "NUTRIENT DENSE" FOODS COOKING SERIES: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U3b4eu0QraZReKlGzA11h3y
    ▶️HOW TO STOCK THE TRADITIONAL FOODS KITCHEN PANTRY: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U1MqC3YAw7ZRYjuL9FBGSwc
    ▶️THE ULTIMATE "NOURISHING TRADITIONS" TRADITIONAL FOODS SERIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U08QTxHX-n8ozvP_UfeWuL8

    ▶️RECENT VIDEO UPLOADS: https://www.youtube.com/c/MarysNest/videos

    ▶️THE ULTIMATE PREPPER PANTRY SERIES: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U0WCxRNWm60Yt0ihEQbfpUl
    ▶️HOW TO GROW MEDICINAL HERBS AND MAKE HOME REMEDIES: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U3eCyTEJqM_wyfxWl-E1b08

    • Super Soft No Knead Sandwich Bread: https://youtu.be/NvnQemlD_5c
    • Homemade Cream Cheese: https://youtu.be/oIVRzfYPEW0
    • Homemade Salad Dressings: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U1ofjfyxoqzjTbnJHFgwbvz
    • How to Make Bone Broth: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U0JFsTi2N7sHSpU-vBR04CH
    • The Complete Sourdough Starter Guide: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U3NKN0GHvGCpiWNxcTefLof
    • Fermented Foods and Beverages: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U2zC24JBmFnCcn1vbvo_sC6
    • Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U1QPA95O2-oOvxwtO-v3L4L
    • Immune Boosting Foods and Home Remedies: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLkRuW3pBo2U0p9nRAWldbyqYSbgwzARGd

    ➡️FOR THE CORRESPONDING BLOG POST: Don’t forget to open the description under the video and scroll down till you see “BLOG POST”. There will be a link there that will take you directly to the CORRESPONDING BLOG POST on my website (MarysNest DOT com) that accompanies this video. Depending on what type of device you are watching the video on…To open the description under video, click the words “SHOW MORE”, or the title of the video, or the small downward pointing triangle arrow to the right of the video title. All of these should open the description.

    ➡️And for more in-depth info…➡️JOIN THE TRADITIONAL FOODS KITCHEN ACADEMY (Optional Membership Community): https://youtube.com/marysnest/join This is where I share in-depth “Vodcasts” (like a podcast but you can watch and listen or just listen) all about Traditional “nutrient dense” foods, plus 1 monthly LIVE STREAM. This is for those who are interested in delving into all these Traditional “Nutrient Dense” Foods topics in greater detail. BUT DON”T WORRY…this is completely optional, and I will continue to produce all of my free public videos too. I’ve got lots of great public videos coming up here on my channel, so stay tuned. 😉

    Thanks for watching! Love, Mary

  2. Manuela Glavas
    Manuela Glavas says:

    My problem is not that I can't do a lot of the cooking. I really like that!
    My problem is often that I'm stressed out and overwhelmed by life.

    My husband has a chronic illness and when he has one of his bad phases, gets close to dying etc. I need so much energy to just keep going for my family, to just keep life running, that my cooking really suffers.
    Even though I like cooking, and fermenting and baking bread, there's nothing left in me to do it.
    Then I regress to buy more convenience food. And the home is a mess. And it takes me months to get back where I want to be with my cooking and eating habits.

    And I haven't found a way to balance this out? How do I keep cooking healthy nutritious food for my family if I simply have nothing left in me to do it with?

  3. Fredrik Byström
    Fredrik Byström says:

    To those thinking "I don't have time": Cooking CAN take a very long time but it doesn't have to. Have groceries delivered to you, use recipes that take 20 mins to make many portions and save and reheat those portions later. The time spent for each portion is going to be low!

  4. Fredrik Byström
    Fredrik Byström says:

    My view on cooking is this: You eat around 3 meals and 3 snacks every day. You live… 80 years? That's a whole lot of eating. Since you'll be eating regardless, you might as well learn how to cook so you can enjoy that aspect of your life more. And once you get over the initial hump, cooking is fun! I often find that I have more recipes that I want to make than I can actually eat myself.

  5. Fredrik Byström
    Fredrik Byström says:

    Don't underestimate the health difference between store bought bread and home made bread. I used to buy the (seemingly) most healthy and nutritious bread at the store, but I eventually tried baking my own sourdough bread. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I actually felt a difference in my body after replacing all the store bought bread in my diet to my own made sourdough.

    To those feeling intimidated by making sourdough: I view myself as a complete amateur when it comes to baking and I haven't baked "normal" bread before tackling sourdough. I failed a few times, but eventually learned and slowly improved. Now the sourdough I make is "good enough to bring at dinner parties". Also, the ingredients for making sourdough are as cheap as you can get (just flour and water) so failing isn't really fiscally punishing.

  6. Ajay Jackson
    Ajay Jackson says:

    You are like a ray of sunshine 🌞 I'm subscribing, i just watched your video for making bone broth and it sounds really good, i need to boost my vitamin b12 and i think your recipe will be ideal 👌

  7. Graceful& humble
    Graceful& humble says:

    Hello lovely mary, I have been binge watching your videos for the past couple of days, you make me feel safe if that makes any sense. I have a question if you have the time to answer it would be much appreciated.

    If I buy canned glass food, I.e Organic pasta sauces in glass jars organic spinach in glass jars, are these classed as a forever food like the tins or is this different? we have a brand called biona in the Uk and I am not sure what the rules are.. any opinions? Thank you

  8. Bernie O'Connor
    Bernie O'Connor says:

    A lot of my friends and family think I’m weird because I like to cook the “long way,” by preparing my own mayonnaise, or preferring dried beans over canned beans, or making my own jams. But for me cooking is not just about the final product that ends up on the plate, it’s about participating in the whole process from start to finish, which in the beginning usually means making mistakes and then learning to correct those mistakes so that each time it comes out a little bit better than last time.

    I can understand taking some shortcuts especially when I’m limited on time, but to be honest in the past year with the pandemic I have spent a lot more time at home, and so I took advantage of that by cooking all the things that I used to think I never have time for, and it turns out that most of the “shortcuts” that I used to rely on don’t actually save me that much time. I’m not sure I can ever go back to cooking the way I used to, that wouldn’t even feel like “cooking” anymore it would just be “assembling.”

  9. Robert Provenzano
    Robert Provenzano says:

    Hi Mary, I love your channel and have learned so from watching it.

    I do have a question though.

    I don't have room for a second fridge in my place, and so I'm wondering if I can water batch or pressure can ferments without destroying the enzymes? I use water batch for pickled veggies which I can then store in the pantry, just not sure if I can do that with fermented veggies like sauerkraut.

    Please let me know, and keep the amazing video's coming!!

  10. Irma Bresser
    Irma Bresser says:

    I think its so sad that my grannies are gone. I wish i could ask them all kinds of stuff now. Love to watch you do them, even though i am dutch and we might do things a little different. I am gonna check the sourdough video, cause we love it since we visited ireland.

  11. Denise Scull
    Denise Scull says:

    I was raised in a traditional foods kitchen home with 3 sisters but we all gradually got away from it for one reason or another. Finding ourselves with more time the last year and a half, a couple of us have been influenced by you and a couple of other YT channels to get back to it. I dove in and started kombucha, sourdough and sauerkraut- all at the same time. I got discouraged and decided to focus on one thing at a time and now I make the best sauerkraut and a pretty decent bread. I've gradually changed ingredients, like regular table salt to celtic salt, white sugar to sucanat and changing to organic things when I can. I'm on my second year of gardening and am about to can my first batch of my own tomatoes! Your encouragement and teaching has been my go-to and I wish I could express how much you have boosted my confidence to do all of these things. I look forward to our "chats" because that's what it feels like when I watch your videos. Thanks Mary I appreciate you!

  12. Tammy Soto
    Tammy Soto says:

    Great subject, glad you tackled it. This is only a recommendation but another great subject would be a 'GO -TO" bag for emergencies where you have to leave your home and take a backpack full of first-aid stuff and food, clothes and etc… You would be the perfect person to help us organize our "to-go" bag. The tutorial would be a hit, so helpful. Think about it…have a good one…

  13. M G
    M G says:

    I make what I use often like mustard, broth, dressings, I don't make mayo, sour cream or cream cheese because I just don't use enough of it to be worthwhile, I don't have too many canned goods, just some a few items like tomato paste, beans, corn.

  14. Rosann M
    Rosann M says:

    Thank you Mary. I've gotten away from Traditional foods but wanted to get back to eating better. This was very encouraging. I'm just getting settled into my little farmhouse and raising my own dairy from my goats. Thanks for the encouraging words…


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