What I’m doing to get back on track after gaining weight

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In this video I’ll be talking about what I’m doing to get back on track after gaining weight from my trip to America. I’ll be talking …

33 replies
  1. Deborah Cahillane
    Deborah Cahillane says:

    I thank you for all of your advice ! I just can’t stop having wine with dinner so I don’t lose weight and sometimes gain. I have to talk myself out of that before I can make any progress…

  2. C N
    C N says:

    Loved watching this video! Simple. Makes sense. Practical. Doable. Now, I've got NO excuses. But to implement it. Starting today. Or maybe tomorrow. 🤔

  3. Brandy Savoia
    Brandy Savoia says:

    Love this video!! Been a long time viewer and I just really appreciate how informative your content is and you are such a lovely person! Thank you for all you give to your audience.

  4. Carolyn Bradshaw
    Carolyn Bradshaw says:

    You should check out Atlanta Creole here on youtube. She follows plant-based McDougall style eating and puts Tony Chachere's Creole seasoning in everything! She prepares lots of inexpensive easy veggie-heavy Creole style meals.

  5. Loren Tell
    Loren Tell says:

    Hey Chels, you have a potato button on your microwave – I have been using the microwave for years to cook potatoes using that button. It doesn't matter if you are cooking one or six, it will cook them perfectly. I do flip them midway during that process, but it takes the guessing of how long to cook them out. Also, there is a great way to microwave corn still in the husk that works like magic – if you or anyone else are interested.

  6. Eline
    Eline says:

    I've enjoyed my pastries in Sweden a few weeks ago but now I find myself longing back to my old habits that gave me the results that made me happy. 🙂 It's so nice not having to stress because you know exactly what to do in order to get back where you were.

  7. Claire Car
    Claire Car says:

    Great tips! Made me think of making some skin-on red/fingerling baby potatoes and putting them in a hot soup thermos. Easy to eat in the car with your fingers and the thermos won’t require the use of paper or foil. They could be seasoned without making a mess and won’t get squished! Thanks for the inspiration!

  8. Lynn Walker
    Lynn Walker says:

    Thanks for all your videos Chelsea! They helped me stay motivated and lose 33 lbs of covid weight this year. Even though now the weight is gone I still enjoy and look forward to your videos for meal ideas and to stay on track! Also, I'm so happy you and the family enjoyed your visit here in the U.S. After hearing your thoughts on your visit I realize how lucky we are to have so much fresh produce and such variety year round, it's easy to take that for granted.

  9. Allie B
    Allie B says:

    I peel the microwave potatoes – the skin tastes bitter to me. If you used to be a potato chip person, leaving the potatoes to cook longer in the microwave can harden them up a bit and they remind me of potato chips – just have to get the timing right otherwise they burn.

    BRENDA LEICK says:

    I really enjoyed this episode. I've been studying about a WFPB vegan diet for a good long time; but, I've been stuck at implementing it into my life. It's made me feel like a failure. But today you sharing your system to build the habits…well it was eye opening. You see my normal way of eating was restaurant, drive through and convenience foods from the grocery store. This kind of food is on every corner in America. It ticks me off big time. That said, I need a system that is easy, pleasant and affordable to make this life change I really want and need. Thanks for showing the way. I appreciate you! May blessings abound to you and your family.

  11. Gayle Williams
    Gayle Williams says:

    Thank you so much Chelsea – you are such an inspiration to so many people, especially young mum's.
    By the way, many microwaves have a potato setting. Just put the potato in and press the button


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