What I love & not can again! Collaboration 2022

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This video is to kick off the What I love & not can again collaboration! I’m hosting the Open collaboration, which means you can …

33 replies
  1. Robyn Downing
    Robyn Downing says:

    I just watched Heather of The Kneady Homesteader and her video on what she loves and doesn't love to can. She said you are fantastic so I headed over here and just subscribed. I look forward to watching your videos!

  2. Renita Meares
    Renita Meares says:

    Agree with most. Love canning meats: hamburger, chicken, beef roasts. Havenā€™t tried porkā€¦yet.
    Love canning potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tomato sauces, broths & dried beans. I do not precook them. Watch Heatherā€™s videos. My husband loves mushrooms so I can them, for him. Oh and onion jam. Which brings up any other jams/jellies. More that I want to try.
    I am done with canning pickles of any kind. They are non-essential, take up space and I would rather just buy them if needed/wanted. So far thatā€™s the only thing that I can currently say that I will not can again.

  3. Stella Smith
    Stella Smith says:

    Thanks for showing us all your likes and dislikes in canning. I made some plum jam a while back a couple years ago and it didn't set very good it was a little runny so I ended up putting it all back in a pot and making sweet and sour sauce with it and it turned out wonderful so there was a bad jam that turned out great in the end šŸ˜

  4. Ann Mc
    Ann Mc says:

    Thanks for the challenge. Iā€™ve watch lots of the videos. I always learn so much from them. I love canning green beans and tomatoes/tomato sauce/salsa. I canned spiced honey from one of the Ball books this winter and liked it. I canned carrots once and didnā€™t like the texture. I canned Lima beans once and they didnā€™t turn out well. I keep wondering about canning potatoes, but Iā€™m afraid I wonā€™t like them.

  5. Karen Sparks
    Karen Sparks says:

    Hello! This is the first time I have seen your channel and I' m subscribing. Wish your camera view was a little lower it's hard to see what you are holding up. I plan to watch your other videos. God bless.

  6. Janette Ricks
    Janette Ricks says:

    I have never been able to make pickle like my grandmas. But this year I made dill relish. Wow! Only thing I would change is chop smaller and it would be perfect. I use it in place of pickles even on burgers. The pickles in my picture here my oldest son loves but no one else does haha. They will last a whilešŸ˜‚. Mostly I canā€™t ingredients, but this year I want to try soup

  7. andrea bella
    andrea bella says:

    Iā€™m curious why people donā€™t can pumpkin after roaring it in the oven? Iā€™m not a canner and am here to learn so it may be an obvious answer to that. But I would never peel a pumpkin raw. When I use pumpkin at home I tend to roast in the oven and then I scoop out the flesh instead of peeling. Just curious if it might be easier to can it already roasted?

  8. Karin Wishner
    Karin Wishner says:

    Your collaboration has given me a lot of useful information.
    What I wonā€™t can again is: apples (too mushy to use in anything and it ended up as applesauce anyway), ground beef (odd texture), pickled green tomatoes, and onions. I love to can soups, especially stuffed pepper soup (all ingredients except rice which I add when I heat up the soup), pickled beets, zucchini relish (I put it in cream cheese, tuna salad, egg salad to boost flavor), and of course jams.

  9. Caroline Hatley
    Caroline Hatley says:

    This is great. Meats I love and am learning what to do with my canning. Veggies I have not done, but this summer it is on my list. Sweet and sour sauce, I will wait for your video on this. Sloppy joe sounds good. I can potatoes and corned beef and lots of broth. I need to learn to can pie fillings too.

  10. Jessica Wanders
    Jessica Wanders says:

    Awesome video! I really want to try greens, mostly spinach, this year! Maybe in a pint jar? I freeze a lot of spinach but it would be great to have it canned and ready to go šŸ™‚ I tried those two BBQ sauces last year in a small batch and they were…just…ok. They got eaten up anyway šŸ™‚ It's the time of year for me when my canning supply is getting low. All my favourites are eaten up already LOL Hahaha Pumpkin!! I had so much pumpkin in my Pantry Challenge and I thought I'd never can it again but the channel came up with so many great ideas for using it up that I'm excited to can some more this year! Great to hear your thoughts on canned beans! I haven't done them up yet because storing them dry is so easy. Loved watching šŸ˜€

  11. Bettie D.
    Bettie D. says:

    Thanks for your video. I just finished watching The Kneady Homesteader's yays and nays. I absolutely love having canned potatoes on my shelves and can cases each year. This year I loved making different salsa's and jalapeno recipes…cowboy candy is a winner as well as pickled jalapenos and pepper jelly. I will always rebel can all types of beans (not lentils) and once my supply of butter is finished, I'll can some more. Lentils, carrots, sweet potatoes will not be on my list to can again.

  12. yknowgirl
    yknowgirl says:

    Someone posted on Facebook that they canned "pizza toppings" in little half pint jars. I would love to see a video on that from someone…hint? Thanks for the videos!

  13. Rain7 Mic
    Rain7 Mic says:

    A thought on the pumpkin; you could cut the pumpkin in half and roast it. Then you could mash it and can it. It would be like canned pumpkin you can buy, but a thousand times better. And you could maybe roast it to where it's soft to mash but cook it for less time so it retains more flavor for canning.

  14. Julie Baker
    Julie Baker says:

    Girl! Dump that bruschetta in your spaghetti sauce and free up those jars! I'm with you on pickles – when I want them, I make cucumbers and onions fresh. Otherwise I don't really eat them.

  15. Molly Smith
    Molly Smith says:

    Thank you for setting up this collab, LeAnne…this is one of my favorite canning topics. I quit canning dill pickles a few years ago, we just never liked them as well as our fav store bought pickles (Mt. Olive kosher dills). I did find a way to use them and not waste…I open the home canned pickles, drain and refrigerate them in leftover Mt. Olive brine. After a few weeks it takes away the home canned taste. I will always pickle brussels sprouts and beets tho. My next repurposing challenge is that darned bruschetta-in-a-jar. Maybe I can come up with a good diy salad dressing with it. I still have 4 or 5 jars to get through.

  16. Pike Creek Farm
    Pike Creek Farm says:

    I did a video with my items that I would can again and not again. Not sure how to get it to you or if it could be added to the playlist. They are all so interesting and I have subscribed to several!


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