What I HATE About Being Vegan RANT (I get mad lol)

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36 replies
  1. JadeMusic
    JadeMusic says:

    My biggest pet peeve about being vegan are the non-vegans giving you advice on how to be a healthy vegan. 😒 Bitch, don't talk to me about protein and B vitamins when you have no clue what this lifestyle is all about.

  2. J D
    J D says:

    I legit do not care anymore if I sound preachy, I am vegan because of ethics, and i am not gonna sit and fake to be okay with them talking about consuming animal corpses. sorry not sorry

  3. Courtney Mariah
    Courtney Mariah says:

    I could not agree more on trying to be "sensitive" to other people talking about their disgusting food and trying NEVER to be the "crazy vegan!" who does not wanna talk about it. It is such a struggle. I had a friend invite me to lunch because she was DYING to try the PORK BELLY and said "oh they have beyond meat burger for you!". I had to say no thanks. I also hate when people invite you to eat somewhere because they saw 1 vegan item on the menu. I guess I get no variety, better hope I want a bean burger or side salad!

  4. Saved By Grace
    Saved By Grace says:

    What I really hate is vegans telling me I'm not vegan enough therefore I'm not vegan. No animal dies for my food, so if you don't think I'm vegan enough, do you not care about the animals I didn't cause their deaths? So now I'm whole food, plant based, and not a vegan.

  5. PiaChanx
    PiaChanx says:

    I'm not even vegan (flexitarian I guess), but I understand. A friend even said that she didn't know if we could be friends since I didn't eat bacon (as a joke but kinda not). I mean how does that matter for a friendship what I eat.

  6. Courtney Mariah
    Courtney Mariah says:

    I hate when people order things and ask if I don't mind "picking things off" – (like chicken or cheese). Sure how about I put some bird shit in yours and you can pick feces off your sandwich just fine right? cool

  7. Claudia Campos
    Claudia Campos says:

    This was so satisfying to hear and read the comments as well. I feel so related and had a good laugh. Like you said, it feels good to get it out of your chest. The social aspect is definitely the hardest of being vegan. I'm also raising my baby vegan and the judgement is constant. Sometimes I'm so exhausted from the daily battle, but I also cannot imagine not being vegan.

  8. Honey Valkyrie
    Honey Valkyrie says:

    I just don't get restaurants and the cooks working there that don't have a proper vegan option because its STUPID EASY to make a curry or something that would easily be suitable for lactose-intolerant, gluten-intolerant AND vegan people. and meat eaters might also occasionally enjoy a vegan curry or stew of some sort regarding the area you live in. it's money that they lose by not having options so even if you don't support the ethics, you are also a not so great business owner if you miss out on that. and that's the argument I go for when I talk to chefs, it takes away the defensive aspect regarding ethics on their side of the discussion.

  9. Jay Jay
    Jay Jay says:

    I 💯 love u & ur realness! Thanks for speaking up how most of us vegans feel. The struggle is real! We are here for u & got ur back! 💞💙🖤

  10. ALLIE Bahe
    ALLIE Bahe says:

    The one thing you didn’t address is that some animals are treated ethically before being slaughtered. That obviously doesn’t totally discredit your point, and factory farming of animals is horrendous. It’s just something to consider

  11. Agness
    Agness says:

    I hate when I say I'm vegan and then suddenly everyone in the room becomes my personal doctor, dietitian, gastrologist and biochemist. They all know what is best for me, and what is missing in my diet while they eat the same ham sandwich every freaking day.

  12. Jay del Corro
    Jay del Corro says:

    I tried raw for a spell and while it was interesting, it was extremely restrictive and unrealistic. Some of the things they suggested like drinking coconut water from Thai coconuts was completely insane. Let's make a huge carbon footprint so I can drink. lol.

  13. JoJo Ostovich
    JoJo Ostovich says:

    Something annoys me is tbh that instant hatred I can even anticipate when I have to spill out anything to clarify that I am a vegan and I can’t be joining certain events (shit like this). And I cannot even explain because no I don’t wanna be preachy, but once I even mention the word I’m automatically “that vegan”. Ugh the level of ignorance.

  14. Beth Horner
    Beth Horner says:

    Where are the spicy options??

    i’m autistic and i find textures/tastes of foods very difficult to deal with (especially if i haven’t prepared it myself.) i’ve experimented with vegan and vegetarian diets and honestly i’ve become so much healthier because i learned to cook and what vegetables i actually like so long as they’re seasoned right.

    my biggest pet peeve is that whenever i try to eat out there’s never any spicy options for vegans/vegetarians (in the UK, at least.) I can go into about 5 separate places looking to get food and because i can’t do raw tomatoes/leafy greens i basically get locked into vegan junk food and that’s about it.

    As someone who genuinely learned how to cut an onion last year, it’s so frustrating because spicy food makes everything better for me. For whatever reason, the spiciness of the food off sets the textures a little so i don’t find eating stressful and i don’t think about exactly which bit of the food i’m chewing on right at that second. i want to be healthy seen as it took me years to happily eat veggies without crying/puking at every meal but it’s so frustrating to not be able to eat outside my own house.

    I’m aware that my situation is quite specific but i can’t be the only one who wants spicy options when you eat out right?


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