What I Eat to Stay Fit After 40

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What I eat in a day to stay fit after 40 years old. I feel way better than I did in my 20’s. Mostly fruit and meat, vegetable juice, high …

47 replies
  1. DeeBee. Biz
    DeeBee. Biz says:

    So you are on the same FRUIT TILL 4 meat diet as Juliette Autumn? Waisays discovered it over 20 years ago and called it the Wai Diet. Aajonous Vonderplanitz also discovered the fruit and meat diet.

  2. Markus Winter
    Markus Winter says:

    haha that's basically a non fiber diet that doesn't fuel your pathonogen microbiom! I'm in the same situation where I just feel much better without Fibre! Go make a DNA lab test of your microbm and get a specific prebiotic and food Fibre type recommendations to get your gut under controll and gain your health back my friend 💪 less/no inflammation will cure also your shoulder injury

  3. Elana A
    Elana A says:

    I had you written off as a late 20s video game boy. Now that I know you're my age my respect for you has increased like a million fold. You're a fellow 80s kid/90s teen! You remember life before the internet, CD roms, cassette tapes, land line phones, TGIF shows, payphones, 50 cent sodas… those are things that bond us together for life.

  4. Clayton francis
    Clayton francis says:

    Kasey, you need to do your research on salt and stop spewing rhetoric from people who think they know better than studied science. Do you realize you can literally drop dead on the spot or into a coma leading into death simply by not eating enough salt? It happened to my mom because she was exactly like you- bought into the bs that salt is a poison and blah blah blah and then bam she went into a complete catatonic coma and her body went completely rigid as in literally every muscle in her body was flexed solid and they rushed her to the hospital and they barely managed to save her once they realized she was salt deficient and all she needed was sodium. She still nearly died. A nurse had to sit next to her for 24 hours straight and yell and shake her awake because she was literally dying in front of them. Not a thing wrong with her except that she was dehydrated from not consuming enough salt. Just like you, she'd go on about how bad salt was, and that it was a poison, and she'd never eat it unless it was already in the food she bought or she was eating out at a restaurant. Which apparently wasn't enough salt.

    I think you know what I'm getting at Kasey. You could easily kill someone or multiple people with your BS about salt being a poison and your advice to stop eating salt period. Most of your videos are commentaries and thoughts but for some reason you go apeshit encouraging people to quit their salt intake entirely when you know NOTHING about salt except for what some hippies told on you youtube. That literally makes you an idiot and people could die from your incessant advice based on complete fictional bs.

  5. M Jam
    M Jam says:

    SIR BIG FAN. Look into NEGATIVE ION GENERATORS for home environment. You purify your water (berkey), your purify your diet (fruit + meat), now purify your air!

  6. Ghareeb al Ghoorba
    Ghareeb al Ghoorba says:

    Thats hilarious our morning routine is the same. I do celery juice with green poweders and then blended watermelon. I am convinced we are both sufferring from the same strain of baf bacteria. The coconut kefir is taking it to another level. I tried stopping the celery but i cant. I need both minerals from it and hydration from watermelon in the morning

  7. Ilya S
    Ilya S says:

    So nice to see you thriving on this way of eating after all the years of trial and error! Been through a similar journey and I am so thankful for it

  8. SecundusYTP
    SecundusYTP says:

    And here we are, Veggie Police, as predicted, has begun to doubt his new diet and will soon be transitioning yet again. Then the lemmings will agree with him afterwards.

  9. Nathan Orlick
    Nathan Orlick says:

    Oh bro you can't knock animal fat. Nutritious and that's where all the flavour is. Surprised you ain't eating organ meats either, that stuff is really good for you and ridiculously tasty if prepared correctly.

  10. Wai Me
    Wai Me says:

    bro nobody can schedule their day like this that has a real life haha people work hard. they don't just sit around juicing and walking in nature and wrap their day up at 2pm

  11. Nata
    Nata says:

    Feels like Starch is the best thing to remove for a healthy digestion, as well as Nuts and Seeds and all kinds of grains.
    Starch-based diets are the worst, and sadly most people rely heavily on starch throughout the planet, because we are highly overpopulated and starches are the easiest calories to produce.

    Carbs from fruits/honey and proteins+fats from meat/dairy/eggs is most likely the best diet out there


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