What I Eat in a Week: Plant Pure Comfort Food Review | Kim Campbell WFPB Vegan Plant-Based

For more great Instant Pot recipes, please visit InstantPotEasy.com

Buy Plant Pure Comfort Food here: https://amzn.to/4487WmU Join us on this mouthwatering culinary journey as Jeremy from …

21 replies
  1. brenda lambert
    brenda lambert says:

    Hi Jeremy – I'm Brenda saying hello from Southern Illinois!! I've been WFPB for about 4 years and I just discovered your channel – which I LOVE LOVE LOVE – I do watch many of the vegan and WFPB influencers out here – but as I've been binging on your episodes you are moving to the top of my favorite list! Thank you and your family for critiquing the cookbooks for all of us out here you guys are so informative, entertaining and honest in the most helpful way.

  2. United Network
    United Network says:

    I checked out your website the other day it is very informative and really organized and put together. Congrats on your 6k milestone. Btw the CNE has a lot of new things this year. Definitely worth checking out and making another video

  3. cusebaby
    cusebaby says:

    Not that I want you to waste food, but it's good to know that really only the soy milk will work for the yogurt! Unless you've tried again, since you have your hndy dandy thermometer now! Thank goodness for Amazon and my new favorite, Walmart+! Cheers😊

  4. Elizabeth Barnes
    Elizabeth Barnes says:

    Hi Jeremy, love your show, fellow Torontonian here I buy soy curls at The good rebel 1591 Dundas St. W and The Sweet Potato 108 Vine ave. in the junction. If you're in Hamilton Coven Market 949 Main St. E

  5. Dolores
    Dolores says:

    Not sure if you have WestSoy Milk in Canada but I've found it to be the Best, Least Expensive and Easiest. It is Not in the dairy section of grocery. I find it in the drink isle. A 64oz carton is about $5 in PA. For the first batch I use a non-dairy yogurt starter (purchased on Amazon) and then I use some of 'my' yogurt for the next batch (again, and again, and again) – so really inexpensive. I just pour the room temperature milk into clean jars, mix in the starter, put the jars in the iPot and push yogurt. I do mine for 18 hours bc I like it a bit tangy. Then we put fruit, jam, granola, etc. Super Easy and delicious.

  6. Janet DC
    Janet DC says:

    Your videos are always so much fun! Your farm looks so relaxing. ❤

    I love Kim’s recipes and I do have both books, but haven’t cooked from this one yet. So thanks for the preview!

    I see everyone tells you where you can get soy curls. So I won’t. 😎 I will tell you that if you don’t have soy curls, frozen and thawed tofu is a great substitute…and much cheaper. 😀

    Have you tried making those two-ingredient bean based flatbreads or pancakes that are all over the Internet? Would definitely be gluten-free…

    Ephraim might indeed find some relief from dropping the dairy. When vegetarian-me quit eating dairy, my awful seasonal allergies disappeared very quickly. 👍🏻 Did you read Neal Barnard’s book the Cheese Trap? He talks about the chemically addicting nature of cheese (casomorphins, a morphine-like compound). So it takes some going-cold-turkey time to break. Maybe two weeks. Been there, done that, no more dairy desires. 🎉

  7. frances sweeney
    frances sweeney says:

    Love these cookbook reviews, especially the way everyone is so honest!! Keep doing them, could you try one of the BOSH cookbooks, I'm sure they do a healthy cookbook, they have about 6 books!!

  8. pda
    pda says:

    Thank you for sharing your comments about this cookbook! I don't have this one and think I need it!! About the yogurt, I just started making my own about a month ago. It is sooooo easy. It takes 2 days but less than 3 minutes of your time/attention. I buy West Soy (2 qt size) which is just organic soybeans and water (no additives is very important). 1) 9 PM: Pour it in Instant Pot. 2) Add your starter (pkg or current yogurt) and whisk together. 3) Set on Yogurt. (more time = more tang, I like 10 hrs). 4) 7 AM: Pull out and cool on counter top 2 hrs, then put pot in fridge. 5) 7 PM: Pour cold, thickened yogurt into fine mesh strainer. 6) The next morning you have thick, delicious yogurt; if you wait until evening, you have super thick yogurt! Whisk and enjoy!! You can also use a larger whole strainer with a cheese cloth. It sounds long, but hands on time is literally minutes. For a large family, you can do a double batch. It is bar none, the highest protein, most delicious yogurt!!! If you like your yogurt on the thinner, runny side, it is ready at 24 hrs, no straining. The longer you strain it, the thicker it gets, almost to cream cheese at 48 hrs of straining. All you need is patience and room in the fridge to let it strain. YUM!

  9. K Laurvick
    K Laurvick says:

    Say that about the low profile vitamix decanter!!! I bought one for my daughter in law but promptly exchanged it for the old style! I tried several times to post such a review on their site but they wouldn't allow it. I've bought 5 or 6 vitamixes; i should be able to leave an honest review

  10. Peony
    Peony says:

    We get ours from Natural Food Pantry in Ottawa, but I believe they deliver if you're not in the Ottawa area. I have seen them at other health food or natural food stores as well from time to time. Good luck and love your content!


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