WHAT I EAT IN A WEEK – no diet, no allergies, just vibes

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I’ve had so many requests to do this so here is everything I eat in a week! FYI I do drink water I just didn’t include it. If you want any extra details or recipes let me …

7 replies
  1. Jaymfs
    Jaymfs says:

    There’s chapters on this video so you can easily skip the chit chat Lunch if you want to and get back to meal clips only ☺️ The links are in the description if you can’t see them on the video already 🎞

  2. TheCurlyLocks
    TheCurlyLocks says:

    I have watched a lot of "what I eat in a day" videos and most are really over the top as no way can people be bothered to do so much before they eat 🤨lol, so your video is a breath of fresh air, real and natural and I really enjoyed it ❤️😊


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