What I Eat in a Week – 15 Minute Vegan Meals Cookbook Review & Family Taste Test | PB with J

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35 replies
  1. Susan Hutchens
    Susan Hutchens says:

    I really love watching your cooking videos, but sometimes I have to turn it off because there’s too much smacking going on. There’s a lot to be said for good table manners for children and adults alike.

  2. Mary O'Brien
    Mary O'Brien says:

    WTG Man!!!!! Represent…. love all the sauces, dressings, and puddings; Any dish under :30 is great in my book!!! Game Changer!!!!! Vegan since 2018! Sometimes you just gotta mix it up and appreciate the Male variety of cooking. luv that fam is on board!!!! Mary (MO) from NW Arkansas💚Be Well

  3. Sheri
    Sheri says:

    So glad you've added Amazon links for USA residents. I just bought the book. The recipes look delicious, even if they can't be made in 15 minutes (which obviously, they can't).

  4. Ellura Duplex
    Ellura Duplex says:

    I agree with others. Would love to see your best quick meals. I love these cook book videos. And I especially love that you show your swaps. That is very helpful. Thanks! Btw, watching your show from Colorado.

  5. O Soniye
    O Soniye says:

    Yes, include the prep time in your total minutes.
    Drives me nuts when a recipe is touted as taking a short time but I'm standing there chopping vegetables for an hour in addition to that!However, if you double the recipe, that may legit take longer.

  6. Marilee Peterson
    Marilee Peterson says:

    I agree with Emily – If it says 15 mins it should take me 15 mins from start to finish. Or at the very least, 15 min once I’ve gathered the ingredients. But the 15 min should include cutting & chopping.

  7. Randi Rosa Nikolajsen
    Randi Rosa Nikolajsen says:

    Really love your reviews🎉 also this one🎉 but I would have loved it even more if breakfasts, lunches and desserts were included😅 Love seeing your sweet family goes through all meals❤ PS. I know it wasn't the concept of this video

  8. Kerri
    Kerri says:

    I love your channel so much, i also love being part of this amaz🎉ing community! The popcorn of shame omg i cant breeeeeeeathe im laughing way too loud right now 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤

  9. Diane Schuller
    Diane Schuller says:

    You have Austin Kleon's books! Me too (sorry, couldn't help but notice it on the table.) I think those people who put times on their recipes tend to have everything mis en place before they actually begin. But I'm sure with you, I'm skeptical about those claims. Oh and I totally get your son's comment on that last dish. Hey Jeremy I buy angel hair that is gluten free all the time. It's made with rice. All Asian markets have it and lots of other stores tend to carry it as well. I hope that helps.

  10. J Burrell
    J Burrell says:

    I made your Chia chocolate pudding today. It taste OK but at the aftertaste it’s very metallic so it’s not very nice. What am I doing wrong? I added all the ingredients as per your recipe. What is giving it that horrible aftertaste?

  11. Judy Silverman
    Judy Silverman says:

    I put it on my list of cookbooks I want. The other day I bought the new Forks Over Knives holiday recipes cookbook magazine and I've only gotten up to appetizers, but I've already picked out several recipes I want to try. I know you've done videos cooking from some previous issues of the magazine and I'd love to see you cook from this one

  12. Plants and Recreation
    Plants and Recreation says:

    I always love your cookbook review videos. This was another great one! A couple of cookbook recommendations – Chloe’s Kitchen (by Chloe Coscarelli) and either The Vegan Table or Color Me Vegan (both by Colleen Patrick Goudreau)!


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