WHAT I EAT IN A DAY | Whole 30 Meals

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Today I’m sharing what I eat in a day while on Whole 30. I hope these Whole 30 meal ideas give you some healthy eating …

20 replies
  1. Live well, Jess
    Live well, Jess says:

    Hello, wonderful people! Thanks for watching my video! I've re-branded my channel from The Mommy Archives to Live well, Jess. At Live well, Jess, I'm sharing how I'm discovering what it truly means to live well, and I want to inspire and encourage others to do the same. If you enjoy content like this, I invite you to subscribe and hit the bell notification for health, wellness, and lifestyle videos! Vibrant living is yours for the taking! Introduce yourself in the comments so I can say hi to you! xo

  2. Brenda Davis
    Brenda Davis says:

    Hello, I just wztched this video for an idea what to buy and what kind of meals I can make. I have been eating like this for 3 days, and I have a question. Are you supposed to get full faster with less amount of food?

  3. MMO WEC
    MMO WEC says:

    Omg that frittata looks so delish!!! I'm new to your channel and I have subscribed to you!

    Such flavorful yummy yet super healthy foods. I am considering starting whole30 as my permanent way of eating because I have so many food intolerances due to my fibromyalgia and other issues. This seems to be the only way of eating that will not compromise my health, food sensitivities and I won't be starving.

  4. Abbe Richards
    Abbe Richards says:

    Great video! I'm beginning my Whole 30 next week and was wondering what brand sweet and spicy tea you chose to drink with your frittata? Regardless, thanks for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you!


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