What I eat in a day | mix of days | trying my best!

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Here is a what I eat in a day on Slimming World – still struggling but trying to take each day one day at a time!!

6 replies
  1. slimming world savvy
    slimming world savvy says:

    Hi Julie, oh I've had those chocolate melts, never again! I'm afraid I found them to be extremely moreish! Was trying to think about what to do with the minced beef I've got to use this week and when I saw your cheeseburger pasta, that's what I'll be having! X

  2. Jaqueline Highfield
    Jaqueline Highfield says:

    It's hard when your struggling, I have been abit up & down this week ice cream got the better of me, but keep trying, that's all you can do is one day at a time have you not been to group last Saturday?, I haven't this week my friend on holiday so booked it off xx


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