What I Eat in a Day: Lazy Vegan Food because I'm Exhausted

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42 replies
  1. kayla G
    kayla G says:

    I missed the move? I’m so confused. You were out on an acreage and now your in a different house with a smaller backyard? What happened? No judgement I just don’t know how I missed this. 🤦🏻‍♀️

  2. Saz Warden
    Saz Warden says:

    Oh wow surprised to see you with one of the foam sofas ? Is there an eco friendly version ? I’d love one got my kids but don’t want the Carcinogenic version .

  3. Tanya Frost
    Tanya Frost says:

    I just started the video and almost screamed out loud….Yay yay yay. Soooo happy for your family having a fence and some privacy! Sux that the end panel cant go in but i bet its still nicer having most of the yard fenced in. So happy for u Amber 😁🤗😊

  4. April
    April says:

    Oh I am so, so, SO happy for you and your family that you now have a fence! Finally some privacy for your gorgeous yard. Great work you guys!! Keep up the work and positive vibes!

  5. DBOOP
    DBOOP says:

    Yay! Joseph is getting so comfy with the camera! I'm proud of him!!! And omg girl get some rest. You deserve it!!! PS – tell those kiddos to stop getting so big! Where'd those tiny babies go? It seems like you JUST had Galaxie and Indy was the baby!

  6. Tania Walton
    Tania Walton says:

    Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I'm so excited to see the finished garden. You guys have such a beautiful relationship. It's a joy to witness.♥☀️

  7. Cassie Nolan
    Cassie Nolan says:

    I have been building my kitchen with my step dad so I too am exhausted!

    The back yard looks amazing already!!
    I'm struggling to find a fencer where I live and ours is falling down. It will happen though =)

  8. jayathome
    jayathome says:

    So yummy. Amber, be careful if your neighbour’s spray their yard. Mine do, and even with the fence no weeds grow for at least two feet on my side of the yard. Your plants may be affected by their poison if you’re not careful.

  9. Our Real Family Life
    Our Real Family Life says:

    Love the fence guys!!! It really makes your back yard feel like your own private oasis!
    You guys really don’t deserve the neighbours you have. I can’t believe how rude people can be!
    Keep pushing on. You’re doing wonderful things with your home and your garden.


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