What I eat in a day | 2MAD (I messed up the burgers)

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ABOUT ME ✰ I’m Ryan Johnson. I run the Youtube channel Intermittent Fasting with Ryan. I have struggled with my weight my …

40 replies
  1. Sheena Mo
    Sheena Mo says:

    Definitely because they are lean. Happened to me just the other day. I don't like the grass-fed, idk maybe I'll try it again. 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️🤸🏾‍♀️

  2. Christina Probst
    Christina Probst says:

    Pan not hot enough, your meat was cool I bet and it brings the temp down. A lil bit of oil and a hot pan. Also you probably flipped too soon. Leave the patty alone, when it's ready it will flip without issue. Also, the French fries onion and cheese make them stick a bit…. Again a bit of oil or butter helps.

  3. Los Critics Supreme
    Los Critics Supreme says:

    With leaner burgers I always use a little olive oil or at least non stick spray. I also use a grill pan with ridges. Start at med heat to cook the meat throughout then work it up to med high towards the end to sear the burger good.

  4. Billy
    Billy says:

    You need a very hot pan to get a good sear. Sear both sides with high heat. Then lower it to medium low to finish cooking on the inside

  5. Jake
    Jake says:

    You've got to use some high heat neutral oil like grape seed. Wait til it's just starting to smoke before you lay them in and don't move them for at least 2 minutes. I also recommend not using pepper until you're done cooking. You don't realize how bad burnt pepper tastes until you stop eating it.

  6. sevenstates
    sevenstates says:

    My life is pure chaos, thats probably why I enjoy your videos.
    Thanks alot I hope I can get to the point were I have my own family and care for them like you do.
    Wish you the best.

  7. Colin Miller
    Colin Miller says:

    If meat sticks there wasn’t enough fat in your pan. Put tallow or lard in and wait for it to smoke then lower to cook to your desires temp as well. I would reseason the cast iron skillet again too though if you use enough fat that basically seasons it constantly.

  8. strawburybounce
    strawburybounce says:

    Nice video! Tip for the burgers: wait till your cast iron is smoking hot, then add the burgers. Your pan has watery meat juice which means it wasnt hot enough. Other tip would be to just fry the patties by themselves and add the blue cheese and fried onions as a topping on the patty for better texture.

  9. Samiul Khandker
    Samiul Khandker says:

    Try adding some egg yolks to the mixture, i think it should help bind them together , i feel like you had too much ingredients that are dry and not enough beef thus making it crumble because there was nothing to bind it together like egg.


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