WHAT I EAT IN A DAY \ 2600+ Calories High Raw Vegan

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17 replies
  1. The Vegan Solution
    The Vegan Solution says:

    Another full day of eating PLANT BASED VEGAN abundance 😁🙌 P.S. I don't show it, but I also drink 3.5-4L of water each day; living in Thailand where it's very hot & dry climate it's necessary 💦

  2. sabrin- rn
    sabrin- rn says:

    I love these videos they are so inspiring 😍. But just one question: how can you eat your big dinner on one sitting? I would go bloated the whole day eating such a large amount of food on one sitting and I am not new to the whole some plant based lifestyle and also eat high raw fruits and vegetables. In order to have a good digestion I musst split my meals in smaller otherwise I would feel low and bloated ? How do you deal with it ? Did your exerience this also


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