What a Real Day in the Life of a Parent Looks Like | Tantrums, Meals and Organizing Chores

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In today’s video I share the real way our family spends a Sunday. From early wake ups to venting here and there, CrossFit, family …

33 replies
  1. Sarah Kirshner
    Sarah Kirshner says:

    Hey Nicole,
    As a mother of three kids, I see it- not all kids are created equal. Some children are high needs children, or high maintenance (not to be confused with special needs) while others are naturally more relaxed and go with the flow. I highly recommend reading the book " How to Raise Your Spirited Child" by Mary Kurchinka.
    Best to luck mama❤

  2. Nadia Chet
    Nadia Chet says:

    Mom's have to have to take care of themselves too because we need our strength and energy for fuel …kids are priority but we can't forget about ourselves …it becomes more challenging if the mom has more than one child because how you supposed to find that kind of time … I'm a stay at home mom of 5 kids in my middle 30's . …kids are like energized bunnies that never get turned off lol…

  3. Princess Angela Dove Barnett
    Princess Angela Dove Barnett says:

    I missed you guys so much!!!! 😍😍😍♥️ My heart is always full of joy when I see you post a new and LONG video 😂😂😍🙌🤣♥️ I always yell out “Sageyyyyyy” to my 2yr old son lol he imitates me in his own language lol

    Sagey is so darn stinking cute 😍🥰♥️ and she’s grown so much and came so far!!👏👏🥳🥳 I saw how shocked you were when she was counting lol I can’t wait till my son gets there too 😍‼️👏 Love you guys so much!!

  4. The Fibro Warrior
    The Fibro Warrior says:

    Hahahaha Matt sounded so salty about those enchiladas. My son is cutting teeth hard right now and the last hour before bed you would of thought he was being tortured with his crying but yes to the good sleepers!!! My son has slept in his own crib since 2 weeks old and through the night 7-7 since he was 3 months.

  5. Carolyn Botelho Simao
    Carolyn Botelho Simao says:

    Totally just realized I grew up in the area you live in lol no street signs or anything that I noticed that will disclose your location completely, so still safe 🙂 You guys are so cute , I aspire to have a similar lifestyle and honestly I look to your videos for help and between cooking, being an amazing mama and living a holistic lifestyle, you've been such an inspiration. I to have anxiety and I'm so afraid of having bad anxiety when I'm a mama and you've given me hope that it's not going to run my life forever. Please never stop posting, i love all your content. Found your page about 3 years ago or so and I still watch everyday just rewatching your videos. Also love how you said vava instead of avò in one of your other videos about the tea leaves coming from your vava's farm in Portugal! I say it the same way and my cousins in Portugal cherp me for it everytime lol anyways! Stay safe and I wish nothing but the best for you and your beautiful family.

  6. Lena Harman
    Lena Harman says:

    i really love how authentic and genuine your vlogs are. My toddler just had his first really big tantrum today and i really struggled, felt like i was a bad mom and that it was my fault… you showing and talking about the harder times with a toddler is just such a breath of fresh air and made me feel less crappy about the whole situation. I had to laugh when you said thank gawddd shes a good sleeper, because im in the same boat there too, good sleeper but big emotions!

  7. Gina Ingardia
    Gina Ingardia says:

    Such a great Mom. Love the way you try to get her focus on what she may want when she is fixated on something is probably not best for her. Going through those tantrums with my toddler who is 25 months was a learning experience and still is, but helps you grow as an adult too. It is so challenging when they are in the eye of the storm and you didn't expect a hurricane.

  8. Craycrayxx
    Craycrayxx says:

    I loved the video! 🙂 you always motivate me for mealprepping, eating more healthy and being more active. Honestly i completely changed my lifestyle because of you. My favorite videos are the „what i eat in a day/week“, looking forward to the next one of that kind :). Sending good vibes

  9. Ashwini Ramdas
    Ashwini Ramdas says:

    My almost 2yr old baby girl is just being crazy nowadays and I try to have very much patience towards her I try not to scold her everytime for her tantrums and make her understand politely….would u suggest which one would be better for them nd us as a parent…

  10. Layla Berlanga
    Layla Berlanga says:

    Currently drinking a tea and watching this before my 20 month old wakes up. Was so refreshing to see the real struggles, definitely can relate and made me feel like a "normal" mum so thank you so much for sharing!

  11. raeesa rashid
    raeesa rashid says:

    I do get this but I have this person in my life who repeatedly tells me that when your kids are small, it's more about them….like look after urself but it's more about the kiddo….so this has me feel guilty for even wanting me time


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