What A Moderately Healthy Vegan Eats In A Week #110

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I’m not a dietitian. This is what a basic foodie girl eats in a week trying to be mindful of spending money. Patreon: …

26 replies
  1. @Katek8
    @Katek8 says:

    How do you make your instant mashed potatoes? I prefer to make them from whole potatoes but I have a couple boxes of instant to use up. Whenever I make them they taste like literally nothing lol

  2. @margarett_b
    @margarett_b says:

    About the blade-licking – I used to do the same with knifes BUT I've recently cut my finger with a new one to the point I had to had it stitched and now I don't even wan't to think what if if happened to my tongue – scary af XD

  3. @margarett_b
    @margarett_b says:

    Oh my god I had no idea Arabic is SUCH a complex language! I mean, I knew but I am still super surprised about the tendency to skip some letters – this is wild! Polish (my native language) is not easy either and quite varied from place to place too but so so different than Arabic πŸ˜€

  4. @JacobRobAJ
    @JacobRobAJ says:

    Great video as always. Lovin the hair and all them outfits. The day 1 outfit was my favorite at Blossom. The fish & chips looked really good. Hope to see more videos from you soon.

  5. @liltrench5862
    @liltrench5862 says:

    I haven't tried Upton's bacon, butThrilling Foods makes a pretty legit one that I was able to try at Just What I Kneaded bakery in LA over the summer. It's very crispy with an amazing bacon flavor!

  6. @Rebeccaac
    @Rebeccaac says:

    Love the hair! I also enjoy the mashed potato pro tip, I got some from Bob’s Red Mill after I got dental work done to have soft food around but it’s a nice wholesome staple pantry food

  7. @Anoukkadijk74
    @Anoukkadijk74 says:

    We have the trek bars here in the Netherlands so if you want I could maybe send you some ❀️ I know we have the power millionaire shortbread one! + salted caramel, smooth lemon, peanut butter, white choc&raspberry, cocoa and cocoa coconut @albertheijn


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