Weight Watchers Changes Follow – Up | WW 2021 Changes | #weightwatchers

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HI My Name is Denise and Welcome to my Channel! article https://theholymess.com/weight-watchers-plan-2022/

37 replies
  1. janandbrad
    janandbrad says:

    Dee, you're such an inspiration and certainly have calmed my nerves about the upcoming changes. You put such a positive spin on it…thanks for being there for everyone!

  2. Tonia Wilcox
    Tonia Wilcox says:

    i said this today in the kickstart meeting today – if it's one serving it's zero (for appropriate foods) and after that you count points for additional servings and the coach said no….that we can have as much of zero point foods as we want. I was like… WHAT?!?!?!??! needless to say, I won't be going to her meetings…. 🙁

  3. Cheryl Land
    Cheryl Land says:

    Personally when I was 15 pounds from goal I asked myself if I was willing to count points and journal for the rest of my life and the answer was “no”. I switched tomSimply Filling and it was as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders-I wasn’t stressed about how many points I ate and found that I was eating much healthier since I didn’t have to count points for fat free dairy products, etc. all together I lost 91 pounds and have been very happy. You need to listen to your body and eat only until you are satisfied, not stuffed. I learned to listen for the “sigh” and then I was finished eating.

  4. Susie Scofield
    Susie Scofield says:

    I’m with you, excited to see what the new plan brings. I’ve been lifetime since 1976 (not always at goal, but always came back to Weight Watchers). I’m 2 lbs above goal now. I have been able to lose or maintain on all of the various programs. I like some better than others, but if I followed the plan, I lost weight.

  5. SottoMom Of4
    SottoMom Of4 says:

    Thank you Dee! They are downsizing my meeting times and that meant I no longer have the same leader. I had her for 5 years & even though change is difficult 😞 we have to keep on going. We remain focused because it’s not the leaders that come & go, or the changed plans, it’s the reminder of why we joined WW in the first place. We’ve got this🙌Your videos are SO APPRECIATED!! ❤️

  6. Dawn Rae
    Dawn Rae says:

    Same as any company-a bunch of people at top having no clue what us in the trenches are actually dealing with !!! I’d vote 🗳 for you !!!! Dee for president!! Or CEO 👩‍💼. HOLIDAY HELL LOL

  7. Sharon
    Sharon says:

    I love the term you coined Holiday Hell. For the first time in years I didn’t gain ten pounds from November to December last year because I followed the plan and Dee your right I can have veggies and a sliver of some dressing/stuffing and still be successful. Thanks for keeping us informed.

  8. Veronica
    Veronica says:

    I lost weight with points plus and smart points. Once they kicked it to the freestyle and then color, I floundered and refused. I'm now 3 years in and I'm embracing this new change and started following the plan. I wish I hadn't been so stubborn when freestyle kicked in but what are you going to do?

  9. Janet Moss
    Janet Moss says:

    I think you're right about the fact that we has changed to make our junk food choices higher point and therefore hopefully use our points more wisely. I've been on ww off and on since the 70s. It works. Every change they make works. It worried me when fruit became zero points because it's so easy for me to overeat fruit but if you work the program it will work for you.

  10. Anne Kern
    Anne Kern says:

    I have been on Weight Watchers since 1967! Every program they have had…I lost over 90 lbs 3 times on 3 different plans…just do what you are comfortable with.. As far as I'm concerned you could always have eaten healthy on any one of their plans…I feel just eat day by day and stop dwelling on food….that was the one thing I learned…I buy very little snacks…I keep fruits and veggies on hand. If I feel like having something I go out and buy one of the real ones…Stop worrying and take one meal at a time. I also learned to listen to my body…if I'm not hungry I don't eat…took me years to finally get it!

  11. Judy Cory
    Judy Cory says:

    I joined Weight Watchers, yes I said it😉 back in 1972, became a lifetime member. We lost weight , we ate our exchanges.
    When you got to goal weight we did maintenance by adding back exchanges until you gained and you dropped back.
    I became a leader starting January 1984 for 14 years. I have taught a number of programs. I have found with the current program I can not eat all I want of zero point foods and can not eat a lot of fruit. I was diagnosed with Hashimoto and can not eat gluten or processed food. I hoping this next change will be back to basic’s


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