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HI! I’m Chef AJ. If you are new to my channel, my passion in life is teaching people how to incorporate more fruits and vegetables in their diets in ways that are …

47 replies
  1. Nicholle Peterson
    Nicholle Peterson says:

    I just made this and used my ip for the first time. I have a 6 qt. It was so full. I tried to release the steam and it’s spewing soup all over. 🤦🏻‍♀️

    How long should I let it natural release for?

    My tiny apartment smells divine!!! I cant wait to try it. Thank you!!

  2. Margaret Nasso
    Margaret Nasso says:

    Thank you for sharing this recipe it’s great. Since it makes so much one day I added humus for lunch OMG it was delicious. I use only 1 can of tomatoes and more mushrooms and not as much water. Thank you for showing how to make great food

  3. Robyn Logan
    Robyn Logan says:

    This looks amazing… I don't think my stomach can handle it however… as much as I love the smell and taste of garlic my digestive system does not…. any ideas on how to change that? =)

  4. Seedstitch13
    Seedstitch13 says:

    Thanks AJ for another variation of veggie soup! I've been eating my version every day for the last 3 1/2 months and I'm already down 28 lbs. It's amazing how much better I feel by eating WFPB. I got your book and thanks for everything you share!! Cheers! ~M

  5. So Bella BG
    So Bella BG says:

    Looks delicious! 👍🏻
    I make my own cruciferous crunch for far less than the price at TJs. I buy a head of red and green cabbage, a bag of Brussels sprouts and some kales. Chop up the kale and put the cabbages and sprouts in the food processor with the slicer blade. You will have 4-5 stuffed gallon size bags to use for soups and morning veggies. Takes less than 30 mins to prep the veg for the week’s worth of soups and breakfasts.

  6. happyhound13
    happyhound13 says:

    With a recently injured right hand and wrist, chopping is a huge challenge for me but your chopping tools may just be the answer. Also they look like huge time savers! Love the quick soup idea. You have fantastic information.

  7. Ruth Ruthless
    Ruth Ruthless says:

    Hey, Chef AJ! I finally reduced my bloating! You can see the transformation here.

    I did it by combining SOS free whole plant food principles together with suggestions from a naturopath to eat more cooked food and less raw food, replace my green lentils with orange lentils to avoid the shell around the lentils and various other small optimizations to support my gut.

    Also, now that I am getting a bit underweight, I am experimenting doing the opposite of what you would do in UWL and adding almonds, flax seeds and avocadoes to get more calories in the same volume without aggravating my gut.

    Still avoiding oil like the plague, because it bloats me like nobody's business and it can take me months to get the bloating back down… as you can see in the instagram post I linked, it took me from November until February to get it down this time.

    I think most people don't have gut issues like me, and instead need to lose weight whereas in my case I have gut issues and I have to be very strict with what I eat even beyond SOS free, that it can make it hard to get enough calories but now that I found foods that work I am experimenting to find more whole plant foods that will give me more calories without causing gut problems. Dried fruit like medjool dates which I love seem to cause issues, which is why I have those in only small amounts once every week or two.

    I think also a big reason why I was going on junk food binges was that I just couldn't get enough calories even though I ate at least 6 pounds of food a day and had lots of starch. Now I am having 3-4 pounds of food but more calorie dense thanks to the added fat. I was eating UWL when I have somewhat of the opposite problem. It seems to be working out well for me. Hell, today I went out to buy some flax seeds and stopped at a vegan restaurant which happens to be right next to it because I had to pee and I knew they have a bathroom because I often ate there, but I didn't get any cravings and didn't want to buy a Beyond burger like I did before. Love having that calm stable mind!

    So while most people might have trouble being overweight, we need to remember there are people with other issues as well, for whom simply eating SOS free is a vital component but not enough, people for whom trying to pack in at least 6 pounds or more of food every day is too hard on their stomach, and some people have the opposite problem of not being able to maintain normal weight, at least not without aggravating their gut issues and, like me – can mistake their gut issues with being fat…

    …and it was very confusing because on the one hand eating whole plant foods and avoiding processed food helped to a certain extent with my bloating, but the whole plant foods I selected weren't calorie dense enough (because I mistakenly thought I was fat when I was actually bloated) so I kept going on junk food binges which would ruin my de-bloating progress and set me back months. I am glad I finally figured it out. I don't know how many people there are out there with issues like mine and if it will work for others, but it seems to be working for me.

    One final clarification, I am still eating a mostly starch based diet, I'm just not doing the whole eat-a-big-salad thing and instead having my vegetables together with my stews, being stingy on fruit and raising my fat intake from below 10% calories to less than 20% calories from fat. It's still low fat compared to SAD, it's still whole plant foods only and it's still mostly starch.

  8. Jennifer Meyer
    Jennifer Meyer says:

    YUMMY! I just mage the soup – I used everything she did but I used trader joes mirepoix which is cut up onions, carrots, celery and I added cannelloni beans and some sriracha sauce. This is a winner

  9. Joy Blom
    Joy Blom says:

    Hi Chef. Forks over knives posted a video of you taking about food density! It was an incredible video and I still wanted to show my mom… But they have removed it… Is there anyway to get that video? I loved how you showed pictures of the volume of food and so on. The visual was so helpful.

  10. Nandini s
    Nandini s says:

    Hello Chef AJ! Lots of love from India. I have been a vegetarian all my life and i am in the process of going plant based. But one thing really confuses me. I have chronic fatigue and i lack in various vitamins. All the plant based doctors Suggest absolutely no overt fats(nuts,seeds etc) as that hinders weight loss. But other scientific literature suggests that you need decent amounts of fats in your diet for cushioning your joints and for fat soluble vitamins. So can you help me out here.i want to lose weight but,will going fat free make my fatigue worse and further my vitamin deficiency? Eagerly waiting for your reply.

  11. Alexandra Fisk
    Alexandra Fisk says:

    Thank you so much Chef AJ for absolutely EVERYTHING you do for us! You are one of the most wonderful presences in the plant-based movement, and I was so fortunate to come across you a few years ago! Your content continues to inspire, educate, and motivate me, and I always look forward to your creations! I will never cease to support you and your work! I talk about you and suggest your book, recipes, and videos whenever I can! You are fantastic at what you do, and I will forever remain a fan! <3

  12. PrincessSunny
    PrincessSunny says:

    Look, this past week I have steamed a pound of broccoli Or Brusselsprouts every morning before work. And then I eat overnight oats for lunch. I eat more veges when I get home from work, and usually some roasted root veges. And let me tell you I am losing weight already! And my poop is phenomenal! And this is only over 1 week!
    I love you and the message you share ❤️🙏🏼❤️

  13. fruitgirl253
    fruitgirl253 says:

    Chef AJ I love your work and your message, but I have to say something… I have heard you poo-poo natural flavors in packaged broth before and yet many of Beema and Pa’s vinegars have natural flavors in them. And my understanding of natural flavors is that they are not vegan because they are often made from the glands of animals. Could you please address this at some point? Thank you.

  14. Jeannette Turner
    Jeannette Turner says:

    Awesome t-shirt! Great message. Veganism rocks!. Fantastic no oil no salt recipes. I have to leave out all allium as I'm allergenic and don't like onions, garlic and any other allium family veggies. I flavour things with fresh home-made tomato and celery juice as a base. I bought your book The Secret to Ultimate Weight Loss and it's awesome!! I relate to many things you went through. I love your recipes, strategies etc Thank you AJ. 👍💛💚💖

  15. Maria Katze
    Maria Katze says:

    Good Video, but i Come from germany and want to know, if you have more fallowers from germany, Who Makes uwl. Hallo, ernährt sich hier einer wie Chef Aj? Ich würde mich gerne Austauschen!


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