Weight Loss & Perfectionism: Do They Have To Go Hand In Hand? | WEIGHT LOSS WEDNESDAY – Episode: 255

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33 replies
  1. Bon D.
    Bon D. says:

    Well said Chef AJ, I applaud your honesty. I've been around people for so long who never have success in sustained weight loss and like to point fingers at those who do, and using the word "perfect" as if it were a character flaw! You have found what works for you, and that should be everyone's goal, not to be like others, as you said! Happy holidays to you and yours+

  2. Peter R.
    Peter R. says:

    Striving for perfection takes you out of the moment and knee-deep into your own anxieties, faster than just about anything. Perfection-chasing is an extremely discontented state to live in; and the irony is, chasing perfection is just about the least perfect thing you can do. If you're aiming for perfection, you've already missed the mark.

    I'd answer the following questions:
    1) Is it an intact plant food? (groats, shell-on walnuts, apples; not oatmeal, roasted salted nuts, and applesauce)
    2) Am I really hungry?

    If yes is answered both times, I suggest you eat what you like until you are full, and feel free to alter something about it from a week to week basis, avoiding drastic changes. Besides that, I wouldn't even worry! The human brain does an EXCELLENT job at stabilizing the appetite to where it should be, provided you're not bombarding it with "C.R.A.P." (concentrated, refined, and processed) foods.

    To save the uninitiated some trouble try this as a starting point – If you're overweight, before you start, throw away or give away all your oil; you're not gonna be needing it for a long time, if ever.

    Preamble – "NO OIL!!!!!"
    1) Find a starchy plant food you like to eat, cook it the way you like, and serve it alongside a simple salad of whatever vegetables you like, dressed with a fat free dressing which can be storebought for your convenience.
    2) Eat salad and starches – salad and starches – and so on until you are satisfied.
    3) After you're full, and if you think you want more, try drinking a glass of water and wait a few minutes.
    4) If you're still "missing something" eat some raw fruit!
    5) Realize that if you're coming off of a high fat/processed/animal foods diet, you may experience a nagging "hunger" which is merely a craving for what you'd been eating. After a few weeks, one week really, you will "neuroadapt" to the lighter foods, the starches and salads, and you will begin to install a new set of cravings into your "computer" aka, your brain. After a while, you will not miss the old foods at all, and if you ever get a craving, it should be far less intense than it was before.
    6) Recommended viewing/reading: (in no particular order) Caldwell Esselstyn, Chef AJ, T Colin Campbell, Milton Mills, Kim Williams, John and Mary McDougall, Nutmeg Notebook, Well Your World, Dr. Greger of nutritionfacts, The China Study, How Not To Diet, Jane Esselstyn and Ann Esselstyn, Reverse and Prevent Heart Disease, Eat To Live, Joel Fuhrman, Michael Klaper, Neal Barnard, Physicians Committee, Hench Herbivore, Vegsource, vshvideo, Karl Seff….I probably missed a whole lot, but start there:)

  3. Sharon Mustos
    Sharon Mustos says:

    I found this to be a very interesting segment. Having read the books and advice from Dr.McDougall, Dr. Greger, Dr. Fuhrman, Dr. Klaper, T. Colin Campbell and many others (including Chef AJ), I have noted the contradictory advice in some areas (although ALL promote a whole foods, plant based diet of course). They even take subtle digs at each other at times. They all have scientific evidence to back up their advice. It can be tricky. Dr. Lisle might tell me that I have achieved my genetically appropriate weight set point (given that all blood work health markers are great), Dr. Furham might suggest that I should lose a few more pounds but should make room for nuts and seeds in my diet (but no rice at all) and Dr. Klaper will advise a different form of B12 then Dr. Greger. Letโ€™s not even mention white potatoes as we all saw how agitated that challenge made the lovely Dr. McDougall. I guess it is up to each of us to fine tune the details to achieve the results we are seeking and to find a way to even work around an unclean environment (because many of us live with others who donโ€™t follow our lifestyle).

  4. Groundhog11ish
    Groundhog11ish says:

    Hello Chef AJ-a perfect message for us all! Thank you! I call everything I do my preferences. We all have preferences and that helps us maintain them for ourselves. If I am living within my preferences, thatโ€™s perfect enough for me. Thank you again!

  5. Norah Stopa
    Norah Stopa says:

    Thanks for the reassuring assurance, Chef AJ! You are one of my top mentors. I pray you and yours continued good living and the best of whatever is to come. May you always find joy to fill your heart, whatever the season is!๐Ÿ’

  6. apple369
    apple369 says:

    You're right, it's not about being perfect. Getting and keeping my environment supportive has been key. What keeps me committed to eating exclusively to the left of the red line has been the freedom I experience eating this way. I no longer obsess about what I'm going to eat next, guilt myself over what I have eaten, or experience that hungry anxious (hangry) feeling. I prefer this way of eating. It's simple, easy, and abundantly delicious. I don't feel deprived and it takes zero willpower; I am liberated and free to eat whatever I want. Thank you Chef AJ, I very much appreciate your wisdom.

  7. Pouran Szekely_Kiraly
    Pouran Szekely_Kiraly says:

    Chef Aj this video is amazing but i most of rhe time feel low blood pressure and low sugar so basically I don't feel good so i go for reacher foods and sugary ones. Any suggestions on that i am so tired of trying ๐Ÿ˜ž

  8. Lulu & Meow
    Lulu & Meow says:

    Thank you gorgeous Chef AJ for answering this lady's question with your usual wisdom and kindness. I hope this lady is not going to give up! Please buy Chef AJ's book and watch as many of her excellent videos as you can. Don't keep junk/trigger food at home/work or in the car. Learn to say No when people offer you vegan cake/junk food thinking that you will like it (or to try to derail you).
    As Chef AJ said, have a few simple, filling, healthy meals ready to eat when you get hungry. For example microwave rice, a tin of beans and tinned/frozen veggies – you can put a meal together in minutes and also take it with you when you're away from home. Your cravings will stop the longer you follow a WFPB lifestyle, I used to binge non-stop for DECADES, I have not overeaten now for 13 months, of course I would eat 3 pains au chocolat if I had them at home, but I'm not going to buy them!
    It's not about being perfect, but follow the basics as Chef AJ said, be CONSISTENT (so no cheat days) but accept that you can be a little flexible if it helps you eat your greens, for example, feel free to add a little bit of salt to make potatoes more inviting.
    You may think it's insurmountably difficult, but it's actually easy! I eat such a lot my friends don't actually believe me! I'm petite and I've reached (slowly) my ideal weight, a very slim 42kg, I still have a belly, and I've learnt to love it too. Perfectionism leads to paralysis and to giving up.
    As Chef AJ says, you deserve to achieve a healthy body/weight, LISTEN to Chef AJ and get started one step at a time. Good luck!

  9. Angela Fischetti
    Angela Fischetti says:

    For me, the easiest approach that gives me the results I seek, that continues to help me maintain a 42 lb. weight loss after 4 1/2 years, ultimately comes down to two points: a clean environment and abstinence. Abstinence is easy with a clean environment. Thank you, Chef AJ.

  10. Carolyn LaPota
    Carolyn LaPota says:

    Chef AJ i NEVER get tired of you discussing this way of eating and how to be successful. Have a Happy Thanksgiving! โค๏ธ i am so thankfully I found you 3 years ago when I first started eating whole plants exclusively.

  11. Ann
    Ann says:

    Thank for your frankness in all of your videos. You never have promoted perfection. Since I've stopped legumes, my weight loss has resumed for me. My family just getting betting after your videos. ๐Ÿ’๐Ÿ’œ

  12. richardprsn9
    richardprsn9 says:

    Check out the starch solution by Dr.ย  Jon McDougal. LIFE CHANGER! Animal products and fat/oil increases insulin resistance/diabetes type 2. Watch mastering diabetes YouTube channel for life changing teaching.

  13. Mandy M
    Mandy M says:

    Excellent explanation ๐Ÿ™Œ I hope this helps so many people let go of perfection and instead focus on the process that will get them their desired results ๐Ÿ’–


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