Weigh In | Pretty Much as Expected

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Snail Mail: Kim Maness PO Box 969 Kannapolis, NC 28082 Email: ktownkim13@gmail.com Website: https://agirlandherphone.net Follow me on IG …

21 replies
  1. Wakeup to Life
    Wakeup to Life says:

    Oh my heart. My thoughts and prayers are with you, David and the family. I know how hard it is to lose your parents. And a big huge hug to you!!! Mental health is no joke and unless you suffer from it, you cannot possibly begin to understand. I've been on medication for 16 years now, and while it isn't a cure, it is a necessity!! Love you, sweetie xoxo Michelle Drury

  2. deborah b
    deborah b says:

    sorry to hear about the loss of your mother in law—- Yes- I do understand what you mean about something or a service being quite lovely!- Just keep encouraged and we will stay in prayer—

  3. Cheryl Sims
    Cheryl Sims says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about David’s mother. My deepest and heartfelt sympathies to you both. David was so good to his mother. She must have been a special woman. I’m doing about like you. My mom passed away and I’ve been dealing with all I have had to and it’s been difficult. I hope we both feel better soon! Hugs to you.

  4. Cheryl Sims
    Cheryl Sims says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about David’s mother. My deepest and heartfelt sympathies to you both. David was so good to his mother. She must have been a special woman. I’m doing about like you. My mom passed away and I’ve been dealing with all I have had to and it’s been difficult. I hope we both feel better soon! Hugs to you.

  5. ATotalChaosHomestead
    ATotalChaosHomestead says:

    Hugs and Prayers to you and David!
    I am not very good at self care! So when I saw the video about this week being self care, I thought I will try it, I suffer with pretty bad anxiety so it is really hard to shut the chatter up in my brain long enough to "Just Be"… but the first thing that came to mind was A real Haircut, for the past almost 2 years me and my kids have been cutting my hair…lol it looked fine… Today I did it, I went to the Hair Salon and got a real haircut!! It felt good… for just that 20 mins of sitting letting someone cut my hair….

  6. Jan Moss
    Jan Moss says:

    It's hard to kill a peace lily. Don't over water, indirect sun. Your dark house should be fine. If you forget to water for a while the leaf tips will turn brown. Take a pair of scissors and trim it off and it just keeps on going. They are very forgiving. When my mama died almost 3 years ago there were several huge peace lilies. I didn't have space for one that big but there was a basket arrangement that had several small peace lilies in among all the rest of the plants. They were in like 3 inch pots. I brought one of those home and repotted it in a 6 inch pot. It's done really good and at times looked like it was going to die because my husband put it out on the deck on a hot summer day one time but we babied it and right now it looks pretty good. My mama had a green thumb. Mine used to be greener thanks is now. Y'all do what you need to do to get through this sad transition and start all over again like my peace lilly has so many times and pretty soon you'll find your new normal. I love you Kim and praying for Y'all. 💕🙏

  7. Louise Lynch
    Louise Lynch says:

    I gained about the same. I also was different, I did nothing with the thought of oh, I am gonna just eat.. I was still kinda picking, and we started with the rolls, the potatoes.. I still think alot of it is sodium, so I am thinking of skipping weigh in this week and give my body a little time

  8. Recipes with Roy
    Recipes with Roy says:

    I feel the same about decorating. I have a small tree that I'll put up on the counter and that is all. I used to decorate like crazy, but now it's just too much. I don't think it's depression. I'm on meds for it (and made sure I was given one that didn't have weight gain as a side effect!) but I think it's more of my anxiety and not wanting to overwhelm myself.

    And every time I give a reason, Paul tells me he doesn't want an excuse. I tell him a reason is simply the fact of why something happened and an excuse is a way of avoiding your responsibility for that fact. 😁


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