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This weeks vlog! SPRING OUTFITS LOOK 1 Blue striped shirt: https://go.zara/3KD44Cw Jeans: …

26 replies
  1. C
    C says:

    Alexx , your stunning and your vlogs are amazing🎉❤ I’ve got a Scottish accent and sometimes I get comments with my accent 😂❤ it’s just pure jealousy and I’ve no time for people who are like that❤ you are one of the best you tubers out there, you really are🎉❤ I love flicker🐴 so so much also, so glad she’s feeling much better x you weren’t over dramatic at all, I would have been exactly the same❤️🥰the table is beautiful in the corner there❤and the picture too❤love the long vlogs❤🎉

  2. Kim Devine
    Kim Devine says:

    Complete snobbery to comment about a person's accent. Laughable because these people consider themselves better than others, educated, high class etc yet highly rude and bad mannered. I would rather be classed as a commoner 😂 than for anyone to ever be able to say I lacked respect for others or had no manners. ❤

  3. C L
    C L says:

    The way you smile when you’re with Flicka😍
    btw I’m not an English native speaker and to me, your accent just sounds British 🙂 f*** them😉

  4. Amy Edmondson
    Amy Edmondson says:

    I don't normally comment but it baffles me why people feel the need to comment things like that to people who put themselves out on the internet. If you don't like or agree with the content, don't watch it. Its sad that it seems to have become acceptable to criticise people on their appearance or on their accent. No time for keyboard warriors ✌🏻

  5. Nwada
    Nwada says:

    As a fellow Brummie, watching your videos has actually given me the confidence I needed to start my very own YouTube channel.. watch this space! You are inspirational, and I love your videos. 🫶🏽✨

  6. Laura Groom
    Laura Groom says:

    I messaged you on Insta about this and OMG, it’s actually pathetic! I love your accent 💕

    I wish there were more accents online. More Northerners and Midlanders 💪🏼. This is why when people not from the UK thing we all speak like Southerners. Trust, guys. There’s moooooore to the UK than flippin London 🙄

    Thank you for the long a$$ vlog 🥰😘 xoxo

  7. Christina Robinson
    Christina Robinson says:

    Don't apologise for your rant l know where you're coming from,I'm from the East Midlands and have moved to the South West, and constantly get…..you're not from round here are you!!😅or,you're from up north aren't you.

  8. maureen thompson
    maureen thompson says:

    My daughter and I love the way you speak. Only common people criticise the speech of others.. you should hear us Australians! We have a huge country with very little variation in speech,it’s lovely to hear UK regional speech.

  9. Rebecca
    Rebecca says:

    I love your accent! I was thinking throughout the video that you have such a nice way of speaking, don't pay attention to people who comment things like that… They are clearly insecure and trying to bring someone else down. Don't change your accent or the way you speak, it's lovely! X

  10. Michelle Shearer
    Michelle Shearer says:

    I love your content Alex and I have never thought twice about your accent , it's your accent jeezo people can be so strange . Never mind the tiny amount of people who have anything pointless to say , your'e a winner 🥰

  11. marlene artigues
    marlene artigues says:

    Ah, some people! Do not change anything about yourself. You are such a breath of fresh air these days. It seems that a lot of the Youtubers I used to love, have now changed into Hermes-hoarding, luxury brand-only wearers and are now too cool for the likes of me let me tell ya. No one is left that is unique and approachable anymore. I hope you stay as you are, that's what makes you relatable and a jy to watch.

  12. LorZZ
    LorZZ says:

    I’m Irish and I remember in my 20’s my confidence was knocked by a posh, well educated London manager who should have known better not allowing me to present my own work on a large Conf call because he didn’t respect my accent. It was hurtful at the time and his snobbery still angers me. I love hearing people’s accents – imagine how boring it would be if we all sounded the same. But accents are definitely not the most important thing either, your lovely personality is what shines out in your videos ❤

  13. Emmi Fisher
    Emmi Fisher says:

    Hi Alexx, I'm also a West Midlands girl and get people comment on my accent too. So annoying and hurtful isn't it. Says more about them than us. Hold your head up. Love your style and videos 🫶🏻💜🌟 x

  14. Tanya O'Neil-Urquhart
    Tanya O'Neil-Urquhart says:

    WHO would have a problem with your accent??!! It’s perfectly beautiful. I’m from Nova Scotia Canada and I find YOUR accent very real and pleasant…I can’t even believe someone would say something to you about it. I’m so sorry!

  15. Warrior Goddess Crystal Geometry
    Warrior Goddess Crystal Geometry says:

    Oh my goodness! I get such joy at watching your videos, and I absolutely love your accent as matter fact, I would love to have an accent I want to go to London or England, and come back with an accent, I’m here from the USA , the keyboard trolls don’t matter. ❤️🙏🏼

  16. Rach
    Rach says:

    Hi Alex I would just like to say there is absolutely nothing wrong with your accent. I'm from Newcastle and have a geordie accent. Shame on the people who called you out. They obviously lack in social skills and probly have no friends. ❤

  17. Karen Williamson
    Karen Williamson says:

    Love watching your vlogs Alexx and hearing all about flicka and your dogs and home life , as previously mention by some of your other followers, if people don’t like your accent they then can not watch and stop listening.
    I think with all bloggers you are not going to please everyone , hats off to you Alexx using this platform to keep people informed about so much lifestyle, purchases and your everyday life. Thank you 😘x

  18. TheElfin24
    TheElfin24 says:

    Some people want to get a life, if I were to start a channel I'd get ridiculed for sure as I'm a geordie and the amount of stick and down right rudeness would be overwhelming but hey just smile and wave Alex!! You just got to sometimes see the funny side of it all and def don't let it upset or change you as a person! xoJoanx

  19. international_food_queen
    international_food_queen says:

    2023 and we're still being discriminated for accents. A big Birmingham news account on Instagram recent had a dig at the Blackcountry accent and it touched a nerve with me big time. I find accents endearing, its what makes us who we are ❤


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