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Weekly Grocery Haul || MEAL PLAN #groceryhaulonabudget Channel Mentioned: @Maegen’s Kitchen Her Cowboy Caviar Video: …

30 replies
  1. Mrs.Rushy
    Mrs.Rushy says:

    Nice haul! You're doing great with your prepper pantry! Have you thought about getting long term food storage in addition to your prepper pantry? Like food that you don't have to rotate very often. Like 20-30 year shelf life food like rice, wheat, oats, sugar, freeze dried fruits and veggies, etc.

  2. Lori D
    Lori D says:

    Congrats on meeting your goal! Is it $100 a week or &$100 for the month? groceries are $$$ out here in Southern CA. I'm so thankful for ALDI. With gas at $4.39 & the price of groceries, it's really hard to save money. Good job!

  3. Holly Fink
    Holly Fink says:

    Lately, if I use it I buy it. Because you never know what will be there next time you go to the store. It’s driving me crazy! I keep a running list of ideas for meals, just pick up what I see hopefully on sale to make what’s on my idea list. Really good sales I buy for the future! I just don’t think it’s going to get better soon. I just pick what I feel like to make for dinner when I know I can make it come together.

  4. Stacy Russell
    Stacy Russell says:

    Yes!! All last week I was making dinners off the meal plan. I just didn't want what was on the list 🤣. Even my kids were bored with the same old recipes. We sort of winged it all week. Trying to stick to this week's plan tho. One week of no plan was enough craziness.

  5. Laurie Lyon
    Laurie Lyon says:

    It has been one of those weeks for me as well. I usually try to fix things, especially at the beginning of the week that we can have as leftovers. I've been eating hot dogs at work lol! How much was the hamburger at Ruler? I have been buying a breakfast sausage every week when I go to Aldi and also a bacon every week. I'm thinking about doing the same thing with hamburger like you are doing.

  6. Jennifer Gragg
    Jennifer Gragg says:

    The last few times we have gotten those potato crown things we have had trouble finding them too! We usually get groceries from Kroger or Walmart here in Bowling Green! We just got some bottled water from Kroger the other day but i didn’t pay attention to the price! Love your hauls!! 💜💜

  7. cynthia stauffer
    cynthia stauffer says:

    I bet Luke's dad is enjoying the home cooked meals every night 🙂 I'm guessing his dad is still pretty young since you and Luke are still young 🙂 I went to Kroger today and they didn't have any frozen potatoes in the Kroger brand at all. There was very little Ore Ida. I've been in prepper mode for years. I actually turned my daughter's old bedroom into my pantry 🙂

  8. Alison Gaudin
    Alison Gaudin says:

    Hey its cheaper if you buy the three bottle pack at walmart i take the same medication 💊 at night and its works great and i know about being on a budget i have to be on one also and its hard to stay on budget with the prices are sky 🌌 rocketing and im proud of you for staying on budget im learning alot of things from you like how to budget and to have a pepper pantry

  9. mixedupjo
    mixedupjo says:

    I'm there right now. Not feelin' it. My dinner last night was granola. Taco Bell would suit me fine, but don't ask me to make tacos. It will get better soon when we put our flip-flops on to go to the store! Oh and THANK YOU for putting the Menu and Inventory sheets on Etsy. I have them. Perhaps I'll use them…in a minute. You have no idea how many times your magnificent crockpot meals have saved me.

  10. Carrie Newsome
    Carrie Newsome says:

    Lol I thought for sure you went over budget!!! Awesome job. I laughing because I am doing it with you and only way I can do it is by ordering Walmart delivery.. I can’t trust myself to go in 😂🤣

  11. Pulse with a Purpose
    Pulse with a Purpose says:

    Good job keeping in budget, it is so hard to do these days. I always splurge on the ore ida crispy crowns for anything that calls for tater tots because I’m not a tater tot fan. We have been having shortages with frozen potatoes too. Our McDonald’s had a sign up last week they were only selling small fries because of the frozen potato shortage.

  12. JoAnn Carpenter
    JoAnn Carpenter says:

    Woohoo!! Great job! I understand your reasoning on smaller packages, right now it’s just me & even the smallest package is too big! I do my best to meal plan what I have, I’m getting better at it. I look forward to your WFD!

  13. Mrs. Alma Trumble
    Mrs. Alma Trumble says:

    Happy Tuesday girlie. Great haul and meal plan. Everything on the meal plan sounds delicious. I have the weeks where nothing sounds good then the next week everything sounds good. Hope y'all have a great afternoon and week. See you next video. Stay safe. God Bless.


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